NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
I assume this friday.This.
I'm not the worst? :V
I assume this friday.This.
I'm not the worst? :V
Annie is the closest you own to an easy to play ranged assassinthanks - what about ranged assassin type? morgana? not a fan of annie's visual design.
What do you meanwait what happened earlier
What roles/champs do you play?So it's been a few weeks since I climbed out of the hell that was Gold 5. Now I'm just stuck at Gold 3... I've had numerous instances where I drop into Gold 4 but instantly get back into 3 and I keep losing games in Gold 3. Some my fault and some just into dumb luck. Anything I can do to help increases my chances. Perhaps I'm not doing something in this rank that I haven't caught onto yet?
What do you mean
What roles/champs do you play?
Your picks rely a lot on snowballing to be effective so if you do bad you're boned. Maybe diversify your champ pool a bit? I dunno
I mostly watch Phylol since he covers meta discussions, tendencies and rising picks
That's a hard one, are you looking for more utility or bruisers with similar playstyles to yours?Any recommendations?
Any recommendations?
play Swain
cool champ you can flex mid and top and has a laning phase that's pretty hard to fuck up.
Any recommendations?
Played another round of heroes, it's weird how heroes has this weird feeling of zero frustration but also feels like you have zero stakes in the game.
so why is jayce so popular recently, i thought i was being original by picking him up ;___;
Swain is not cool. I've seen who mains Swain in here...
Last season I was like Gold 2 with Plat-ish MMR and by the end of S5 I was getting matched with S2 people at G5 lolWhat's the biggest slide that everyone's had in terms of going down ranks? 2 seasons ago panda and I climbed from gold 5 to gold 1,then I slid all the way from plat promos down to gold 5 0 lp in like a week. That was the worst feeling ever. I still managed to climb back up and get plat in the post season but man that drop was so awful
I assume this friday.
Swain is not cool. I've seen who mains Swain in here...
If only Nightraven looked that good in-gamehave some new Fiora splash arts
so goooooooooooooood
If only Nightraven looked that good in-game
? Nightraven is nice
top champs that can be useful even when behind most of the game:
- Garen
I'd never use those words to describe Garen.
Why would I use it over any other Fiora skin
She should have been spoopier like Bloodstone Taric
Jhin skins when.
Most fun ADC by a long shot.
have some new Fiora splash arts
so goooooooooooooood
so why is jayce so popular recently, i thought i was being original by picking him up ;___;
The buff last patch made him really good and a large amount of youtubers predicting he will be strong this patch. That and the carry top meta is going on.
I'd never use those words to describe Garen.
Never played him. which of those 3 categories do you think he fits in? I've never seen a Sion do well after falling behind in his lane. Not once. I've seen plenty win their lane or break even and dominate later. But actually lose it? Like, start 0/4 and be behind in farm and come back and do work? I ain't seen it, but I can see his CC being useful at all stages of the game.Add Sion to your list bruh.
Malphite is the king of lose-lane, win-game.
That's because nobody with a soul actually picks him.I haven't heard anyone talk shit about malphite since I placed into Bronze I in season 3
I haven't heard anyone talk shit about malphite since I placed into Bronze I in season 3