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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Gold Member
Graves is another one of those champs that stack Black Cleaver passive really well. I think one or two shots completes all the stacks.


if we're plugging things

can someone give me advice on jungle and team fights as skarner or in general. team fights happen at like 20 mins+ but we kept losing and it's prolly my fault. i also feel like i waste a lot of time just farming jungle instead of doing stuff but idk.


also pls like and subscribe

The tips you've seen are largely general stuff that apply to lost of junglers and not just Skarner.

After watching lots of live matches of Skarner mains over the past month and then doing my best to copy what they're doing because I was unsatisfied with my own performances....

Most players know that Skarner's pre-6 ganks aren't that great. The potency of Skarner's pre-6 ganks depend of how well the laner is able to apply their own CC to start the gank, or at least how well they can bait the target to engage and misposition.

There is however a misconception that his post-6 ganks are stellar when in reality they actually aren't that great either. He still has trouble closing the gap, and until you get 3+ points in Crystalline Exoskeleton he's better off ganking lanes that can initiate for him. The main difference is that if he can close the gap pre-6 there's a good chance for a kill, post-6 it's a near certain kill.

So there's a temptation to power clear as Skarner and get his ultimate up as soon as possible because it does make his ganks more powerful (not easier, again, just more powerful), but against champions that can gank very well starting at level 3 that can lead to some problems. Junglers with really strong post-6 ganks who want to power clear (Nocturne, Rengar, etc.) can chance spotting the opposing jungler an early kill and map pressure because they can get it back over time, but Skarner can't because it's not like a successful gank opportunity is guaranteed once you hit 6.

Instead, I observed that the best Skarner players tend to focus on invades and deep wards, claiming zones, counterganks, jungle objectives, and being a general nuissance to the opposing jungler in the early game. They still farm quite a bit, but the objective isn't to get to 6 and gank. The objective is to out level the opposing jungler and get in their face. Skarner is difficult enough to handle when at an even level. Being ahead in levels and fighting in your zones means trouble.

Certainly use the ult for picks when the opportunity comes up, but recognize that the real strength of Skarner's ult isn't engaging, it's to take an out of position target and make that positioning mistake catastrophic. Sometimes that does mean using the ultimate to initiate, more often than not it means being patient. Skarner is a juggernaut - he wants the opposing team to close-in, so let them by holding back on the ult.

Some of the most devastating ults I've used where against assassins and divers going on my carries, and that's actually how I prefer to use the ult come late game. They come in and I immediately ult them and pull them away from the intended target. That ~2s suppress is more than enough time for your carries to light up an assassin and almost enough to finish off a diving tanky bruiser, which is fine because Skarner's high base damages (which get stupid with Trinity Force) and E stun will do the rest. Once their diver(s) are dead the teamfight has likely gone all clusterfucky and Skarner can easily sneak into the opposing backline and smash whoever's left.

EDIT: Some specific things for the video you posted:

Make sure you use Q when you're ulting a target for some extra damage.
In a heavy AD comp, and against an armor loving tank like Malphite, consider Black Cleaver as your first buy after completing cinderhulk. It would have given your entire team a damage boost. Since it costs less than TF you could have dipped into armor purchases earlier as well.
You actually played those teamfights really well as Skarner. You held onto your ult, and nabbed high priority targets when they were out of position. There's a few instances were you may have been looking for the perfect target too much. In one case you were fighting Xin and Malphite who got caught in Yoricks zombie wall thingy and didn't use ult. If you used it on either of them Jhin and you may not have died. The exchange ended up working in your favour, but it could have been even better).
Remember that moving the ult'ed target doesn't always mean pulling them back. Sometimes it's best to just keep them there. Sometimes it's best to move them tangetially away to the side. The goal is away from, but still in range, of your carries. There's a few instances where you pulled in Lee Sin that could have gone south.

I wouldn't feel bad about this performance at all. If your team had trouble with mid-game teamfights it's because everyone on your team did some really breathtakingly dumb shit.


Anyone know when season ends? Wanna try and get back into practice and grind masters out before the end.

Also why is auto fill enabled in normal games? wot


Okay okay, I am sorry. I have a very bad problem of over self-promoting to the point where it gets disgusting and annoying and makes people feel like they are (as mentioned in this thread) a focus group. It is an issue I have -- but it comes from a good place. I want so desperately, and so adamently to make my channel/stream survive and flourish. I am ambitious, I am hungry, I want to be one of the GREATS -- and I look around and see how far "behind" I am already so far behind and below people I see putting in 1% of the effort I do. So that's where this CONSTANT barrage of "hey check out me! check out meeeeee!" comes from.

It is an issue, and I am sorry it has affected your guys' community. I have already been banned on my favorite subreddit for over-advertising myself instead of actually contributing with a community like actual human beings with a common hobby. I will post my links in the future when I have something that I feel is worthy of being shared -- in the meantime I will continue to lurk and actually contribute to the community.

Okay, /end rant. Let's get back to talkin' about Riven boobies.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Okay okay, I am sorry. I have a very bad problem of over self-promoting to the point where it gets disgusting and annoying and makes people feel like they are (as mentioned in this thread) a focus group. It is an issue I have -- but it comes from a good place. I want so desperately, and so adamently to make my channel/stream survive and flourish. I am ambitious, I am hungry, I want to be one of the GREATS -- and I look around and see how far "behind" I am already so far behind and below people I see putting in 1% of the effort I do. So that's where this CONSTANT barrage of "hey check out me! check out meeeeee!" comes from.

It is an issue, and I am sorry it has affected your guys' community. I have already been banned on my favorite subreddit for over-advertising myself instead of actually contributing with a community like actual human beings with a common hobby. I will post my links in the future when I have something that I feel is worthy of being shared -- in the meantime I will continue to lurk and actually contribute to the community.

Okay, /end rant. Let's get back to talkin' about Riven boobies.


ima make an avatar for you

Also you need to ask fierro for riven boob but im sure zky can hook you up.

but as for getting HUGE as a content creator:
Since you're young and are white without a huge niche, I'd say just do what feels natural for now. i've seen many channels grow like that when I was youtube. But once you get huge enough is when you can go EXTREME. like look at markiplier, when I first watched him he had 200,000 subscribers. Now look at him, he has Youtube RED deals.
I still remember the days when I wanted to be big in youtube...
I had an idea to start a gaming channel called NoobGaming...
Boy how that turned out. lol
dude chill
also this. we may not be reddit, but we have SOME class when discussing games


Gold Member
I love stomping people with my Riven. <3

Besides I also played her a lot so if I get a match against her, it's super easy. Then I flash my mastery 5 emote cause I only have riven's and not any other champ.


holy shit i just realized the champ with most mastery points I have is Yasuo. by a huuuuge margin. I haven't played him consistently since season 5. god damn, i must've been spamming the hell out of him. sorrynotsorry

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
I hope the new champ can't actually spawn bushes, the Riot spaghetti code just can't fkn take it.
it'll be j4 all over again with his minion coding. That shit sucked.

also I found that you must subscribe to photoshop now so I'lll just give you something from my backlog.


man these promos were a nightmare

first game was super easy, but then it went dark

second game top fizz rushing zztop and afking at base for like 30s, then randomly tping to botlane, placing zztop and backing. over and over again. this lasted for an hour... loss

then we went as 5 and got our asses kicked by really good players, they had a really good jinx and lee but whelp, you overextend once and that's it


maybe this year i'll actually play enough to get to plat, idk, i always get lazy


Anyone got any guesses on the champs who get the new SG skins?

My guess is ...

Teal Star- Illaoi
It's the biggest, it's in front of the rest, it's time she got a fucking skin. >_>

Sparky Blue Star- Jinx.
The SG Jinx fan art concept has a huge following and sparky blue seems to scream Jinx to me.

Red Star- Syndra or LB or someone on the sly/ darker side.

Pinkish one- Poppy/ Trist/ Lulu or Annie or something. Someone small. Would say Earth Bender but she's too new.

As for how games have been going ... what's with the role system? Twice now I've been given mid even though the system has only been searching for a 1min or so. Normally I don't get 2nd roles unless I allow it to search past the estimated time. :/


for as long as the mastery spam has been available, i've only now started to flash it after getting kills / dying really really dumbly

the second one is hilarious when they respond after my dumb death with their own


Anyone got any guesses on the champs who get the new SG skins?

My guess is ...

Teal Star- Illaoi
It's the biggest, it's in front of the rest, it's time she got a fucking skin. >_>

Sparky Blue Star- Jinx.
The SG Jinx fan art concept has a huge following and sparky blue seems to scream Jinx to me.

Red Star- Syndra or LB or someone on the sly/ darker side.

Pinkish one- Poppy/ Trist/ Lulu or Annie or something. Someone small. Would say Earth Bender but she's too new.

As for how games have been going ... what's with the role system? Twice now I've been given mid even though the system has only been searching for a 1min or so. Normally I don't get 2nd roles unless I allow it to search past the estimated time. :/

There was a guy on reddit that claims he has inside information on the new skins. It is Lulu, Poppy, Janna and Jinx according to that guy. It seems reasonable enough since there has been some time since they received skins.


There was a guy on reddit that claims he has inside information on the new skins. It is Lulu, Poppy, Janna and Jinx according to that guy. It seems reasonable enough since there has been some time since they received skins.

I have faith that Riot has the vision to see that Illaoi as not had a new skin yet and that "Janna" not only has a fuck ton but also a legendary skin.

So Imma say "show me the receipts" on that guy.


There was a guy on reddit that claims he has inside information on the new skins. It is Lulu, Poppy, Janna and Jinx according to that guy. It seems reasonable enough since there has been some time since they received skins.

i call bullshit cos not doing a syndra skin would be too dumb to be true

Reddit says that Lux is getting the next ultimate skin.
i hope not, lux already has the best skin in the game, no need to make me spend more money
Reddit says that Lux is getting the next ultimate skin.

How about Reddit goes burn in a fire.

If Lux gets the damn skin, I will be unhappy. Swain fucking deserves it. Not Lux who already has like 5 fucking skins.

If that leak is real, I think I'll be done with League. "For the players" my ass. Give skins to champions that don't have, or have gotten any.


Reddit says that Lux is getting the next ultimate skin.

Reddit also said that a new champ was gonna be a support that could suck ADCs into it's back hump and extend their AA range as it takes dmg for them before it turned out to be the Earth bender or AS ...

Reddit also said that the next Ult Skin would be some kinda Dino/ Dragon Maokai that changes the seasons on the map or something a long time ago.

Reddit says a lot of shit.
How about Reddit goes burn in a fire.

If Lux gets the damn skin, I will be unhappy. Swain fucking deserves it. Not Lux who already has like 5 fucking skins.

If that leak is real, I think I'll be done with League. "For the players" my ass. Give skins to champions that don't have, or have gotten any.
excuse me, but Jayce is the only one that "deserves" an ultimate skin. his kit is perfect for it in the same way Udyr's was perfect for it. Maybe even more so:

- 7 abilities
- 2 forms
- each ability very unique and could have its own special effects
- stylish as fuck

do jayce right and he'd be the only one that you can say, "yep...that's worth the price".
excuse me, but Jayce is the only one that "deserves" an ultimate skin. his kit is perfect for it in the same way Udyr's was perfect for it. Maybe even more so:

- 7 abilities
- 2 forms
- each ability very unique and could have its own special effects
- stylish as fuck

do jayce right and he'd be the only one that you can say, "yep...that's worth the price".

He has like 3 skins though. I'm talking from the viewpoint that some champions are just straight up ignored for the worse.


I think most of the champs that are ignored either have boring kits or are just not very popular. Swain is the former, Karma is the latter/.


I have faith that Riot has the vision to see that Illaoi as not had a new skin yet and that "Janna" not only has a fuck ton but also a legendary skin.

So Imma say "show me the receipts" on that guy.

i call bullshit cos not doing a syndra skin would be too dumb to be true

i hope not, lux already has the best skin in the game, no need to make me spend more money

Sure, we should take it with a grain of salt. We don't have any proof, just the guy proclaiming he has inside info. We'll see soon enough.


I think most of the champs that are ignored either have boring kits or are just not very popular. Swain is the former, Karma is the latter/.

riot also doesn't want to spend resources on making skins for say warwick when he has a rework coming up that'll require redesigning his design and vfx

but yea i think if ur champion hasn't gotten a skin in a while you can read that as rito not thinking much of ur champion's current state


riot also doesn't want to spend resources on making skins for say warwick when he has a rework coming up that'll require redesigning his design and vfx

but yea i think if ur champion hasn't gotten a skin in a while you can read that as rito not thinking much of ur champion's current state

2bad it seems they know pantheon needed a VU back when they put out dragonslayer pantheon but still put skins out for him


Cant they just use that model and make it the base model while dumping the old model in the vault as "traditional" pantheon?

This pretty much happened with Garen. Steel Legion Garen was a huge update to his old model/animations, and after a while all his skins were updated to the Steel Legion standard.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
This pretty much happened with Garen. Steel Legion Garen was a huge update to his old model/animations, and after a while all his skins were updated to the Steel Legion standard.
See? Rioters
should hear wisdom from me.
Now let my tell my wisdom on why ilivern is gonna be like bard...
Cant they just use that model and make it the base model while dumping the old model in the vault as "traditional" pantheon?

This pretty much happened with Garen. Steel Legion Garen was a huge update to his old model/animations, and after a while all his skins were updated to the Steel Legion standard.

Right, Garen is an example of that. But Pantheons new skins still use the animations of his old model. Garens Steel Legion skin for example, did have upgraded animations compared to his original skin(most evident in steel legions Q compared to the backflip Garen did). But Baker Pantheon is just the same animations.
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