see i kind of like this, i want to see other games force riot to be less shitty about stuff
like charging money for champions
would be nice if league didn't have that bullshit
Yeah, it's probably good to get some sense of competetion.
see i kind of like this, i want to see other games force riot to be less shitty about stuff
like charging money for champions
would be nice if league didn't have that bullshit
You get Sterak's to become really fucking hard to kill, the AD is just a bonus.Can someone explain why you get Sterak's Gage? is it just for the passive?
Cause I got it on Illaoi and looked at my stats ... AD only went went up by like 20 I think. Was left wondering "Uhhh ... was this worth it or should I have just gotten something else instead?"
she gets extra scaling on her q tho, so that probably offsets most of itI don't think the PBE Lulu changes are beneficial to even support Lulu as a whole. Making her Q do 70% damage to targets after the first makes her a lot weaker in both lane and teamfights.
And 300 more gold on Forbidden Idol for slightly more impactful heals? Meh - I actually like the current version - it's mana regen and CDR for a really low price.
it's important to know that league hasn't really dropped much, it had like 30% before, now it's 28%, which means most of the overwatch ppl come from other games/ppl that didn't play beforeYeah, it's probably good to get some sense of competetion.
it's important to know that league hasn't really dropped much, it had like 30% before, now it's 28%, which means most of the overwatch ppl come from other games/ppl that didn't play before
if it were a situation that ppl were massively fleeing league i wouldn't say this is a cool opportunity cos that would probably mean league is sinking, but this probably means it's a big new game and not necessarily a real threat to league
that being said, it is a warning call for rito that you can't just rest on ur laurels cos a game can easily come out of nowhere and become #1 overnight, so it creates some pressure on riot to stay relevant/competitive even if they're not really losing players themselves
and that's hopefully good news for us players as it means riot has more reasons to be nice to us
Glitterlance (Q) slow duration increased to 2 seconds at all ranks from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 [need to confirm this is only change, hold tight!]
Speaking of Lulu buffs, from the new PBE patch
What? That change is a straight buff to both Lulu versions.definitely trying to move lulu to support role only
idk how i feel about this, riot seems to like locking down champions into certain roles a little too much
That's because allowing champions to be played in multiple roles rarely if ever works out.definitely trying to move lulu to support role only
idk how i feel about this, riot seems to like locking down champions into certain roles a little too much
What? That change is a straight buff to both Lulu versions.
Right now support Lulu is not viable. She might get viable in two roles if the buffs hit correctly, or she will just get viable in one role again, but another role.
i mean in conjunction with the other lulu changes, it's moving her to even more of a utility role.
gold 3
gave me a giggle.Harbringer eevee LH&IC: oh fuck hell no
Gorgarosos TXS: Oh why hello there you autistic scumfuck
Lovely eevee LH&IC: i think i made my point as clear as i could and pls could you stop going this agressive at me?
Gorgarosos TXS: You point is not valid
Gorgarosos TXS: you braindead scumfuck
Gorgarosos TXS: you practically wasted
Gorgarosos TXS: 40 mins
Gorgarosos TXS: for no clear reason
Gorgarosos TXS: when the game could have been 25
Lovely eevee LH&IC: then we hust have diffent oppions but thats no reason to use such word
Gorgarosos TXS: that's not an opinion that's a fact
Lol normal lobbies.
While a good read, it did leave me with a burning question I've always did the nickname "Costy" come about? Obviously a play on your last name, but I'm hoping there is a good story with it.In case you guys are interested I interviewed xPeke about Origen and searching for a new ADC![]()
it's important to know that league hasn't really dropped much, it had like 30% before, now it's 28%, which means most of the overwatch ppl come from other games/ppl that didn't play before
if it were a situation that ppl were massively fleeing league i wouldn't say this is a cool opportunity cos that would probably mean league is sinking, but this probably means it's a big new game and not necessarily a real threat to league
that being said, it is a warning call for rito that you can't just rest on ur laurels cos a game can easily come out of nowhere and become #1 overnight, so it creates some pressure on riot to stay relevant/competitive even if they're not really losing players themselves
and that's hopefully good news for us players as it means riot has more reasons to be nice to us
excellent matchmaking system at work here.
as someone that loves midlane lulu i'm super into these changesSpeaking of Lulu buffs, from the new PBE patch
balancing for multiple roles has always been a nightmare for rito, so it's probably for the best. not what's happening here tho, but yeahdefinitely trying to move lulu to support role only
idk how i feel about this, riot seems to like locking down champions into certain roles a little too much
riot is really dumb about thisAll these ARAM changes and still no full roster enabled in this mode. What's the rationale? Does Riot encourage ARAM only accounts? I'm a tad sick of being pitched against the same 10-15 broken champs every game.
there's not much of a reason for riot to make champions free as:I couldnt read that chart since it was in Korean. Interesting to see OW take top spot. Like you elude to- I guess Riot might not be too alarmed. I'm thinking the only thing that could really hurt League is Riot themselves.
And man- you're right if all champs were free that would be so swweeeettt. It might kinda work out for Riot seeing as how many champs got like 10 skins or something (probably big exaggeration pulled outta my butt)
Honestly I guess the game is still just as good as the day I first played it. But it hasn't gotten much more fun if that makes any sense. They never seem to add any really cool features like sandbox mode, officially supported replays, mods, different ranked modes, etc. They just keep making safe changes kinda. Granted they took a big risk with Dynamic Queue and got burned for it. But it kinda reinforces my point- instead of messing with the classic formula I'd instead try to avoid more cool new modes
Pretty sure that has nothing to do with Dynamic Queue and more to do with ranked as a concept just being a joke in NA.
Same attitude as last season.
It's a vicious cycle as far as NA high elo goes. Their own attitude torwards the ladder makes their queues worse, which makes them smurf, which makes queues even worse because challenger MMR is dead, and so on and on and on. And then there's the whole boosting problem.Pretty sure that has nothing to do with Dynamic Queue and more to do with ranked as a concept just being a joke in NA.
Same attitude as last season.
It's a vicious cycle as far as NA high elo goes. Their own attitude torwards the ladder makes their queues worse, which makes them smurf, which makes queues even worse because challenger MMR is dead, and so on and on and on. And then there's the whole boosting problem.
Honestly, I don't think the current system will work as long as one player can have more than one challenger account. Dynamic Q would probably suit better a pure ELO system.
Pretty sure that has nothing to do with Dynamic Queue and more to do with ranked as a concept just being a joke in NA.
Same attitude as last season.
did you watch the video? Not trying to start an argument but I think you missed the point completely. He compares Dynamic Queue to 'mario party' because people can play dynamic with their friends and climb together. This did not exist last season (mario party and pro players not wanting to be involved with it)
Yes, I watched the video.
His main crux is that there's no point to reach challenger because people are just queuing up and getting "carried".
I'm arguing there's no point to challenger because in NA challenger is a joke. It has been a joke for years.
Well there's lots of players in the challenger ladder that got there by only playing 5 man dynamic queue.
from the looks and sounds of it, most of the userbase is in silver/bronze, and the diamond+ community is extremely small.
Another topic somewhat related: I cant help but wonder how popular League of Legends really is. None of my friends play anymore. Not a single one. And I am literally surrounded by gamers. Instead we all play overwatch, HoTS, and I watch my neighbor play Herathstone while we watch Game of Thrones together
I wear my Overwatch shirt out in public I'm bound to run into another fan (not exaggerating, today wore my Genji shirt and met another fan).
I'm not stupid tho and going to say League is dying. But I am thinking its going to have to get used to being runner up. All they do is spam new champs and skins. Not much meaningful content since I've started playing
That's because it is. And any elo system is going to have the majority of the players at the bottom. That's just how it is. Not everyone is a grandmaster. Very few are.
One thing I do actually like about new champ select is the intended pick thing. Some dude wants to Rengar top, nope ban that out, you're gonna pick something easier to get carried on.