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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Dom is cool because you can actually learn a thing or two since he explains shit and he's sort of like QT who tries to make his losing games entertaining, plus he's constantly duoing with QT or Dyrus and they're hilarious together. His editor is also pretty good so if you don't like his stream he has a pretty nice YT channel.

If you want a stream strictly for learning then yeah, Rush or Valk.
Think I'd get all the followers if I twerk for the audience anytime I get a penta? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

still can't believe that's a thing


By the way, I really do miss my sarcastic/shit talking gaffers. :'( Why must I have no internet...


I shouldn't pick Shen support, when I'm getting out zoned by two ranged. I do it still because we our team has no tanks.


Gold Member





Ivern was once cruel and so was Riven before she had a huge event happen. Riven was once bathed in toxin so to change that she now proliferates nature. Ivern is nature based. Nature is green. Riven theme is green. RIVEN IS IVERN!!!!


Dom is hilarious with qtpie.

On his own, though WutFace

He's used to be a huge pain, it's completely different now that he just streams. He's mostly chill and goes into detail what he's doing, etc. He takes community requests to play off-meta junglers and goes into detail while playing why they aren't meta at the moment, what meta would favour them, when to pick them, and how to compensate for their weaknesses if you really want to play them.

I mean...you're going "WutFace" for a player that used to be a pro with a good, informative stream but you're now watching one whose stream has devolved into "kappa kappa kappa, what do you guys think of this personal stupid shit kappa kappa kappa" while spamming Rengar in plat smurf games. You won't learn shit watching Nightblu3.

I shouldn't pick Shen support, when I'm getting out zoned by two ranged. I do it still because we our team has no tanks.

Is it because you play him top too and you want a familiar pick for support? Otherwise I don't know why you'd do this when you can pick stuff like Braum, Sion, and mah boi Taric.

I'm not sure whether or not Ivern is OP, but I strongly feel that if Riot doesn't soften the hp and mana costs of Friend of the Forest in the mid-game he's isn't going to be competitive in higher elo even though the rest of his kit is very suitable for that level of play. Capping three camps and being drained to 60% hp when opposing junglers are now clearing camps as fast, if not faster, without even taking a hit to their hp or mana pools is going to do Ivern in.


Holy shit, I just realized that if monsters can't attack Ivern, then enemy AoE abilities that hit jungle camps will immediately target them. Invading Ivern early is going to be a pain in the ass.
Holy shit, I just realized that if monsters can't attack Ivern, then enemy AoE abilities that hit jungle camps will immediately target them. Invading Ivern early is going to be a pain in the ass.

Can't they? He can pacify them, but have they tested if aggroing jungle monsters, they will ignore Ivern?


I've recently started watching Nightblue3's YouTube videos.

Dude is literally just posting videos of him playing blind pick against people not even level 30 and his editor has this really cringey "joke" where he shows NB3's webcam and it's an anime girl emoting. And he's horribly unfunny. It's like watching a 12 year old who just discovered the internet.

Why do his videos have millions of views?



Can't they? He can pacify them, but have they tested if aggroing jungle monsters, they will ignore Ivern?

Correct. Just saw a Vi invade an Ivern and she aggro'ed the blue buff camp with her E damage. Golem went straight for her even though Ivern was closer. If a champion wants to invade Invern, there's a good chance they'll have to fight Ivern and the camp. It's fucking amazing and fits his motif so well that monsters will, technically, fight for him.
Correct. Just saw a Vi invade an Ivern and she aggro'ed the blue buff camp with her E damage. Golem went straight for her even though Ivern was closer. If a champion wants to invade Invern, there's a good chance they'll have to fight Ivern and the camp. It's fucking amazing and fits his motif so well that monsters will, technically, fight for him.




What do you guys think of Maokai Supp?

Been playing him for quite sometime, but his stats is not suited for supp. He is not tanky without items, and supp Items are not enough.


What do you guys think of Maokai Supp?

Been playing him for quite sometime, but his stats is not suited for supp. He is not tanky without items, and supp Items are not enough.
Same as for Shen. Why wouldn't you just play a good tanky support instead? Leona if you want engage, or Ali for general usefulness.


Same as for Shen. Why wouldn't you just play a good tanky support instead? Leona if you want engage, or Ali for general usefulness.

You know what, I think I am just gonna stop being stubborn and just pick up a tanky supp.

I thought since I like playing Maokai top, I would be as good as supp.


You know what, I think I am just gonna stop being stubborn and just pick up a tanky supp.

I thought since I like playing Maokai top, I would be as good as supp.

Maokai support is actually okay-ish at lower levels where ADCs and supports will likely misposition out of disrespect and place themselves into Twisted Advance's range. Statistically, you aren't hampering your team when you pick him and I imagine that pairing him with burstier, more aggressive ADCs would be pretty solid..

Maokai actually has some nice, gold-ignoring tools at support - saplings as wards, team wide AoE damage reduction, nice peel. Problem with him is that whatever reason you picked him for, there's a support who could have done a better job. Want engage early and often to setup your ADC or go roaming around for picks and pressure? Alistar, Leona, and Nautilus are better. Want to protect your team? Braum, Taric, and Tahm are better, etc. Maokai can do a bit of both, but it's not a case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts, if you know what I mean.

If you're willing to put in several games to try it out you might find that he works well enough for you for the odd game you want to support. If you're interested in becoming a support main (or already are), then yeah, you'll want to broaden your pool.


Bard and especially Tahm Kench have been my go to support lately. I can't tell you how many times with Tahm Kench that I've caught people trying to recall from a far away brush, only for me to ult in near the end of the recall and wreck them. People are usually looking at the shop screen at that point and don't even notice haha.
Think I'd get all the followers if I twerk for the audience anytime I get a penta? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

still can't believe that's a thing


By the way, I really do miss my sarcastic/shit talking gaffers. :'( Why must I have no internet...

If I did that, I would have never twerked. #NoPentas :(

Scythe girl confirmed, posting on Reddit now :^)

Confirmed by
someone who has talked to a
Rioter on NeoGaf.


Scythe girl confirmed, posting on Reddit now :^)

TWIST, it's not a girl - it's another old man champ! :v

On another note, any good Ivern vids yet?

He seems really cool and it's confusing to me how no streamers have realized the mind fuckery that is his bushes yet.
He's such an interesting champ. I really think he's more support than jg though


i might be able to help out a bit so hit me up if u need anything

idk if eddie's still reading this thread or someone else would pick it up over me


Welp, this was an exhausting game.

I knew we were in for a struggle from champ select. They're a full on poke comp.

Didn't help that the score was like 7-0 at the beginning of the game. Thought it was a L in the making with all the bitching and moaning going on.

Cracked the game open with a split push inhib and smashed it with a back door suicide that allowed mid and bot to end.

Also nice when people counter pick you and still cry "broken!" cause they're not good enuff with their counter pick to shut you down or win the game. I mean, I don't even have the most dmg in that game nor too many kills, just made smart choices that worked out o_O

Anyway, game put me in promos.


What do you guys think of Maokai Supp?

Been playing him for quite sometime, but his stats is not suited for supp. He is not tanky without items, and supp Items are not enough.

Tbh at low to moderately average elo (bronze to gold) I think maokai support is actually pretty viable if your jungler and adc has the damage to delete a target that you twisted advance. Saplings as wards aren't ideal but they can be useful early on when vision is a super high commodity
I would take a Scythe Wielding Fairy.

What do you guys think of Maokai Supp?

Been playing him for quite sometime, but his stats is not suited for supp. He is not tanky without items, and supp Items are not enough.

I prefer Maokai Mid. :3 I actually won so many games with going 80% of time to Mid.

You should play Braum/Leona, I think you'd really enjoy playing those specific champions.

Just play bard if you're forced into support, it's not possible to not have fun playing him

I don't have fun with Bard. :^)

If I did that, I would have never twerked. #NoPentas :(

Whaaaat? Hydro, we're going to get you a Penta one day. Believe!

I love these star guardian skins. They let me live out my dream of being a cute anime girl!

Awww, see these skins bring out dreams. OWO
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