New champ unlocked. I suppose you could say, "Ivern'd this."
That first blood naut top game tonight. made a video to show my silver friend what moderate elo coordination and team fight decisions can do. pretty sure E isnt an auto reset but the cast time is long enough to practically reset the timer anyway.
New champ unlocked. I suppose you could say, "Ivern'd this."
*slow claps*
*slow claps* *slow claps*
Isn't ghost blade all the rage on mantheon these daysI just got back into league after a long hiatus. After a few matches I started to go back to my beloved Pantheon jungle and owned pretty hard, so I maxed out my items pretty quickly.
What would be a good item to replace the jungle item, if at all? I lose the ward passive, but would gain better stats + another passive.
What would you recommend?
My usual end build (when I'm ahead) is:
Tracker's Knife (Warrior)
Rav. Hydra
Black Cleaver
Randuin's Omen
Banshee's Veil / Warmogs / Guardian Angel / Frozen Mallet / Dead Man's Plate / Sterak's Gage
Armor or Magic def Boots
Thought about replacing Tracker's Knife with Death's Dance, Maw or Youmuu's Ghostblade, but I'm unsure if it's actually worth it. I usually run Armor Pen reds.
I actually think about selling the boots too, since I usually jump to engage coordinated with my team, but it would also hinder my split pushing ability.
I just got back into league after a long hiatus. After a few matches I started to go back to my beloved Pantheon jungle and owned pretty hard, so I maxed out my items pretty quickly.
What would be a good item to replace the jungle item, if at all? I lose the ward passive, but would gain better stats + another passive.
What would you recommend?
My usual end build (when I'm ahead) is:
Tracker's Knife (Warrior)
Rav. Hydra
Black Cleaver
Randuin's Omen
Banshee's Veil / Warmogs / Guardian Angel / Frozen Mallet / Dead Man's Plate / Sterak's Gage
Armor or Magic def Boots
Thought about replacing Tracker's Knife with Death's Dance, Maw or Youmuu's Ghostblade, but I'm unsure if it's actually worth it. I usually run Armor Pen reds.
I actually think about selling the boots too, since I usually jump to engage coordinated with my team, but it would also hinder my split pushing ability.
Isn't ghost blade all the rage on mantheon these days
no more dynamic queue?
ok no more ranked for me
what a waste of a season
Flex Queue is essentially dynamic queue, now with separate solo/duo queue for those that want it.
can u do a tldr, cant read it all cos im at work
can u do a tldr, cant read it all cos im at work
Remember Season 2015's ranked system? It's a lot like that. Queue up alone or with one trusted friend and aim for Gold (or higher). The major differences from 2015 are that you'll be able to select two preferred positions and veto your least favorite (when autofill is enabled or if you choose fill). Challenger tier will also remain solo-only.
The Ranked Flex Queue allows up to five players to queue up and compete—a lot like 2016's DQ—and those who climb here will earn unique rewards (and additional flair on their border) at the end of the season. If your premade squad wants a serious, competitive game, this is where you play. Or, if you're a solo player who wants to get good in an environment that rewards more team-oriented skills, the Flex Queue is also there for you. Ranked fives will naturally be merged with this queue, and as a result they'll be available 24/7.
So, if I understood correctly, will you have a different elo for solo/duo and for flex queue?
[–]The_Cactopus [score hidden] 4 minutes ago
Yep. They're totally separate queues and ladders.
Ultimately, we're making a trade-off here, but it's one we're okay with for a few reasons. If you're letting Bronze players queue up alongside Diamond friends, it's nearly impossible for us to create a well-matched game. We've tried it in the past with the Ranked Teams queue, and some players liked it, but queue populations were always incredibly small and match quality was inconsistent. Since we're supporting ranked five-on-five games in the Flex queue, we've got to draw a line here: in our new system, Normals are the best place for low-ranked players to queue up with their highly-ranked friends.
Are queue times going to get better? It blows my mind that this is the most played game in the world and I'm getting like 5 mins minimum wait for normals. Ranked is even worse unless I play support.
Going to get a lot worse.
Also, good luck being a 4 man in the new FQ. Who in their right mind would play FQ as a solo player above gold? I can see people getting to gold for the rewards, but lol fuck playing FQ as a solo player.
Plus throw in that you can say "I'm not playing this role" and queue times are going to be a disaster.
Pretty much.So basically solo = old queue and flex = dynamic version of ranked 5?
Going to get a lot worse.
Also, good luck being a 4 man in the new FQ. Who in their right mind would play FQ as a solo player above gold? I can see people getting to gold for the rewards, but lol fuck playing FQ as a solo player.
Plus throw in that you can say "I'm not playing this role" and queue times are going to be a disaster.
What about someone who cares about their solo/duo rank, is high ranked in flex as well, wants to try hard and learn a champion but not at the expense of their solo/duo rank.
If it doesn't work out they'll just completely revert it to ranked 5s and be done with itGoing to get a lot worse.
Also, good luck being a 4 man in the new FQ. Who in their right mind would play FQ as a solo player above gold? I can see people getting to gold for the rewards, but lol fuck playing FQ as a solo player.
Plus throw in that you can say "I'm not playing this role" and queue times are going to be a disaster.
What about someone who cares about their solo/duo rank, is high ranked in flex as well, wants to try hard and learn a champion but not at the expense of their solo/duo rank.
Going solo with dynamic queue this season hasn't been an issue, though. I'm speaking mainly about diamond ranks.
Yeah I rush the offensive items first and then build defense. Why isn't hydra used more? It's imo essential. Makes jungle clears ridiculously easy, faster, brings sustain, saves mana and makes for godlike pushing power.Yea ghost blade is pretty core nowadays.
A lot of people don't really build defensively on Pantheon anymore since all the new armor pen items keeps him relevant throughout the whole game as his ability to blow up a target is ridiulous atm. Your build is fine for a safe pantheon but since Pantheon is super strong early game you really want to go super aggressive on items early on.
Not sure the build path since Panth go top these days but ultimately I think it should be:
-Warriors with challenging smite so you wreck in 1v1 engages. Chilling is alright too early on but challenging is better later in the game.
-Youmuu's as the stats and the active gives you a significant spike in power and builds well with the character in general.
-Mobi or Swiftness boots. I don't really like merc's cause in the end Pantheon is the one that should be initiating and catching out people and mobi/swifteness helps you in these cases.
-Cleaver/Maw. Cleaver is usually the ideal but if they have a lot of AP building a hexdrinker early on and finishing it to maw is also great.
After that its mostly situational items. For offense Duskblade is pretty scary on him and people actually rush this after yoummu's if there super fed. Death's dance is also good too for the raw stats as well as the healing passive. Defensive wise there is Dead man's for catching people out easier, steraks for survivability and GA for revive.
Note if you super behind/ feed then you just want to skip youmuu and build cleaver and tank it out in hopes your teammates to finish the job.
yay solo queue
That's because there isn't an alternative that is quite literally made for solo players.
Proportion of 1- and 2-players are going to be smaller in FQ, but it should be fine. DQ taught us that 4-player premades aren't that bad.
Why wouldn't you just use FQ as a free smurf account if you enjoy smurfing?
Going to get a lot worse.
Also, good luck being a 4 man in the new FQ. Who in their right mind would play FQ as a solo player above gold? I can see people getting to gold for the rewards, but lol fuck playing FQ as a solo player.
Plus throw in that you can say "I'm not playing this role" and queue times are going to be a disaster.
Sure, it might die and become 5-man only. 3-player premades can still play with 2 solo players though.But even 3-player premades are going to have problems finding 2-player premades in FQ.
I dunno, how many people actually have smurf accounts that are both plat+? That number can't be high at all.
I have really enjoyed dynamic queue this season. I think the people whining about it are exaggerating the problems. Huge upgrade for me.
IIRC they mix the players, yes. DV or another seasoned dota player can probably give you a more certain answer.Does anyone know how dota does it w/ respect to party vs solo mmr? Are party and solo players mixed there?
I have really enjoyed dynamic queue this season. I think the people whining about it are exaggerating the problems. Huge upgrade for me.
There is just one ranked q with everyone lumped together. Everyone has two visible mmrs, one is solo and one is party. 2,3 or 5 stacks affect your party and 4 stacks aren't allowed in ranked. Obviously the system still calculates for fair matches.Does anyone know how dota does it w/ respect to party vs solo mmr? Are party and solo players mixed there?
Eh, DQ raised unwanted roles to be more prominent yet players didnt or dont want to learn those roles, Riot can fix everything they want except that mentality.
Personally Riot need to focus on supports being more rewarding somehow
So, how is the new champ, yay or nay