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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Wouldn't you just dodge until your LP loss is equal to or exceeds a LP gain for a win? And can't people just write ambiguous things like "x player created an uncomfortable environment" aka "I searched them up on lolking and I'll probably lose with them."

And that's probably a giant increase of reports to read!


Gold Member
5 chests, 2 key fragments

rito plz

I should play more urf. I need them chests. Key fragments are gated by riot. You can only receive so much at any given time.


Is the iGift with higher chances for legendaries gonna come back at worlds this year?


sealed with a kiss
I should play more urf. I need them chests. Key fragments are gated by riot. You can only receive so much at any given time.


Is the iGift with higher chances for legendaries gonna come back at worlds this year?

yeah i got like 3 or 4 chests in an hour or two of urf

p.s. ashe is really good in urf, feels like you have late game normal ashe just 1.5 items in


rageurmage ^CREW: Sorry dude but i didn't really 'prepare' to be top
IPudge MidI : neither did I
IPudge MidI : When Riot never fucking gives your primary role
IPudge MidI : ever
IPudge MidI : fuck

people that can't play more than 1 role lol


that guy was coaching the jungler on how to jungle and then he told the jungler swain didn't have ult



And people are gonna say, what if I want an off meta pick and they kick me? Basically, they will keep getting kicked until they find a group that will accept them.

That and if it's an off-meta you frequently do you can always put up a link to your op.gg profile to show people it's something you do a lot and have been successful with.

I think of the 8 or so times I've done jungle Tahm there's been maybe once where there wasn't some comment asking what I was thinking. I've either explained why it works or linked my profile.
Just got cass and have been playing her all weekend and damn she is good, a lot of fun to play also. You can kite with her so hard, it is nuts.
Just got cass and have been playing her all weekend and damn she is good, a lot of fun to play also. You can kite with her so hard, it is nuts.

One of my favorite mid champions.

I actually started using her, because my big group of friends happen to not use her. I took a chance to use somebody that nobody else uses.

Definitely a lot of fun.

I remember making Cass Sup somehow work. That was fun




Gold Member
You know what would be a good idea for a next champ?

AP carry bot lane. All the perks of an adc except ap. I'm always frustrated why the all the other roles need to adjust according to the team but adc always gets away with being an adc. I hate an all ad comp just like anyone else but there's a lot more possibilities if they explore and apc on bot lane. Not in the vein of Morde but in the vein of traditional ad carries. Corki comes close but the way his damage is divided into two kinda still means you need an ap on your team.

Other than that, there's an overabundance of ad champ in the top lane and overabundance of ap champs in the mid lane. AD mids is basically compromised of ad assassins and nothing else while AP tops is mostly just ap tanks. Where's the ad Viktor? Where's the ap Riven? I think Riot should explore more options and add more diversity in lanes. The meta needs to shift on Season 7 anyway so just make it more exciting.
The problem with damage types is the way resistances work, it's not that simple. Top lane is AD heavy - lets ignore all the viable top lane mages for a sec - because AP champions will rule if not unchecked. You need to give AD laners tools to deal with AP which puts them at an advantage because of how MR works. In the same vein, making a champion AD based gives them powerful auto attacks, so making an AD Viktor just means you're making another caster ADC if ranged and another assassin/bruiser if melee - or hell, both at the same time like Gnar or Quinn.


Gold Member
AA's could easily be dealt with by gutting the atk spd growth and base. Make the aa range a bit smaller like vayne's.

APs on top lane generally get stronger than ADs because a lot of them have mixed damages or builds. Emergence of the IBG build gives them an ad damage while still being ap so it's a bit harder to build against them. Best example of mixed damage would be Akali which is pretty popular against Riven and other ad heavy top laners. It's pretty easy to circumvent resistances due to how mixed her damage is. Enemy stacking mr? Max E. Stacking armor? Max Q.

Corki's damage isn't divided into two. 80% of the damage he does in a game will be magic.

Well Corki is a caster adc and most of his skills are magic based. His AA is half magic half physical though. Something more AA focused is something that I'm looking for.


You know what would be a good idea for a next champ?

AP carry bot lane. All the perks of an adc except ap. I'm always frustrated why the all the other roles need to adjust according to the team but adc always gets away with being an adc. I hate an all ad comp just like anyone else but there's a lot more possibilities if they explore and apc on bot lane. Not in the vein of Morde but in the vein of traditional ad carries. Corki comes close but the way his damage is divided into two kinda still means you need an ap on your team.

Other than that, there's an overabundance of ad champ in the top lane and overabundance of ap champs in the mid lane. AD mids is basically compromised of ad assassins and nothing else while AP tops is mostly just ap tanks. Where's the ad Viktor? Where's the ap Riven? I think Riot should explore more options and add more diversity in lanes. The meta needs to shift on Season 7 anyway so just make it more exciting.

midlane you have varus and jayce i guess

but i never understood why people want like an ap adc or an ad mage, what's special about that?

what's interesting of each stat is that it makes champions behave very different, ad means you always have dmg off cooldown with ur basic attacks, ap means you'll have pauses between sudden moments of power, etc.

some champions walk the line and that's where things get more interesting. you have azir that behaves kind of like an adc but also has all the benefits of being a mage, or you have ezreal who plays a lot like a mage but is still required to auto a lot to be relevant

if you asked me i would want to see more weird stuff like mordekaiser be an option to adcs, not the same with a different dmg type. would have to be more systems driven than just like a unique case like morde, something that feels less than cheating the system and more like it's something you opt into

so basically an item or two


Gold Member
What's special isn't the actual champ itself being an ap adc it's about comps. You can't pick ad mid and ad top at the same time. Generally it's top, mid and jungle who gets to adjust but not the adc. The idea is to broaden the variety of picks and not sacrifice viability.

You're basically describing Kayle lol. Her damage is way too low for botlane though.

If you make her AA range be high like a permanently activated E then I guess it's possible.


why would u want to play an ad mid when there's like two tho?

i play varus when i see i have like an ekko or rumble top and that's fine for me
What's special isn't the actual champ itself being an ap adc it's about comps. You can't pick ad mid and ad top at the same time. Generally it's top, mid and jungle who gets to adjust but not the adc. The idea is to broaden the variety of picks and not sacrifice viability.
But thats a conscious choice. Double AD is supposed to have drawbacks because of the nature of AD, same as double AP. An auto attack based magic bot laner would twist balance to his whims because he'd basically need to be broken to be viable because MR is made to deal with spurts of damage and not constant DPS. Something like Cass works because she has a cap on her spell speed and her damage depends on the rest of her kit being weaved. Something like Kayle works because she has downtime periods and a passive shred.


Maybe the assassin rework will bring what you want? Not AP to bot lanes but AP at Top lane is definitely a thing.

The problem is as Zky said that when in need of AD mid is basically Varus or Jayce at the moment.
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