Dom is hilarious with qtpie.
On his own, though WutFace
He's used to be a huge pain, it's completely different now that he just streams. He's mostly chill and goes into detail what he's doing, etc. He takes community requests to play off-meta junglers and goes into detail while playing why they aren't meta at the moment, what meta would favour them, when to pick them, and how to compensate for their weaknesses if you really want to play them.
I're going "WutFace" for a player that used to be a pro with a good, informative stream but you're now watching one whose stream has devolved into "kappa kappa kappa, what do you guys think of this personal stupid shit kappa kappa kappa" while spamming Rengar in plat smurf games. You won't learn shit watching Nightblu3.
I shouldn't pick Shen support, when I'm getting out zoned by two ranged. I do it still because we our team has no tanks.
Is it because you play him top too and you want a familiar pick for support? Otherwise I don't know why you'd do this when you can pick stuff like Braum, Sion, and mah boi Taric.
I'm not sure whether or not Ivern is OP, but I strongly feel that if Riot doesn't soften the hp and mana costs of Friend of the Forest in the mid-game he's isn't going to be competitive in higher elo even though the rest of his kit is very suitable for that level of play. Capping three camps and being drained to 60% hp when opposing junglers are now clearing camps as fast, if not faster, without even taking a hit to their hp or mana pools is going to do Ivern in.