Real talk zkylon Syndra just got the winter skin less than a year ago, would have been even more recent when these were being concepted.
Real talk zkylon Syndra just got the winter skin less than a year ago, would have been even more recent when these were being concepted.
Sg jinx looks like a Raita design rip off
Sg jinx looks like a Raita design rip off
So, Jayce and Orianna are getting more popular. DV and zkylon rejoice?
inb4 nerfs:33333333333333333333
Im 50% mad.Hold on! Star Guardian Poppy is a 1350 skin? Atleast make her abilities blue or something, not just some stars around them, the others get new colors...
Bleh, sorry for caringIm 50% mad.
I agreee but poppy has no good skin right now so...Bleh, sorry for caring
idk, a ton of champions can oneshot or pratically oneshot you even if they're not assassins. i'm thinking of most junglers early game and some adcs and tops, as well as most mages even if it's less instant than assassinsIDK, I feel like the easier it is for you to 100 to zero someone the more you have to be punished if you can't do that.
That's the big flaw in balancing them IMO. No one likes being Insta booped so making them not do that is better for those people playing against them but is gonna be less appealing to thos "Check out how I insta booped this loser, dude!(or w/e kids say these days)" types.
i'd say it's more of a cheese than a legit strat, specially in ranked where ppl are gonna be tilted at champ select if they see you pick sionPart of your problem is that you had not the best team comp for it. You needed to AP support that's gonna build straight dmg at the very least. That sup doesn't appear to be trying to be a AP carry and your top laner was feeding.
Like I said, it's situation and reliant on your team. You win lane or take mid tower and try to snowball other lanes with ult. That's the flaw in it ... you can do well all game but if you're team aint working together/ doing enough dmg/ or if your DMG dealers are behind it falls apart. Their ADC doesn't give a fuck about you if you can't CC them with a DMG dealer who can kill them to follow through.
well i didn't like snow syndra very much so that's double lame for me :>Real talk zkylon Syndra just got the winter skin less than a year ago, would have been even more recent when these were being concepted.
if it works for u then go ahead. i have a friend that got diamond playing singed, has like 3 only-singed smurfs on high plat and that's all he can doNew page so Imma bring this up ...
Gaf, I got a problem.
I've been playing so much damn Illaoi that she's become my most played Champ. Above Diana who I used to learn mid lane and was my main for so long. Above Sion who I used all the fucking time until Dashy Mc Hop Hop melee carries became the new meta over tanks.
I've gotta say I think I'm getting good with her. Been using her to get back into rank and I've been winning a good deal. According to OP I have a 60% win rate with her which I assume is good. (Guessing that's counting all the games I played to learn her)
But now ... because she's so damn unique and different to other champs ... I feel like I have no clue how the fuck to play any other champ I was good with before. Like I legit feel like a new born baby horse playing Diana or Trundle. I'm just sitting there thinking "what's this shit? How am I supposed to fight this clown with Au-au-auto attacks? :/". Sion's not too bad cause his kit is full of AOE skill shoots and he can take a hit but it's nothing like Illaoi's "2v1 me brah" style. My most recent Trundle game was one were I played like a bitch in a match up I use to beast on. 2 of my 4 kills came from me realizing that "unlike with Illaoi I don't HAVE to stay in this area at this level! I can just walk away and not lose meh power" and rotated mid to clean up their low bot lane that just got some kills.
Not sure what to do. Keep doing what works or try to invest more time into learning other champs? Cause I like playing ranked as the wins actually count for something but I don't wanna drag champs into it blind just cause Illaoi was banned or I was given Mid.
Noticed this was a major problem today when I got Mid and played Vel into LB. Won with a 2/10 KDA. I legit had to remind myself over and over that I can't just E people after they hit me cause I was just letting them drop the DPS on me thinking I could turn it or not being more careful about BC hooks cause in Illaoi mode you WANT to be in their group, ulting :/
the explanation on ori is pretty good, specially since solo q idiots seem to be buying luden's echo on her of all thingsSo, Jayce and Orianna are getting more popular. DV and zkylon rejoice?
nah, that's gonna be syndrainb4 nerfs
yeah, they should make her vfx blueHold on! Star Guardian Poppy is a 1350 skin? Atleast make her abilities blue or something, not just some stars around them, the others get new colors...
i don't have a problem with zhonyas and abyssal having cdr, to me that's kind of fitting and makes them better as laning items which is very goodCDR is too easy to get these days. 40% should be something you go out of your way for, not something that's fucking handed to you because you have CDR runes and bought core items. Abyssal and Zhonya's have no business having CDR.
Woah lets not get to crazy here.i don't have a problem with zhonyas and abyssal having cdr, to me that's kind of fitting and makes them better as laning items which is very good
but i think most champions' cds should've been nerfed to compensate, similar to what they did with mana
this also includes ad since youmuus is now super strong
also since EVERYBODY runs cdr/lvl blues nowadays, maybe remove rune system altogether :>
CDR is very easy to get these day on any champ.
Like you wouldn't normally get cdr on adcs and mid laners at all last season. Mid laners rely more on bursts than sustained damage and adc was more on kiting while aa.
wait cdr on mids was always core
it's just that now you have 10% from runes and 10% from zhonyas/abyssal on top of morellos
Hold on! Star Guardian Poppy is a 1350 skin? Atleast make her abilities blue or something, not just some stars around them, the others get new colors...
That actually does sound like a good idea. I feel like that's what they're going for with the Rework, saying that they're looking into giving them counter play and having them have to take more time to kill you as well as changing some of their mobility/ stealth.idk, a ton of champions can oneshot or pratically oneshot you even if they're not assassins. i'm thinking of most junglers early game and some adcs and tops, as well as most mages even if it's less instant than assassins
the problem with assassins for me has always been that ALL they do is oneshot people, so when u tone them down so they take a bit more time for it they turn out to be useless cos why would i play leblanc who has to get fairly close and can't waveclear when i can just fish for q's with lux from 1k range and oneshot ppl anyways and also i have ranged waveclear
that's why like half a year ago i was talking about making assassins play more like a "trickster" class, add a lot of diversion and deception qualities to assassins so if they're not gonna be main waveclear and they're not gonna be oneshotting ppl in a quarter of a second then they can make ur team waste time chasing them, they can bait summoners, etc.
i'd say it's more of a cheese than a legit strat, specially in ranked where ppl are gonna be tilted at champ select if they see you pick sion
if it works for u then go ahead. i have a friend that got diamond playing singed, has like 3 only-singed smurfs on high plat and that's all he can do
pick some safe and easy champion for ur off-role (velkoz is fine) and you're set
Agreed, I hope they change that. I get why her skills don't change shape as much as others but at least make them have a interesting color change.yeah, they should make her vfx blue
The issue with Poppy's skills is one of clarity: her Q and W have to be pretty close to the base for in-game reads. It's a tradeoff we have to make sometimes.
In the meantime, here's some Star Guardian animations and VFX (including recalls) while we wait for a certain friend of the forest to make his entrance.
What about kissingplease don't hump my leg
please don't hump my leg
That walking/running animation
That walking/running animation
where does the jungle minions go when that ivern takes them?
edit: ohh.
wait what role is he?
Is the dash instant when attacking the rooted target? Imagine you root the Juggernaut the ADC is kiting masterfully and... Hilarity ensues.
So Ivern is basically ranged support jungler. As an Ivern main I'm super pumped.
no offense dude but you're probably the last person on leaguegaf that should be giving out advice on what to do mid.
i would not list imaqtpie as a reliable source of midlane prowess in any situation.Well fuck, sorry if I pissed in your cereal or something. Just trying to describe how the concept works as I've seen it successfully used and have used it myself in the past.
It's not something I pulled outta my butt, I can actually post a vid of a D1 Sion mid vs Qtpie which inspired him to try it.
Never said I was good at anything or that you should do w/e. Hell, I stopped doing it for the reasons I listed ... but like any off meta pick it's something that can work if done right and done well.