nights like this when u get trolls and afks in half your games and even the ones that are ok are full of people raging and whining make u feel like riot really does a bad job at scaring people from this type of behavior, while at the same time the game really leaves u feeling very impotent and upset when this kind of things happens to you
i'm not asking for riot to be more strict, because it's not riot's fault that one guy decided to play on someone else's account and troll and be open and mocking about it. or that some guy has a shitty internet connection and keeps disconnecting. riot isn't to blame because people online behave like children because this has happened in every online game i've ever played, people have been sexist, racist, homophobic, antisemitic and generally shitty in every multiplayer game ever
all of that is out of riot's control and i know they're trying and i know they've improved stuff but i really wish the game made a way better job at not making you feel like the person that's been shitty to you got away with it
cos honestly i think riot's idea of reforming players and stuff is fair and i agree with it. prisoner island is dumb (specially in a f2p game) and people make dumb mistakes they regret later. i cheated in cs 1.6 when i was like 15 and i thought i was being hilarious when i was actually being an idiot. most people are probably just being idiots like i was.
but i think riot is being really bad at making u feel like ur reports mean something. that "bug" that made the "person you reported has been banned" message only show up to the last reporter can't be still in a game that has you reporting people almost every single game. neither i or any of my friends have once seen that message and while i understand some people have bad days we play this game every day for years now and we've reported people that were seriously shitty.
and a lot of times when u tell someone you're reporting them they'll be like "whatever riot doesn't do anything". i don't really believe that, but the lack of proper feedback for reporting means that that's the running impression among a lot of people, people that take advantage of that idea and people that feel hurt for that. riot's got a player behavior team, they know changing the color of a message from blue to red can actually alter players' behavior, what effect do you think "trolls and feeders and ragequitters and bigots go unpunished" have?
i know people have a lot of negative bias but i actually always play with 3+ friends (actually today i didn't, so no wonder i encountered a bit more toxicity) all the time and this is still an issue. the time i remember the league community being actually tolerable was when the first announced the honor system. everyone guessed there was gonna be some sort of prize tied to honor so ppl were on their best behavior just in case. this didn't make people friendlier or actually good people, it just made them quiet, which is actually perfect. but since the system ended going nowhere, people went back to their normal selves and everything was shitty again. i'm guessing the numbers didn't turn out as well as it sounds in my experience so that's why riot just put the lid on the system, but i noticed it a lot at least.
and i get it that you don't wanna bribe people to be good cos once they get their bribe they'll go back to being bad, but i think some sort of bribery is good, specially the way riot do it that's unpredictable so it's hard to game. that's very smart and that's the right way to do it, but at the same time i think there need to be some system that keeps constant tab on you so that you feel a bit of a constant pressure to not be a total shithead.
and at the same time actually reward people that are providing with good players to ur community. i've played this game for almost 5 years now and have never even got as much of a warning, and while a couple mystery gifts is nice it's just a random skin for a random champion, chances are it's gonna be a trash gift. i got like a talon skin or whatever, that's the same as trash for me, that's not much of a reward or praise for the effort i've put on of taking this much abuse and not saying a word. i'm not asking anything personally cos i honestly have all the champions, skins, runes, etc. i want so there's nothing like material for me to gain, but i actually felt better about that dumb ribbon than i do about that talon skin i never use. that's kind of the thing too, right? it's a material reward you can just buy in the shop for like 5 bucks. that doesn't feel great
the tribunal stuff just feels abandoned, i can never quite remember if there's gonna be a new tribunal like the old one or what the hell it's gonna do, i wish riot promised that the new client would allow u to dodge and report people for trolling in champ select (sorry noot), i wish that stupid "your report was successful" message bug was fixed already, or there was a proper reward system and an actual replacement for honor. i wish there was a report option for account sharing so i can report the many people i've had in-game tell me they were boosting someone else's account
honestly it really feels like ever since lyte left all these ideas have been left in the dust
fk it good skin is a good skin