As expected I lost my ranked match haha. I got so rusty.
I'll be flying in Friday so this totally works. How about dinner? We can grab some food around 8? My flight gets in at 5 so acounting for traffic and checking in it might be a while. If not we can hang Saturday.
basically a week from today(thursday)When is Worlds starting, again? This week or next week?
2 weeks from today actually.
Groups start on the 29th.
So if I am having tough time at ranked, just dropping and never getting promoting, I should just play Normals for a while, right?
I just can't seem to escape B2 no matter what.
what roles and champs are you playing?So if I am having tough time at ranked, just dropping and never getting promoting, I should just play Normals for a while, right?
I just can't seem to escape B2 no matter what.
basically a week from today(thursday)
unrelated but so I don't double post, looks like more star guardian skins, teaser posted of LoL facebook, with the words, "you are not alone"
i want a livestream of the costy x kayos dateFriday is good for me! Saturday will be tough since I'll be working the event, and I'll likely be flying home on Sunday.
One of the Star Guardian skins needs to be Sailor Mercury
Please give me this one, Rito
basically a week from today(thursday)
unrelated but so I don't double post, looks like more star guardian skins, teaser posted of LoL facebook, with the words, "you are not alone"
Uranus best grill/guy.Wait, did I say Mercury? Why the fuck did I say Mercury, I meant Mars, Mercury is for plebs
Let's be serious and think what champions are most likely viable to be Star Guardian guys. Also, one has to be something like Tuxedo Mask, right?
Star Guardian Urgot is more likely than Illaoi getting a frilly mahou shoujo skin.Star guardian illaoi
Most female champions have recieved skins recently. Syndra is the obvious choice - no skin for almost a year now, highly requested -, Zyra - no skins in three years - , maybe Jinx and Karma?
Just checking but
I hadn't played LoL in 2 months; if I play a game now will I get the free Kayle skin?
you should, yeah
Wait, did I say Mercury? Why the fuck did I say Mercury, I meant Mars, Mercury is for plebs
yeah i hope there's a tuxedo maskLet's be serious and think what champions are most likely viable to be Star Guardian guys. Also, one has to be something like Tuxedo Mask, right?
Urgot needs a star guardian skin.
YesWould you actually buy it and play it if they did release SG Urgot?
Why is irelia OP?
Jupiter was best though.
daily reminder to always ban yasuo