Wtf why is ARURF over already?![]()
still up here
ARURF is now available now available for these times:
Friday: 11:00am - 3:00am AEST
Saturday: 11:00am - 3:00am AEST
Sunday 11:00am - 3:00am AEST
Monday 11:00am - 3:00am AEST
btw if league arams weren't stupid and unlocked all champions for everyone instead of allowing for aram only accounts you wouldn't run into nidalee+varus+lux+jayce teams
I've been saying this for ages.
It's meant to be "random" but considerably less so for players that cheat the system? I don't understand the philosophy at work here.
Maybe costy can forward that as well to the team because I'd sure love to hear the official explanation (^:
"Summoners, we feel that even in a fun mode like ARAM, you have to earn every single champion, because we want it to be fun for you and other people to let you have champions you own only. Nobody wants to be stuck with a Lux who builds AD!"
yeah it's really badI've been saying this for ages.
It's meant to be "random" but considerably less so for players that cheat the system? I don't understand the philosophy at work here.
Maybe costy can forward that as well to the team because I'd sure love to hear the official explanation (^:
Might want to edit this post before Costy loses his job to you for achieving PR excellence.
but if you get in i'll take that dragon trainer swain skin over fiora/quinn garbage any day (^:
Thanks for dying for Riot's sins, Monte.Now Riot is looking into third party arbitration for LCS rulings.
Riot is making a lot of smart changes to the pro scene lately.
costy just got replaced by a brainwashed clone like every rioter
this is fact
for what end tho..?
if characters had a political party, who would they vote for
Lux would vote for Trump. She stole her magic from a minority(Morgana), and would love for Trump to kick her and other magical creatures out of runeterra.
Sounds like a top upvoted Reddit shitpost
Characters that can build walls:
Anivia (Bird)
J4 (Nationalist)
Taliyah (Former slave/soldier)
Trundle (Troll)
taliyah is neither a former slave or soldier wtf
why is morgana a "minority"
what is going ON
taliyah is neither a former slave or soldier wtf
why is morgana a "minority"
what is going ON
Kayle is basically the Donald Trump of League
the slavery days of shurima happened like millenia ago or something, back in azir days, so probably her tribe didn't even exist back then (can't remember if they did, league is really liberal with how they throw out millenia)I think it was implied on taliyah cinematic part of the shurima people were slayes or used as warriors against their will Taliyah would probably had the same fate as a warrior at the service of the king if shurima havent fallen.
*Garen Qs BreezyLimbo's smeaer campaign*that's literally Lux tho
"I think my brother Garen would be perfect for the Valoran Supreme Court"
Garen ofc, known bigot and libertarian.
*Garen Qs BreezyLimbo's smeaer campaign*
Just deplete the rest of his name tag with swain and delete him from history.Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed!
Six fucking shacos in (almost) a row. Six. And he's not even in free rotation.
Sure feels fucking random in here.
AP Boxes or Critco?
profound sadness
profound sadness
How the heck did Leona do more damage than Brand?
No ad carry on both teams?
Is this the new game mode or just normal game?
also gold players are the saltiest motherfuckers on earth.