Ive only seen Ori like 4 times since i started playing 6 months ago but i see that her pick rate is rather high.well for starters i wouldn't say ori is unpopular, but other than that
i think she's in a pretty ok spot, the removal of athenes hurt her quite a bit but also rylais is really broken right now and that's an item that works really well with her kit since she can apply it on like a 1.8s cd. she still struggles with ppl that can push her early like ahol or velkoz or azir so she's not as safe of a blindpick as she used to be, but i think she's still rewarding if u play a ton of games with her
i specially don't like playing against ad assassins with her cos rushing zhonyas on her is super punishing in a way it isn't on other mids, so other than that, i'd probably pick her into anyone if you're willing to concede laning phase in certain matchups
build her morellos -> rylais -> void staff (as in, same build as syndra) and if you farmed right you'll be chunking adcs for half their health and permaslowing them too
idk why people seem to still do morellos deathcap on champions like ori and syndra when rylais is seriously completely broken, but w/e, NOW YOU KNOW
also don't use her heartseeker skin cos apparently that skin is cursed and it's impossible to win on it. use poro ori or one of the originals (i personally like tpa ori a lot)
What about GLP or Rod of ages? I mean rod of ages is really slow so i guess thats the answer but i kinda like GLP.
Right, how would a typical lategame build look like? also her passive seems rather hard to utilize, do you weave attacks between your q's and stuff like that?
EDIT: Also, you sure about heartseeker? i like i winter wonder but its hard to get