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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


there's some good star guardian art out there but as i'm boycotting this skinline for hurting my feelings, here's ahri, who's never done such a thing:



I got to gold then plat playing support

If you're in bronze/low silver you might want a support-ish champion that can straight up build ap for damage because your adc is likely to be terrible (and you get to become the midlaner after laning phase if he's incompetence incarnate as well).

Once you start getting decent adcs and/or some semblance of teamwork in your games you can go with the full utility support champions and builds.

what's the "full utility build?" the most frequent sona build on champ gg is just AP


there's some good star guardian art out there but as i'm boycotting this skinline for hurting my feelings, here's ahri, who's never done such a thing:

What if the leaked/rumored ultimate lux skin is a sort of second form /ascended version of SG lux? :^)


Gold Member
Got two games in a row with adc top flash exhaust. I won both but is this something that's becoming popular.

It's not as bad as quinn top but it was pretty hard cause I'm melee and get harassed inti tower pretty much the whole laning phase.

It's pretty easy after a while tho cause no tp so it was easy after a successful gank.
Is Riot done sending out the 10 year gifts? I got the Poro icon, but the Kayle skin is not in my purchase history like the Poro icon. I however have the Kayle skin, I just can't remember if I unlocked it myself a long time ago or if I got it as the gift. I know for sure that I never received notification of the skin gift.
No. Riot said that if you haven't gotten your gift by tomorrow contact support.
there's some good star guardian art out there but as i'm boycotting this skinline for hurting my feelings, here's ahri, who's never done such a thing:
Syndra is gonna get a Dark Guardian / Black Lady skin and you know it.


OT Hard Carry
what's the "full utility build?" the most frequent sona build on champ gg is just AP

ie: Stuff that can directly help your adc/team (Locket, Crucible, Harbinger, Censer), survival items with debuffs (FH, Randuin), lane pushing items (zz top, Banner). Mix and match according to how the game's going.

Sona can build just AP due to how the champion works, but if you're playing champs like Janna, Nami, Thresh or Braum in a more or less competent team, utility builds work better combined with their kits.


Tragic victim of fan death
When is the season deadline for rewards? I'm in Gold II and I'm trying to think if it's realistic for me to hit Plat.

Having said that. I've learned a ton this season moreso than any other season which is why it's realistic for me to hit Plat. From wave manipulation during laning phase or outside of it to prepare for team fight. Warding position and map movement. Learning match ups and intricacies of certain champions. Learning how to play when I'm behind. More positive attitude (still getting upset from time to time) and how to actually position myself in teamfights. Unfortunately my mechanics are absolute dogshit but I'm making up for it in other areas. As always, my game knowledge/sense has helped me more often than not by being the crutch I lean on.
When is the season deadline for rewards? I'm in Gold II and I'm trying to think if it's realistic for me to hit Plat.

Having said that. I've learned a ton this season moreso than any other season which is why it's realistic for me to hit Plat. From wave manipulation during laning phase or outside of it to prepare for team fight. Warding position and map movement. Learning match ups and intricacies of certain champions. Learning how to play when I'm behind. More positive attitude (still getting upset from time to time) and how to actually position myself in teamfights. Unfortunately my mechanics are absolute dogshit but I'm making up for it in other areas. As always, my game knowledge/sense has helped me more often than not by being the crutch I lean on.
Usually the season ends mid November. For comparison's sake, last year the season ended on the 11th.


Maokai support is actually okay-ish at lower levels where ADCs and supports will likely misposition out of disrespect and place themselves into Twisted Advance's range. Statistically, you aren't hampering your team when you pick him and I imagine that pairing him with burstier, more aggressive ADCs would be pretty solid..

Maokai actually has some nice, gold-ignoring tools at support - saplings as wards, team wide AoE damage reduction, nice peel. Problem with him is that whatever reason you picked him for, there's a support who could have done a better job. Want engage early and often to setup your ADC or go roaming around for picks and pressure? Alistar, Leona, and Nautilus are better. Want to protect your team? Braum, Taric, and Tahm are better, etc. Maokai can do a bit of both, but it's not a case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts, if you know what I mean.

If you're willing to put in several games to try it out you might find that he works well enough for you for the odd game you want to support. If you're interested in becoming a support main (or already are), then yeah, you'll want to broaden your pool.

Maokai only works as a support if you can survive laning phase, and at that point anything works as a support.

Bard and especially Tahm Kench have been my go to support lately. I can't tell you how many times with Tahm Kench that I've caught people trying to recall from a far away brush, only for me to ult in near the end of the recall and wreck them. People are usually looking at the shop screen at that point and don't even notice haha.

Tbh at low to moderately average elo (bronze to gold) I think maokai support is actually pretty viable if your jungler and adc has the damage to delete a target that you twisted advance. Saplings as wards aren't ideal but they can be useful early on when vision is a super high commodity

I would take a Scythe Wielding Fairy.

I prefer Maokai Mid. :3 I actually won so many games with going 80% of time to Mid.

You should play Braum/Leona, I think you'd really enjoy playing those specific champions.

I don't have fun with Bard. :^)

Thank you guys so much for replying.

Yeah, i bought Braum last night and I have played Bard quite often ( I am rubbish at him though)

can i get to gold as support??

I got to Silver by just playing Sona. If I can do that, anyone can go Gold with supp.


One of Smite TSM skins is Sun Wukong lol

I don't really like team skins in Smite, could be better in lol who knows.

I'll never understand why people ask for crowdfunding. Rito's probably "k, here it is give us more money"


I'll never understand why people ask for crowdfunding. Rito's probably "k, here it is give us more money"

Because people can't financially support eSports using the same method as traditional sports, and they recognize that as a problem. When a crowd of people buy tickets to a sporting event, for instance, they're effectively crowd funding their favorite team and players.


You guys need to find a leaker and hit him with a baseball bat.

Because people can't financially support eSports using the same method as traditional sports, and they recognize that as a problem. When a crowd of people buy tickets to a sporting event, for instance, they're effectively crowd funding their favorite team and players.

But they do... Buying skins regardless of any event, Riot already does their budget with that. All this is going to do is inflate Riot sales and most likely turn into a net positive for them. Riot won't be complaining at this.

Where Riot needs to deliver is in stablishing revenue with sponsors and the like for the teams and the players have nothing to do with that.
Ticket sales have become a very little part of traditional sports revenue btw. It's all about TV money and sponsorship money.


What if the leaked/rumored ultimate lux skin is a sort of second form /ascended version of SG lux? :^)

the lux skin needs to be REALLY good to top sg lux

and even then i'll probably not like the theme as much


Syndra is gonna get a Dark Guardian / Black Lady skin and you know it.
yeah in like two years...

man what happened to those thighs and that gap.

Here's the official esports post which, as you might have seen, was leaked

fuck leaks.
sad to see rito caved in on the prizepool shit

only people that give a fuck about that are the worst kind of doto fans and i don't like it when devs make changes based on fans of other games

i'm not sure i understand the minimum revenue. that means all teams get a minimum set of money, while tsm and other popular teams will get more based on their brand (as in, tsm will sell 10x more than echo fox)? if it works like that it sounds super reasonable, benefits everyone and specially the most competitive teams like tsm and whatnot

i really hope we're not getting a fucking compendium


Gold Member
I wish Zyra and Illaweee had new skins. Like they could just cosplay as each other. weewee with plants as her tentacles and Zyra with tentacles as plants.
I don't think dota fans and dick measuring came into prize pool stuff, it came from pro players and teams etc. that wanted their international wins to come with a better prize, and it was a reasonable point.

Also, people want to be able to contribute to the best teams earning more money for winning. I think it's totally reasonable, and I actually like the compendium (though this is not the compendium by any means)

worth noting this stuff was planned before the regi stuff blew up. We wanted to show not tell, so it was hard when that stuff bubbled up to critical mass.


I wish Zyra and Illaweee had new skins. Like they could just cosplay as each other. weewee with plants as her tentacles and Zyra with tentacles as plants.

We've wanted "champ as other champ" skins for a long time, like Lunari Leona and Solari Diana. Riot has said they don't want to confuse new players.

I think that excuse is bullshit but w/e that's their stance.


I don't think dota fans and dick measuring came into prize pool stuff, it came from pro players and teams etc. that wanted their international wins to come with a better prize, and it was a reasonable point.

Also, people want to be able to contribute to the best teams earning more money for winning. I think it's totally reasonable, and I actually like the compendium (though this is not the compendium by any means)

worth noting this stuff was planned before the regi stuff blew up. We wanted to show not tell, so it was hard when that stuff bubbled up to critical mass.

this is true as the upgradable team stuff was on pbe a few weeks before the regi stuff

but fuck the compendium

i'm sure riot would agree it's important to treat players as humans


I don't think dota fans and dick measuring came into prize pool stuff, it came from pro players and teams etc. that wanted their international wins to come with a better prize, and it was a reasonable point.

Also, people want to be able to contribute to the best teams earning more money for winning. I think it's totally reasonable, and I actually like the compendium (though this is not the compendium by any means)

worth noting this stuff was planned before the regi stuff blew up. We wanted to show not tell, so it was hard when that stuff bubbled up to critical mass.

Yeah, I really don't think is sad. I just don't like it in principle. But now that it's here it's no use in complaining about it.

It will benefit teams and Riot and I'm cool with both of those dudes. If people want to spend more than usual because they want others to win more money, it's their right.


sealed with a kiss
Really don't like crowd funding leeg, it feels pretty gross with the implication that you need to be buying stuff or your favorite team won't be able support itself, I should be considered a viewer, not a sponsor
Like I said, this isn't the compendium. We're taking things we already release (Championship and Challenger skins, team skins) and giving some revenue to pro players, teams and tournament winners.


Gold Member
I don't think dota fans and dick measuring came into prize pool stuff, it came from pro players and teams etc. that wanted their international wins to come with a better prize, and it was a reasonable point.

Also, people want to be able to contribute to the best teams earning more money for winning. I think it's totally reasonable, and I actually like the compendium (though this is not the compendium by any means)

worth noting this stuff was planned before the regi stuff blew up. We wanted to show not tell, so it was hard when that stuff bubbled up to critical mass.

So basically it was the pro players that forced riot to increase prize pools? I mean it's not we as the spectators were affected but if that benefits the team then that's great. As long as we the spectators aren't affected then everything's fine. I don't want to buy a skin just to support a team. I want to be compelled by the skin itself. Supporting the team is an afterthought.


sealed with a kiss
Anyway why is so much stuff leaking from rito the past few weeks? Feels like literally everything of note recently has been leaked early
the Nunu stuff is really experimental and the starving stuff likely won't go through fyi

Anyway why is so much stuff leaking from rito the past few weeks? Feels like literally everything of note recently has been leaked early

some dickhead wants internet fame and I guess likes the idea of never getting another job in the industry cos nobody would trust them.

they hire a certain someone into their esports department



if you're talking about me I don't work in the esports department lol

I'm a generalist writer as usual that's just been writing esports stuff recently. Also this was sent to everyone in the company, not just esports.


Anyway why is so much stuff leaking from rito the past few weeks? Feels like literally everything of note recently has been leaked early

sadly when u have like 1k employees it's hard to keep things under wraps

fortunately this leaked for like 2 hours and the skins leaked like 3 days earlier when star guardian skins were already announced versus something that actually matters like inven
the Nunu stuff is really experimental and the starving stuff likely won't go through fyi

some dickhead wants internet fame and I guess likes the idea of never getting another job in the industry cos nobody would trust them.

How do you vet that stuff anyhow

Like, on one hand its probably easy to track by sections. Ie a skin leak that only the skin tean knows, its easier than say a company wide thing thats coming out.

I was thinking about Riot leaks last night, and how itd be impossible to cap it unless you start dripfeeding different info to different teams and then narrow it down when info gets leaked.

Thats how cboatc was caught(an MS leaker who was given false info iirc).


Gold Member
How do you vet that stuff anyhow

Like, on one hand its probably easy to track by sections. Ie a skin leak that only the skin tean knows, its easier than say a company wide thing thats coming out.

I was thinking about Riot leaks last night, and how itd be impossible to cap it unless you start dripfeeding different info to different teams and then narrow it down when info gets leaked.

Thats how cboatc was caught(an MS leaker who was given false info iirc).

wait cboat as in the butts on a train guy? The guy who leaked stuff from e3? He's gone? Shitttttt.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
How do you vet that stuff anyhow

Like, on one hand its probably easy to track by sections. Ie a skin leak that only the skin tean knows, its easier than say a company wide thing thats coming out.

I was thinking about Riot leaks last night, and how itd be impossible to cap it unless you start dripfeeding different info to different teams and then narrow it down when info gets leaked.

Thats how cboatc was caught(an MS leaker who was given false info iirc).
Be like a David Cage PR guy and just say, its not my problem.
How do you vet that stuff anyhow

Like, on one hand its probably easy to track by sections. Ie a skin leak that only the skin tean knows, its easier than say a company wide thing thats coming out.

I was thinking about Riot leaks last night, and how itd be impossible to cap it unless you start dripfeeding different info to different teams and then narrow it down when info gets leaked.

Thats how cboatc was caught(an MS leaker who was given false info iirc).

I mean that's not really how Riot works. We're pretty transparent with each other on a lot of this stuff, so when content like skins/champions get leaked it's stuff people know about. Trust is a big part of Riot culture and we trust other Rioters with this information and not to break that trust.

Makes it all the more disappointing when someone leaks stuff.

The esports post was intended to go up later today anyway, which makes it all the more sad that this person wanted his 5 mins of fame for leaking info that would have been out soon anyway. idk.


the thing about riot is that they have to localize shit to like 20 different languages

so it's not just the "skins teams", cos it's also the regional teams for turkey, japan, south america, etc.
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