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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
if they ever do evil star guardian then maybe i'll forgive them for this blunder


omfg anyone but janna

i hate her so much lol

i remember i got a janna poster when someone went to pax or worlds or something last year. I still have the poster on my wall right now.
whos laughing now?


if they ever do evil star guardian then maybe i'll forgive them for this blunder


omfg anyone but janna

i hate her so much lol

F*cking +1. before Sona became so cancerous she was my go-to ban botlane. Absolute snoozefest to play as or against.

Once that skin releases she might start being my priorty ban. can't actually let janna players use the skin they paid for, that'd be incorrect.


Nah we needed Star Guardian Garen? Why? Cause fuck you that's why. XD

Also it would be nice to have another Garen skin that actually change skill animation colors and such. He only has one that does that. :(
that'd suck even more

i already have the best lux skin

you know who'd be a kick ass elementalist

fucking syndra


Each of her orbs could be a different element

Like she has orbs of earth, wind, fire, water, and heart(?) floating around her

nope it's just Lux

You know what. I really think there is some hidden buff when a champ is on a killing spree or whatever. Because there is no way a Morgana with Frostfang and four Faerie Charms nearly one shots me with Q>W



Each of her orbs could be a different element

Like she has orbs of earth, wind, fire, water, and heart(?) floating around her

nope it's just Lux

i seriously don't get ur problem breezy lol

who do you want skins for?

tell me one champion that doesn't fill the "will be reworked/visual updated/nobody likes em"

Syndra should get like... 20 new skins.

Dark Star Syndra.
i think the dark star line is kind of redundant considering her default style, but i bet she could get some killer vfx

also i prefer light hearted skins so i'd rather she got a dodge ball thing or whatver
i think the dark star line is kind of redundant considering her default style, but i bet she could get some killer vfx

also i prefer light hearted skins so i'd rather she got a dodge ball thing or whatver

Dark Star Thresh is already redundant , Syndra would be a ethereal being like the Diablo III sorcerer.


Yorick. Or swain.

swain is gonna get a full rework

yorick had a full rework like two weeks ago lol

i don't get why you're so upset over the champions they selected for this line of skin when you don't like magical girls anyways. and they just had a skin cycle with skins for like pantheon and akali and olaf ffs

i really think you're being quite silly here

Dark Star Thresh is already redundant , Syndra would be a ethereal being like the Diablo III sorcerer.
idk, i feel like regular thresh is kind of a spooky ghost, dark star thresh is kind of a space mist thing

i'd say varus is more redundant than thresh but varus skin looks kind of sick so i don't mind

syndra i think just can do everything right cos her balls are like kind of generic magic, so they've been strapping her balls of light and water and ice and stuff, which is fine but it's been feeling kind of uninspired so she has no true like S tier skins

it's a pity cos her being able to move while casting means she could get some really sick animations for like a legendary skin or something


Gold Member
Fuckin lulu got a skin when she just got pool party this year.

None of my mains got hit with sg. I guess it's not a priority for me. I got all poppy skins before sg too. Blacksmith poppy is GOAT.


Meh ill get the Poppy skin, really dont like the other champs. Janna got great skins already aswell.

Dat Jinx skin doe, so good


healthiest assassin is still very much terminally ill

Anything that could be described as a healthy "assassin" IMO is just an unfun and unfair PoS to deal with.

That's why we ... say it together now ...TAKE SION MID! They wanna tilt you, you tilt them! They don't get fed in lane with their bull SHIT burst (If I had a 100 rp for every time I bullied a Fizz outta lane with a mage only to get one shot by this unfarmed fuck the second he hits 6 I could buy 2 reg SG skins.)

You suck up their dmg, zone them from farm, ZZrot that bitch and keep em there til the game has pasted their most effect time period.


Anything that could be described as a healthy "assassin" IMO is just an unfun and unfair PoS to deal with.

That's why we ... say it together now ...TAKE SION MID! They wanna tilt you, you tilt them! They don't get fed in lane with their bull SHIT burst (If I had a 100 rp for every time I bullied a Fizz outta lane with a mage only to get one shot by this unfarmed fuck the second he hits 6 I could buy 2 reg SG skins.)

You suck up their dmg, zone them from farm, ZZrot that bitch and keep em there til the game has pasted their most effect time period.
I don't mean to insult you, but are you a bronze player? I feel like you have some weird misconceptions on midlane and probably the game overall.

You really shouldn't be buying zzrot mid... You're supposed to be a primary damage source mid...


I don't mean to insult you, but are you a bronze player? I feel like you have some weird misconceptions on midlane and probably the game overall.

You really shouldn't be buying zzrot mid... You're supposed to be a primary damage source mid...

yeah, you're doing a lot of things when you lock in sion mid.
1. Probably tilting your team in champ select
2. Taking a full tank into one of the primary damage dealing lanes.
3. Relying on your team mates to fill AP damage needs.
4. A good Zed will just be more productive, even if he can't kill you(I still think he could) he'll just roam and kill your team mates.
5. If all you want is to play sion I'm sure people will be more receptive of it top, sup, or jungle.



damn it rito

you let me down

its because he has so much counterplay that he sucks total ass right now lol.
he sucks ass because his design is pretty bad, any champion that can be 100% countered by one item is just bad design

buying zhonyas is not really counterplay, it's just zed being really binary by design. they've slowed down some of his abilities but his ult landing is still wonky as shit and his laning is still really obnoxious

he might look cool but his design is so shit

Anything that could be described as a healthy "assassin" IMO is just an unfun and unfair PoS to deal with.
i'm hoping the assassin reworks will make assasins less feast or famine and more fun to play against

doubt it without heavy itemization changes tho

That's why we ... say it together now ...TAKE SION MID! They wanna tilt you, you tilt them! They don't get fed in lane with their bull SHIT burst (If I had a 100 rp for every time I bullied a Fizz outta lane with a mage only to get one shot by this unfarmed fuck the second he hits 6 I could buy 2 reg SG skins.)

You suck up their dmg, zone them from farm, ZZrot that bitch and keep em there til the game has pasted their most effect time period.
sorry, i even tried it, but sion mid is troll

I don't mean to insult you, but are you a bronze player? I feel like you have some weird misconceptions on midlane and probably the game overall.

You really shouldn't be buying zzrot mid... You're supposed to be a primary damage source mid...
i wouldn't say u have to be primary dmg dealer, i think zilean is really strong for instance, but it depends a lot on ur comp.

the biggest issue with playing a tank mid is that any competent mid will shit on ur turret and/or roam, specially if their jungler is half smart and helps em


Zilean actually does way more damage than you would think.
he does a lot of dmg but that's not his main goal or whatever

he's there to clear waves and buff adc first, do damage second

i kind of wish there was more of this in the game, less dmg oriented mids would be nice

i miss lulu


I don't mean to insult you, but are you a bronze player? I feel like you have some weird misconceptions on midlane and probably the game overall.

You really shouldn't be buying zzrot mid... You're supposed to be a primary damage source mid...

I've already gone over how it's actually something that came from/ people GOT from high elo players and relies on team comp if you don't remember (which is why I stopped doing it. Works well when Sup goes "fake sup" that's actually a AP Mid Laner and are just gonna build DMG regardless of what happens anyway like Vel, Annie, Brand or w/e. That and when top goes with a dmg carry who aint gonna build to be an engage tank. Doesn't work when you have a team of top tank, a traditional sup of any kind and only 2 dmg champs. It's a pick and champ that relies on your team a lot and I can't have that so I'm riding that Illaoi Train now).

It's not just me, many Sion players like taking him to any lane they please regardless of elo (maybe Sion players see things differently than most? You can legit Google "Sion guild" and find that many play him where ever they want and enjoy it/ find success). IMO team comp is important. Doesn't matter so much where the members of the comp come from if they can make it work and gain the momentum needed to get through the game.

Aint like I'm saying "Take Poppy mid! :D". Nope ... this is a Sion thing only so far as I can tell. Likely for the same reason he's apparently an AMAZING support (Ranged harass + Tanky).

Also the ZZrot is to overwhelm the enemy mid. Get it early and they likely wont have the wave clear to push you outta lane most of the time. Either they roam and give up their tower or they farm as you push and harass until they're under tower and the rot chips it down. You're also likely to draw a ton of JG pressure away from the other lanes and cause it's a short lane you can likely get away with it cause you're tanky af. You can also rot other lanes later to cover them, generating more gold for yourself and more lane pressure.

Not that big of a deal. It's a off meta pick that can work when used right.
I wonder if Riot thought about adding a skin or something with Mech vs Minions, maybe a icon, a summoner icon would have been pretty cool. Mmm.

Oh, I rerolled three skins shards since I already had them. I got Blood Lord Vladimir, its splash art looked kind of bad but it's 1820... is it cool?


i'm hoping the assassin reworks will make assasins less feast or famine and more fun to play against

doubt it without heavy itemization changes tho [/quote]
IDK, I feel like the easier it is for you to 100 to zero someone the more you have to be punished if you can't do that.

That's the big flaw in balancing them IMO. No one likes being Insta booped so making them not do that is better for those people playing against them but is gonna be less appealing to thos "Check out how I insta booped this loser, dude! :D (or w/e kids say these days)" types.

[quote] sorry, [URL="http://matchhistory.las.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/LA2/363628446/242090?tab=overview"]i even tried it[/URL], but sion mid is troll [/quote]

Part of your problem is that you had not the best team comp for it. You needed to AP support that's gonna build straight dmg at the very least. That sup doesn't appear to be trying to be a AP carry and your top laner was feeding.

Like I said, it's situation and reliant on your team. You win lane or take mid tower and try to snowball other lanes with ult. That's the flaw in it ... you can do well all game but if you're team aint working together/ doing enough dmg/ or if your DMG dealers are behind it falls apart. Their ADC doesn't give a fuck about you if you can't CC them with a DMG dealer who can kill them to follow through.
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