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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


...which is why their 'but muh remake' excuse doesn't really work out. Pantheon has a shitty model.

Akali is also supposed to get a fat rework at some point but they still gave her a new skin.

Hell, Ryze was being reworked between the time his latest skin was first shown off and his rework iirc.


Right, Garen is an example of that. But Pantheons new skins still use the animations of his old model. Garens Steel Legion skin for example, did have upgraded animations compared to his original skin(most evident in steel legions Q compared to the backflip Garen did). But Baker Pantheon is just the same animations.

Yeah. I guess there might be more time until Pantheon's visual update than we'd expect.
Panth got new skins because he has an ok rig that Riot can work with so even if he gets reworked down the line it'll be much easier to update his skins.
Akali is also supposed to get a fat rework at some point but they still gave her a new skin.

Hell, Ryze was being reworked between the time his latest skin was first shown off and his rework iirc.
750 skins don't count because they take less effort than other skins. Eve got one too.

Ryze hadn't gotten a skin in years and was only getting one because Faker asked for it and it was gonna be a 750 skin. When it got pulled it only showed up again for his rework.


So, I'm in a ranked game, suddenly I disconnect for no reason. I check my internet and everything's fine, I reconnect and 3 seconds later I'm dc again. I try to login again and it's impossible to reconnect. I check the forums and there's a lot of people reporting the same happening, with about 6 new threads in 10 minutes. Result? I get a "Leave", probably some reports and -20LP, exclusively because of Riot servers.

Thank you very much!!!

This is just too fucking much, I take the good things I said about them back. I lose 20lp and get reported because of them, exclusively, 100% their fault. I AM punished for your garbage servers malfunctioning? Are you for fucking real? The biggest game in the world and they can come up with this complete and absolute bullshit? Fuck you honestly, fuck you very hard. "Oh oh thank you guys, 10th anniversary, derp we're drowning in money, here take a shitty kayle skin but say goodbye to your LP because fuck you hah keep giving me money". I'm done with this shit game. Worst thing is I just queued up again. Fuck this game.



good god 66 kills in 26 minutes. when did i descend to bronze


I don't even know why I bother with ranked. I just get games where I get steam rolled.

dont do it if you're not having fun. I still drop in for occasional casual games but for ranked I stick to 1v1 games now. I'm just too much of a loner to do well in LoL

I'm still a fan of a sort.

Man mudrika ripped me a new one for logging on last night to do a coop ai match. But there's something magical bout League of Legends. As soon as I start a match all of a sudden my wife needs me or something. I'd have to divorce her to make time for this game lol

Good to see so much activity in this thread I want to say I think it's busier than ever

good god 66 kills in 26 minutes. when did i descend to bronze

Nice!!! man I never see that hero you're playing. She back in meta? I bought her a long time ago but never played her much


slowly realizing there are still plenty of morons even at plat. Been moving up and getting plats from last season that are currently gold 3-1. Thinking they might be decent, but then I get a first time riven picked into irelia, and varus adc. Varus adc i don't mind, I did however mind the hurricane into BT rush. Like where does one get these builds. lol


slowly realizing there are still plenty of morons even at plat. Been moving up and getting plats from last season that are currently gold 3-1. Thinking they might be decent, but then I get a first time riven picked into irelia, and varus adc. Varus adc i don't mind, I did however mind the hurricane into BT rush. Like where does one get these builds. lol

There are plenty of people who don't know how to play in diamond too.


for as long as the mastery spam has been available, i've only now started to flash it after getting kills / dying really really dumbly

the second one is hilarious when they respond after my dumb death with their own

That's my favorite way to use the mastery emote. Do something so incredibly dumb people would think I've never played the champ before and flash my lvl 5 or lvl 6 (seriously I'll never see a level 7) emote from my corpse.

Khazix is a good one for that. Jump in to some stupid situation and die immediately. /Mastery emote


Gold Member
Because it's lux. If they really want to get more money then immediatly make a chroma for every sg skin.

Like I wanna be sailor uranus but I don't want to be lulu at the same time.(if ever lulu gets an sg skin)


So, I'm in a ranked game, suddenly I disconnect for no reason. I check my internet and everything's fine, I reconnect and 3 seconds later I'm dc again. I try to login again and it's impossible to reconnect. I check the forums and there's a lot of people reporting the same happening, with about 6 new threads in 10 minutes. Result? I get a "Leave", probably some reports and -20LP, exclusively because of Riot servers.

Thank you very much!!!

This is just too fucking much, I take the good things I said about them back. I lose 20lp and get reported because of them, exclusively, 100% their fault. I AM punished for your garbage servers malfunctioning? Are you for fucking real? The biggest game in the world and they can come up with this complete and absolute bullshit? Fuck you honestly, fuck you very hard. "Oh oh thank you guys, 10th anniversary, derp we're drowning in money, here take a shitty kayle skin but say goodbye to your LP because fuck you hah keep giving me money". I'm done with this shit game. Worst thing is I just queued up again. Fuck this game.
Wake me up inside.

(Can't wake up.)
in terms of Swain not getting an Ultimate skin, allow me to play devil's advocate to Breezy

Yes, champions with older models etc. are a lot less likely to get new skins, especially legendaries and ultimates.

ultimates in particular are extra tricky. Considering someone like Swain, who will need significant work in the future and will probably be Sion/Poppy/Taric/Yorick levels of update, it really just doesn't make sense to make something of that calibre for a champion that will see heavy updates. The amount of resources and time it takes to develop an ultimate skin is absolutely colossal. All that work would effectively have to be completely redone when the champion is reworked.

Champions like Garen getting a skin is different: Garen was outdated and needed an update, but his core fantasy and visual style was already very defined, and his gameplay updates were minor in comparison. Skins for other champions that need a rework are also usually lower-tier skins, like Safecracker Eve.

I think if we were to rework Pantheon his visual style wouldn't change drastically, and we also don't have legendary/ultimate level skins for Pantheon.

So while I'm not making any comments on who will/won't get the next ultimate skin etc., just wanted to offer my opinion on why it wouldn't make sense for certain champions to get skins of that tier. As much as I want to see Dragon Master Swain, I'd rather we do it when we have a version of Swain that's fucking kickass and that can really do that level of work justice.


Gold Member
Is there any ultimate/legendary skin in the works tho? It's been a year and a half I think since DJ Sona got released. Riot should have an ultimate skin in the works for January at the very least.

Please say yes. I know you won't cause reddit.

pm me. I promise my lips are sealed. if it is leaked, I'll ask for a ban.
We have already announced we have another ultimate skin in the works.

Won't confirm either way though, and not acknowledging leaks (fake or otherwise) cos they suck


so apparently monte didn't even get invited to worlds, while doa is gonna be casting overwatch or some shit

that's really disappointing that the two best casters aren't gonna be at worlds, but also that monte didn't even get a chance to?

i don't care for the reasons, not having the best casters at worlds just looks bad and makes the whole thing less exciting. montecristo might be hard to deal with or whatever, but it's rito's job to make worlds awesome and no monte is not awesome

SG Lulu

SG Jinx

SG Syndra

SG Taliyah

Fuck it. Let's go!!
i hope it's just one mage getting a star guardian skin so i don't have to spend that much money lol

2bad it seems they know pantheon needed a VU back when they put out dragonslayer pantheon but still put skins out for him
there's difference between pantheon/eve and urgot/yorick, even if pant/eve will get a rework down the line, their reworks won't be as massive as urgot/yorick's

pant will still throw spears and have his ult and stuff.

plus it depends a lot on the quality of the rig, if they have a shitty rig making skins turns into a nightmare that's not worth the time it takes to make

Cant they just use that model and make it the base model while dumping the old model in the vault as "traditional" pantheon?
they can't really reuse the model but they can reuse the rig, which is something they've done in the past. bear in mind rig doesn't mean animations, just the skeleton

but still, it's a waste of time and money to create vfx for abilities that are gonna be changed later on

What I'm mad about is why riot didn't make a sg lux chroma when it would sell gangbusters.
well the best color is already taken by the default skin so...


Well, don't be an asshole to a potential employer and this doesn't happen. Riot still needs to operate within the real world in that regard.

I don't care either way. Casters for me have never ever been a main attraction, Joe "Joe Miller" Miller is the only exception and I still miss him dearly. Riot's lineup of casters is really great. Out of that lineup I think the only one who hasn't improved enough to be at Worlds is Pulse.

Slightly related but is it me or is it telling that OGN decided to launch Overwatch league right at League's offseason? It will only conflict with a bit of worlds lol, won't be a real competition at least for OGN.


Well, don't be an asshole a potential employer and this doesn't happen. Riot still needs to operate within the real world in that regard.
my issue with this line of thinking is that it's not really my position to care about this stuff, it's riot responsibility to make sure they don't have falling offs with the better talent out there so worlds can be the best it can be

montecristo seems to work just fine with ogn (who i bet don't pay him fortunes), but it's a mess when it comes to riot, and while that is probably both parties' fault, i shouldn't have to deal with excuses and petty arguments on twitter and shit and instead should just be able to enjoy worlds without thinking about all this crap

this is not really a joe miller and deman situation where they were just trying out other games, this is a really shitty situation that's been going on for years that we as spectators end up paying for


I get your point but Riot over these last couple of years has also made sure of giving themselves a surplus of (mostly) high quality casters. So if this kind of thing happens, or illness, or whatever. It won't really be felt as much in terms of talent.

At the end, this is a thing that varies for each person and Riot has imo made a fine job so it will affect the least amount of viewers (affect = shit casting). I don't care about Monte but surely will miss DoA. But on the event itself I probably won't notice or think about this.



really cool comic by lengyou

I get your point but Riot over these last couple of years has also made sure of giving themselves a surplus of (mostly) high quality casters. So if this kind of thing happens, or illness, or whatever. It won't really be felt as much in terms of talent.

At the end, this is a thing that varies for each person and Riot has imo made a fine job so it will affect the least amount of viewers (affect = shit casting). I don't care about Monte but surely will miss DoA. But on the event itself I probably won't notice or think about this.
i mean, the doa thing is no one's fault, doa getting married is a happy thing etc

the montecristo thing is imo mostly riot's fault because it's their job to keep casters happy and according to him it has nothing to do with this last stretch of messiness cos he was told he wasn't invited prior to the regi-tryndamere stuff

there's still gonna be a lot of great casters at worlds and i like that we get pappasmithy and froskurinn so that it's not just all the na people but still, missing the two best ones is a real bad look

Why didn't they take Quickshot or Deficio instead :(.

Honestly if they got rid of someone like Rivington I wouldn't even watch LCS.

Anyways, this is the full caster roster.
quickshot and deficio are great, you cray

why take anyone off


Nah Quickshot and Deficio C tier casters come at me.

S tier : Rivington, Jatt, Monte, DOA
A tier: Kobe, Papasmithy
B tier: Krepo, Dash, Phreak

Haven't really seen an Froskurin VODs.


Nah Quickshot and Deficio C tier casters come at me.

S tier : Rivington, Jatt, Monte, DOA
A tier: Kobe, Papasmithy
B tier: Krepo, Dash, Phreak

Haven't really seen an Froskurin VODs.
honestly that's not a bad tierlist but i'd put quickshot and deficio up there too, and also pastrytime, i like him a lot even if he has like that one line that he repeats like 40 times every single game

i also really like spawn cos he's pretty funny and knows a lot about the chinese scene and lms


Yeah, I'm sure China has some good casters but no-one on NA watches China so I don't know much about that scene.


I love all the Aussie guys, Kobe, Pira and Papasmithy, I'm content with everyone else except Pulse.

I've never liked Phreak's casting >_>

I don't really like Lastshadow videos but have no idea how he casts.


Gold Member
I really like spawn. I dunno, I just feel like I learn something every time he talks. Maybe it's his voice. I like listening to him.


I went to the league 100m thread and holy shit. It's kinda getting annoying how every league thread on gaming side always turns into a Dota vs LoL thread. I mean I posted quite a few things as well and I'm not claiming to be innocent but I just can't stand back man. I'm too passionate about the game. Obviously I've played both games and I'm a bit biased to LoL cause I'm not playing dota atm but can't LoL get a break?


At least both communities can agree to shit on heroes :^).

But yeah, NeoGAF has a bigger Dota preference. Going in the mumble server makes it obvious.


This is a dedicated gaming forum. It's understandable, try introducing DoTA to a random coworker that happens to play LoL. They probably won't last a full bot game.

They both have their place and are different enough. I stopped playing dota ever since I got married, lmao. Lol is just way easier to play casually.


Why didn't they take Quickshot or Deficio instead :(.

Honestly if they got rid of someone like Rivington I wouldn't even watch LCS.

Anyways, this is the full caster roster.

LS is casting. wot. They replace Monte with LS? I heard him cast months ago and he was absolutely shit.
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