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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


W max malphite is underrated. By level 4 I was taking almost no damage from a riven with my rune page and just a cloth armor as a first item. With a chain vest she might as well have been healing me.
W max malphite is underrated. By level 4 I was taking almost no damage from a riven with my rune page and just a cloth armor as a first item. With a chain vest she might as well have been healing me.
Wasn't W what Malph maxed in that brief period where he was broken after his mini rework?


I would. He still has a silence, can press a button to get tanky and an high-damage execute. That's basically the definition of being able to be useful while behind in League of Legends.

It's a melee ranged 1.5s silence on a champion who doesn't have ready access to the opponents back line mages where a silence would be most useful. It being tied to his speed boost also telegraphs the intent. By the time Garen reaches the target the mage should have had an entire rotation of their spells complete and the 1.5s has a good chance to be applied while everything is on CD.

Yeah, Garen gets tanky, but that's actually a huge problem in combination with his speed boost off of Q. It gives Garen a false sense of mobility- not enough to close in to the target, but enough to get him into trouble he can't disengage from. Every Garen I've ever seen does this, even fed ones, and that's a huge problem. Illaoi, Darius, etc. don't have the sort of mobility that can get them proper fucked. Their kits incentivize them to stay back with the group and punish engages, which is exactly what they want to do.

His ult nuke is magic damage on a champion that will be building zero magic penetration items. If it were physical damage that'd be a different story, but it's not. While it can deal true damage, Garen has no control over that effect. Once mid and late game roll around and the kills start getting distributed more towards carries and assassins and away from frontliners, then Garen's problem closing in comes into effect again.

Ultimately, the biggest knock on Garen is an easy one - why? Why would anyone pick Garen when there are champions in his own class that a significantly better at his job. In a world of Illaoi, Darius, etc. there's no reason to play him outside of personal preference.

But actually lose it? Like, start 0/4 and be behind in farm and come back and do work?

I can say the same about an 0/4 Garen. Actually, I've never seen an even Garen do anything of note during a match. In my experience they keep doing whatever they were doing. Frankly, if I started to log my experience with Garen't I'm confident I'd find that the majority that make it our lane even tail off (again owing to the problem of confident Garens being just enough length of rope to hang themselves with).

Any rate, the major difference between a Sion that did well and a Sion that did poorly is mostly the range of the ultimate. The worse Sion did, the closer Sion has to be to his team when he engages - play more conservatively, in other words. A point blank ultimate into a minimum stun duration Q is still a 2s AoE stun. He gets to follow that up with AoE %max health nuke and a nice 20% armor reduction for his ADC to abuse (combo that with the %armor reduction from a black cleaver, and baby you got a death stew goin'). That's in teamfight scenarios, Sion can still use the ult for picks, clean-up, splitpushing, etc. An 0/4 Sion can keep going down, 0/5, 0/6, etc. because he actually has tools to enable the rest of his team to carry. Garen isn't doing any of that.

And finally, the biggie for me: there's no reason to get behind as Sion since he doesn't have any genuinely bad match-ups. Favorable match-up? Max Q. Not favorable or losing? Max E and hunker down. Not only can he play from behind, but as you even said yourself it's rare for him to be put into that position in the first place.


honestly i don't think he would've intervened either

yeah it's pretty disappointing. If people were that disingenuous about a AAA game on gaming side the thread would be a graveyard.
the problem is that not moderating in the slightest encourages people to shitpost

mods are 100% to blame for doto shitposters cos they don't do anything

you don't have to ban anyone, just chip in when the conversation is being taken into a shitty direction because someone had an agenda

Not trying to backseat mod but my problem with every non-community League and Dota2 threads is that the mods don't do anything about the shitposting. They'll go out of their way to make sure Destiny shit posting doesn't exist but with every League/Dota2 thread they just twiddle their thumbs. At the very least ban some people as an example. There's an unprecedented lack of forum etiquette when it comes to comparing these two games yet nothing ever gets done. Yet when people start making Destiny posts that have essentially become banned memes, they get instabanned. Like.. I don't get it.
i don't think there's a complicated answer, most neogaf mods that like mobas like doto better than league, rest of the mods (understandably) don't know shit about mobas, so when something needs to be done it's the first group that acts and that group is biased as hell so shitposting is allowed to continue cos it aligns with their views

it's an unfortunate state of affairs but that's what bad moderation looks like

I still remember boken's outburst at this exact issue that, funnily enough, got him permabanned

yup, the day boko got banned is the day i lost all fondness for neogaf as a forum. i like the people in this thread and steam thread, that's it

having said this it feels awkward for me to complain about it. As a Rioter it looks bad for me and looks like I'm trying to get criticism censored, but it actually just comes from being a GAFfer that wants remotely decent discussion in these threads.
you should definitely stay out of it for both ur sake and league in general in neogaf

I remember when I just casually went into the dota 2 thread to see what the game is like and the ot was just crudely drawn MS paint images that were nothing, and I just thought why.
i mean, that's fine, they're not hurting anyone by doing a fun ot that's inside memes and stuff

ot12 here is basically just a joke too so it's not like we're above that (or should be)

What's your guys' favorite source of League news on YT? I'm trying to model myself after some "tried and true" formulas and add my own take on them, but I need to know what people like about the channels that "work".
hmm, couldn't say

i watch scarra's patch rundowns but that's about it. biggest reason is he's very knowledgeable about what he's talking about and generally provides an interesting take that i might've missed when reading the patchnotes myself

What's the biggest slide that everyone's had in terms of going down ranks? 2 seasons ago panda and I climbed from gold 5 to gold 1,then I slid all the way from plat promos down to gold 5 0 lp in like a week. That was the worst feeling ever. I still managed to climb back up and get plat in the post season but man that drop was so awful
never dropped in rank but never played enough to do so, i think

ended at silver 4 in s2 and ended g1 every season since

never had the drive to finally play those idk 15 games to get to plat lol

have some new Fiora splash arts

so goooooooooooooood
nightraven looks awesome

i kind of hope they actually redo lissandra's splashes

they're not bad art but the whole TEETH aspect of em is just ugh


if we broke down all of zky's multipost replies into individual replies he'd have like 10x the number of posts of the highest poster here


The problem is that ADC and Support are too balanced right now other than Kog and Soraka, and no-one is ever gonna defend either champ.
We need someone to go on rants about every champion again. Even though it got out of hand at times, at least ish was entertaining.


Yasuo is a champion made for mongoloid toe handed spastic fucks that payed 100 dollars for a boost to diamond and is now in your game on a 30 game losing streak.

ryze is the best champ in the game again but everyone just sucks too much balls to use him.

karma sucks balls again

rengar is the perfect pick for bronze tanking

graves is the best jungler in the game again

sivir sucks balls again

syndra LOL

ahri LOL

supports suck balls this meta; no agency so everyone just plays fucking soraka and shit

alistair top is s tier

good enough

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
AD TF can kill any other adc in a 1v1 at full build and if they don't build QSS.


What's the biggest slide that everyone's had in terms of going down ranks? 2 seasons ago panda and I climbed from gold 5 to gold 1,then I slid all the way from plat promos down to gold 5 0 lp in like a week. That was the worst feeling ever. I still managed to climb back up and get plat in the post season but man that drop was so awful

Nothing special. When I was D1 I dropped to D3 after the mmr changes with the introduction of the Master tier. Since then I've at most dropped to like D4 after a bad streak in D3 or D2.
The problem is that ADC and Support are too balanced right now other than Kog and Soraka, and no-one is ever gonna defend either champ.

Ok what if we remade Soraka

And she had a bow

And she could have a long distance AoE stun with a small radius

And her ultimate stealthed everyone as well as healing them over time


Been playing ranked trying to gtfo of bronze and, ya know ... I actually think that people try harder in my normal games :l

Fucking Annie randomly flashing or dropping her ult blind over a wall for zero reason or Annie just selling all her shit for adc Items late game ... someone having the nerve to pick Malp aka the rock known for losing lane vs Kled aka the champ that's worthless if they're not winning lane. Fucking Sona just randomly walking into people.



Ok what if we remade Soraka

And she had a bow

And she could have a long distance AoE stun with a small radius

And her ultimate stealthed everyone as well as healing them over time
Oh that chick from heroes? I just call her Kog'Maw because of her stun thing reminds me of his ult and it really annoys my friend lol.

Heroes did do some stuff better than League, but overall it is the worse game. I haven't really seen any cancerous champions other than like that one tank chick Sgt Hammer.

I played a lot of Valla and she's pretty fun. Reminds me of like Vayne and Ashe.
Oh that chick from heroes? I just call her Kog'Maw because of her stun thing reminds me of his ult and it really annoys my friend lol.

Heroes did do some stuff better than League, but overall it is the worse game. I haven't really seen any cancerous champions other than like that one tank chick Sgt Hammer.

I played a lot of Valla and she's pretty fun. Reminds me of like Vayne and Ashe.

Hammer is like, the easiest dive in the whole game >_>; I like alot of concepts in Heroes. It's a good breather from league at times.


I agree that Heroes is a good breather from League. Heroes is fun to play with your friends, League makes you hate your friends.
Should I even bother to play Heroes? When it was released I had a toaster that couldn't run it, but I was never really interested on it. But it may be worth a try, idk.
Should I even bother to play Heroes? When it was released I had a toaster that couldn't run it, but I was never really interested on it. But it may be worth a try, idk.

If you don't have friends to play on it it's not worth getting.

Ehhh I disagree. Friends is fun(Especially if you can play Cho'Gall, now thats an awesome concept), but I've enjoyed it solo myself.

Like I mentioned, it's a good breather from League. It's more arcadey than league due to how the mechanics work(No buying items, everyone levels together on your team, the skills are way stronger than they would be to their League equivalents). A good breather.


When you make a great game and give it outstanding support for more than 5 years it pays off.

It's one of the best multiplayer games ever. It's surprising in a very good way that a multiplayer game with actual depth is basically the biggest game in the world. Too bad the community is filled with the worst kind of trash people, but that's hardly the game's fault.

I hope the rumored fighting game is real. Scammy Capcom tried forcing a F2P model into their 60$ uncompleted demo but it failed miserably, fortunately. The market for a true F2P fighter is still there, if they release it soon they'll take it forever.

i love how even when praising league nev can't help but being nev
Has anyone seen the following two bugs:

1. The upgrade icon for one of your abilities remains there even after you have selected an ability.

2. Jinh dialogue being heard anywhere across the goddamn map.


oh man met a guy that's in gold V that thinks he was so godly. We get into the game and he instantly starts bitching in all chat about how unfair it is that they have all gold's on their team and we have 2 silvers (one is me at silver 2). going on how shitty the matchmaking is, I try to tell him that I don't play much ranked and that I have decently high mmr cause I have a 60% win rate and only have been climbing. He was having none of it. Needless to say the team morale was low and the game didn't go well. I didn't do so well, and he was soooo tilted, i couldn't help but laugh at him spewing all the hate at me. He's asking me wtf is that liss build (had zhonya's, protobelt) I linked him to champion.gg and probuilds of liss builds and them all having them in it, but I just hear about how bad I am that I have to look at guides to play my champ.

Everyone in post game was trying to tell him how people have bad games and the skill gap between high silver and low gold isn't exactly huge. He goes on how silvers don't take ranked seriously and why would I play a champ in ranked I don't have ranked 5 mastery in. I look this guy up and he's been playing for 9 hours and is 2 wins and 10 losses. Also he's played 74 champs in ranked this year. lol Was also crazy that he has 6500 normal wins, and I thought I played a lot with 1300.
Well, can officially confirm that I'll be at all Worlds stops this year covering the tournament for EU Lolesports.

If you're in San Francisco, Chicago, New York or LA hit me up :) would be especially awesome to do a LoLGAF meet-up in LA before the final if possible!


Gold Member
oh man met a guy that's in gold V that thinks he was so godly. We get into the game and he instantly starts bitching in all chat about how unfair it is that they have all gold's on their team and we have 2 silvers (one is me at silver 2). going on how shitty the matchmaking is, I try to tell him that I don't play much ranked and that I have decently high mmr cause I have a 60% win rate and only have been climbing. He was having none of it. Needless to say the team morale was low and the game didn't go well. I didn't do so well, and he was soooo tilted, i couldn't help but laugh at him spewing all the hate at me. He's asking me wtf is that liss build (had zhonya's, protobelt) I linked him to champion.gg and probuilds of liss builds and them all having them in it, but I just hear about how bad I am that I have to look at guides to play my champ.

Everyone in post game was trying to tell him how people have bad games and the skill gap between high silver and low gold isn't exactly huge. He goes on how silvers don't take ranked seriously and why would I play a champ in ranked I don't have ranked 5 mastery in. I look this guy up and he's been playing for 9 hours and is 2 wins and 10 losses. Also he's played 74 champs in ranked this year. lol Was also crazy that he has 6500 normal wins, and I thought I played a lot with 1300.

And I apparently thought gold was the most humble elo. I guess I have to exclude low gold there.
Well, can officially confirm that I'll be at all Worlds stops this year covering the tournament for EU Lolesports.

If you're in San Francisco, Chicago, New York or LA hit me up :) would be especially awesome to do a LoLGAF meet-up in LA before the final if possible!

We got a crew of 12 gaffers rolling in LA for ya, lol.
Can someone help me on how to ADC ezreal? I've tried it recently with a manamune + trinity build and it seems to lack damage (and the W seems useless).
I'm probably building and playing it wrong, so I wanted some suggestions


Can someone help me on how to ADC ezreal? I've tried it recently with a manamune + trinity build and it seems to lack damage (and the W seems useless).
I'm probably building and playing it wrong, so I wanted some suggestions
The biggest advice I can give for Ezreal is that you have to E forward to do damage on him. W doesn't do much dmg, but it's worth using just because it's part of your combo. Triforce does more dmg, but gauntlet lets you play more aggressive.

Don't try to group too much unless your tear is stacked. Try to back as early as possible, it's okay to lose a little CS in exchange for a tear. Don't fall under the trap of sitting under tower with no mana and only a doran's blade. Ezreal is a shitty pusher, so you're prob gonna have to miss CS against heavy pushers like Sivir and Cait if you want to back for tear.

Also remember, you can always E in to burst someone quickly and use flash to get out fast. Honestly, for getting used to Ezreal I would recommend getting Gauntlet over tear. You do like 50% less damage, but it's easier to land your stuff and plays you make become less risky.


Gold Member
Gauntlet over tear? Don't you generally go both?

Most common I see is tear into sheen then straight to IBG. Finish up manamune get ionian in between then just go last whisper, BorK, GA/BT/ Mercurial in no particular order depending on who you're up against.

The other build is just trinity instead of IBG but getting frozen mallet as well for utility but mostly the same as the previous build.

The 1st build is generally safer.


The key to ezreal is not giving a single fuck. Learn his limits and be aggressive without shifting into 5 champs

An ezreal that sits back and just throws Qs in teamfights is completely useless. Make use of that passive and drop them bork autos

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
And I apparently thought gold was the most humble elo. I guess I have to exclude low gold there.

Fifth and 1st tiers of any division is kinda ass. There's something about being the bottom of the ladder or on the verge of moving on to the next one that makes plenty of people toxic. I prefer more conventional methods of trolling, like selling items and walking down mid. At least you know then the game is absolutely over rather than having people try to play mediator and calm the angry manchild.
In low/high tiers you get the people that want to move up but aren't able to because they suck, so they just lash out.

The good part of Gold is around G4 when you just play with Gold people.
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