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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Is the code that comes with the Champ. Riven figure giftable or something? I.e. not tied to an account? I already have the skin so I'd like to give it to a friend or something.


I must have woken up from a long deep slumber, but I am surprised about the murmurs of SKT not being the favourite.

Korea top 4 was super even in Regular Season and they were reverse swept in the playoffs.

They're still the favorites for me tho.
There's a reason why MF is one of the least picked ADCs. Like Star Ocean said, she's incredibly team dependent.

Fortunately, League is an incredibly team-oriented game.

She's 8th most picked out of 16 ADC's which puts her in the middle of the pack, but she has the highest win rate among all ADCs and is in fact tied for the second highest win rate in the game according to LoLKing, which takes into consideration performance at all levels of play as far as I'm aware (http://www.lolking.net/champions).

But we can go further. Among Plat and higher players, MF is also #1 in win rate and is #7 in pick rate (http://na.op.gg/champion/missfortune/statistics/adc).

And anecdotally, I still have a 58% win rate IIRC with her after like ~150 ranked matches. And that win rate is precisely *because* she is the best team fight carry in the game, single-handedly turning fights with alert positioning and well-placed ults. All she needs is 1-1.5 seconds of well-placed ult uptime.

Where every other ADC not named Sivir has to attack one champ at a time, MF can murder everyone in the same span of time should the opportunity present itself. Even if she doesn't kill a bunch of people with the ult, pressing R itself forces teams to flee or otherwise stop auto attacking to try to get to safety lest they die right then and there. That's precious time you buy your own team to deal more damage on top or retreat if need be. Honestly, MF is only "incredibly team-dependent" in the sense that having some sort of setup (sejuani, yasuo tornado, janna tornado, thresh hook, Morg snare, blitz grab, wu ult, Amumu ult, etc) makes kills free. She doesn't need the setup; it just makes fights that much smoother, similar to how a Yas benefits from a Malphite on the team. MF with a couple of items can right-click trade with anyone. Without setup you simply have to be a bit more measured and strategic with ult placements. Most games I have no setup. So long as my laning phase goes decently, I'll probably be able to carry.

If anything, she's probably LESS team dependent than most ADCs, as MF's damage output tends to overcompensate for overall team dps deficiencies. That is to say, she doesn't necessarily need her teammates to play well or deal a lot of damage; simple survival is usually enough. She can snatch 75%-100% of the enemy's HP in 1.5 seconds, including full-build 300 armor tanks. After which, all the team has to do is provide a stiff breeze to knock the enemy over.

Her weaknesses (my 150 game opinion) is that (1) she can't wave-clear worth a damn (2) her CC is very weak, (3) it can be difficult to get in good position to follow up gap-closing engage oriented teammates like Vi, and (4) you really do generally have to farm up your items the hard way. She has no built in wave clear like Sivir or Trist and she doesn't (with the armor pen build) buy wave clear items like Shiv or crit. Because most of your damage with that build comes through armor pen (which offers limited effectiveness against minions), your actual damage done to minions is never impressive. You crush Champions, but minions will take 2 autos even at 45 minutes while 6-slotted. As such, it's pretty common to be behind in farm compared to some of her contemporaries. But for me, the extra work required to farm is worth it. Lastly, she has no dash or escape like the most popular ADCs (Lucian and Ezreal) offer and is reliant on her passive and ghostblade to get in and out. It's great speed, but it's not a dash.

There have been many matches where I can look back and know that those W's would have been L's had it not been for MF because of that AOE damage output. 5K damage in an aoe cone, melting enemy front line tanks and assassins that would ordinarily be more than enough to buy the enemy backline time to kill buildings and/or teammates.

None of this is to say she's the best ADC in the game. But she gets shit done and covers a multitude of feeding teammate's sins.


I don't understand your argument. She has no engage, weak disengage, and no mobility. The trade off is insane damage. But she only gets that damage if her teammates cover her weaknesses, primarily engagement.

That doesn't make her bad. That just makes her incredibly dependent on her teammates. And in solo queue, trusting your random, unknown teammates is hard.
She's an immobile carry that can't peel for herself.

I sort of feel like this one is a bit specious. She has a slow and a movespeed buff (E and W, respectively). It's not a dash, but only 6 of 16 ADCs have a dash of any kind and half of them are mediocre (short range dashes). the rest generally have move speed buffs, slows or traps. The combination of her E and W allow her to back out of most bad situations in the early game when ganks are most frequent. Her move speed passive makes her harder to hit with grabs or roots than most ADCs. She doesn't have a root or a stun, but it's pretty hard to just walk down a MF. My lifetime KDA with her is roughly 9/4/8. It's not for a lack of effort by the enemy team. It's because she's not easy to pin down, with or without a dash.

She can't [...] initiate.

Paraphrased this one, but are you implying that an ADC needs to be initiating? I don't really understand. She follows up on engage fine unless it's like a Vi Q into a "just in range" Vi ult or something that puts her half a screen away from the fight. Then again, what ADC can make up being half a screen away from a team fight any faster than MF? She can create her own opportunities as soon as she gets her ghostblade online. E --> Ghostblade --> W --> Autos --> R (if need be). Assuming equal farm, there are very few ADCs I won't 1v1 @ 15 minutes.

Beyond that, the only ADC designed to offer hard initiation is Ashe, right? Sivir, Varus and Jhin in a pinch/situationally? The rest aren't really looking to start a fight too often...but they'll be happy to end them. No?

It's not damage that makes ADCs team oriented.
Then what does? Define it so that we can work from a common understanding here. List for me the ADCs that are 100% self-sufficient, team-independent ADCs. I'll wait. The entire purpose of the ADC position is to be the glass cannon back line team fight damage dealing. None of them want to be alone on the wrong side of the river with multiple enemy champions missing. Or has something changed in the basic job description?

I don't understand your argument. She has no engage,
Of course she does. It's just not hard cc.

weak disengage
Most ADCs have little disengage, by design. They're supposed to be protected.

and no mobility.
It should be noted that she has the fastest movespeed of any ADC in the game other than Quinn. And assuming you're following the script, you have a ghost blade giving you additional movespeed and a cleaver providing you phage's on-hit movespeed buff on top of all that. Ashe is an ADC with no mobility. Jhin has no mobility. Jinx has no mobility. Varus has no mobility. MF has far superior mobility compared to most characters in the game. She just doesn't have a dash. But she's gotta have some weaknesses, right?

That just makes her incredibly dependent on her teammates. And in solo queue, trusting your random, unknown teammates is hard.
Idunno man, I don't think she is especially dependent. Or, she's no more dependent on her teammates than any other ADC. None of them are going to get out there and 1v5, right? Sivir is an example of an ADC who really depends on her teammates because she has to be relatively close to the front line and her damage takes some time to really get around in a team fight. The longer her tanks last, the more effective she becomes. But Sivir isn't really good at 1v1's. By contrast, MF is relatively strong in 1v1's and needs only 1-1.5 seconds of time and space to deal massive amounts of aoe damage.

Honestly, I just think you're simply mistaken here; MF is probably the best solo queue ADC in the game right now and has been for the last few patches. She has the #1 win rate among ADCs for a reason. You're right that you can't trust randoms anymore than they can trust you. You can't trust them to position well. You can't trust them to tank well (or even pick a tank at all). You can't assume they'll be effective at dealing damage. You can't trust them to not feed their lane. But you can always trust yourself, your own positioning and your own R button. Also worth mentioning: beating a competent MF requires above-average coordination among strangers. They need to have the right picks, they need to save the right abilities to stop her. That's a lot of pressure to put on randoms and that kind of coordination (from the pick screen to in-game decision making) is rare. Advantage: MF. Sort of similar to the pressure a good Shaco or Rengar can put on a team to play really disciplined.

I'll say it again: a solid MF player will be able to cover the damage-dealing deficiencies and poor decision making of her team single-handedly and she doesn't need to put herself in harms way to do most of it. She can carry weight few can. Wanna make your solo games easier? Pick MF more frequently.

MF is pretty independent. She doesn't need as much setup as you guys think.

For MF, setup (hard cc on the team) is like having a Wu or Malph as a Yas player: it makes things easier but is in no way necessary to be successful. It just means having a bit more patience and game sense for when you can press R and blow everyone away.
Setup is optional, but good to have as always. And really, what ADC doesn't like having good, hard crowd control on a team so they can sit back and


MF is great when you get a good one.

At least 2 of my wins were from a MF ult + Vel ult combo ending the game. (One where I was the Vel. The other I was Illaoi ulting at the same time after a well placed Bard ult. It was THE BEST feeling)
MF is great when you get a good one.

At least 2 of my wins were from a MF ult + Vel ult combo ending the game. (One where I was the Vel. The other I was Illaoi ulting at the same time after a well placed Bard ult. It was THE BEST feeling)


I talk shit to the monitor when I press R. I be over here like,




I lean back like Steph Curry leans back on a 3-pointer. lol. MF is pretty cash.


Captain Fortune should have been her new default skin.
yeah, specially when u think that gp got his default changed because of story, mf should've gotten hers changed also

cos captain mf paints a much cooler character that's commanding and worthy of respect while mf is like a fun slutty anime thing that's better suited for a skin

also a few new kakar cheung ones

i love his style so damn much
I'm too lazy to quote and answer all that on my phone so I'll just say this: I think you vastly overestimate her kit beyond her ult lol.

If MF was reliable enough to be the best solo Q ADC she would be picked way more. ADC players love their FOTMs


sealed with a kiss
I'm too lazy to quote and answer all that on my phone so I'll just say this: I think you vastly overestimate her kit beyond her ult lol

If MF was reliable enough to be the best solo Q ADC she would be picked way more. ADC players love their FOTMs.
that's why vayne is so popular :^)
I played MF in a playtest today and got wrecked because I couldn't kill their frontline and Alistar kept flanking me so I couldn't use my ult while Anivia oneshot me

it was the only one I lost

btw playing on that stage is awesome even with no crowd. SO HYPED FOR TOMORROW WOOOOO


whelp got to 90lp then had internet issues two games in a row (i know, my fault for playing that second game) so down to 61

those two games were so much fun too, really close and lots of fighting

i never have internet problems, what gives

god dammit, is that riven figure worth 30?!
it's a toy so no

but also yes


i dodged two games by accident because i could have sworn the champ countdown sound was the stream i was watching. CURSE YOU SICKMOTION

the level disparity between me and my teammates and the enemy is ridiculous


Broke that L string at 6. Hard to feel like you're doing the right thing when you try to keep lanes pushed as your team just starts random ass fights and abandon lanes.

I'm down to gaining 16lp after this string of Ls :(
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