Stone Ocean
Maybe we finally get Satan Teeto
You mean like...
but she has like elf or maybe even yordle earsTeaser for newskin!Annie?
Breezy rant incoming
oo yea i forgot about tristinb4 Breezy
Actually it looks like a Trist skin
Teaser for newskin!Annie?
Breezy rant incoming
9 hours till freelg vs g2-8 :^)
Oh god more gnar skins? Zzzzzzzz
Instead of doing someone boring like Morgana they could do like Syndra and have her throw pumpkins or something
Wait worlds is starting tomorrow? Fuckk should I wait or should I sleep? I don't want to miss it live cause I can post memes and stuff.
It goes for like 6 hours, go sleepWait worlds is starting tomorrow? Fuckk should I wait or should I sleep? I don't want to miss it live cause I can post memes and stuff.
No way it's another Annie skin. That would actually just be dumb.
Oh hey brezzy, did you change your hair to be more fluffy?ur not breezy
Karthus did lose lane as expected, but he was great in team fights.
Oh hey brezzy, did you change your hair to be more fluffy?
Who matches up well against Aurelion?
Xerath? Zed? I've rarely played the matchup but the sphere harass seems really strong.
Who matches up well against Aurelion?
Xerath? Zed? I've rarely played the matchup but the sphere harass seems really strong.
Zyra top otp, huh.
zed might me good
xerath is probably terrible, i'd try velkoz
Because Aurelion will eat him alive early on before he can spam his abilities since he'll have to go into auto rangewhy would xerath be bad against aurelion? his abilities have way more range than aurelion's stars, if you just dodge his skillshot you should be fine.
They nerfed him because if you were good with him he was the best mid laner in the game bar noneI think Riot is nerfing AS because they see that he could possibly be VERY oppressive vs many ranged champs. I think the best champs to take against him are mobile champs that can get around him.
xerath has really shitty early waveclear and will get pushed to turret and shut down while aurelion just roams the mapwhy would xerath be bad against aurelion? his abilities have way more range than aurelion's stars, if you just dodge his skillshot you should be fine.
I know everyone is excited about Worlds, but I spent several hours today editing the fourth episode of my LEONA SCHOOL series and would love for some feedback, good or bad. I am always open to constructive criticism.
are you planning on doing these for other champs or is your focus just leona?
Hey, is anyone in here going to Worlds Semis? I'd love to meet up with one of you fine people
rito considering shiting from position select to position preference
basically you have high chance of getting #1 and #2, but also there's chance you'll get #3 or #4, and none of #5
hmm idk, i bet more people will choose jungle as last than supportCan't wait for everyone to putting Support as their 'Not preferred' position
And them enabling auto-fill anyways
Is jax top any good these days
hmm idk, i bet more people will choose jungle as last than support
rito considering shiting from position select to position preference
basically you have high chance of getting #1 and #2, but also there's chance you'll get #3 or #4, and none of #5
Support is historically the least played role
that's fact, jack