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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Eh, DQ raised unwanted roles to be more prominent yet players didnt or dont want to learn those roles, Riot can fix everything they want except that mentality.

Personally Riot need to focus on supports being more rewarding somehow

They need to make Supports more fun, yeah. Make them feel less like CC bots or Ward mules.

i'm not sure why dyn q must die instead of solo q if there are bad q times

didn't rito say most people liked dyn q better?

I mean

You can't exactly force ranked to only be 2+ to queue up.

It was a stupid decision to remove team ranked tbh. The bad queue times are going to exist whether it was only DynQ or SoloQ. It's a problem of population.

Good dyn q is getting move to another queue. Really ruined the experience for solo players.

Now the only thing that's going to ruin the experience are the long queue times :^)


Eh, DQ raised unwanted roles to be more prominent yet players didnt or dont want to learn those roles, Riot can fix everything they want except that mentality.

Personally Riot need to focus on supports being more rewarding somehow

Support champion kits are fun. Support champion itemization is complete dog shit. All of it is uninteresting. That's why supporting during lane phase is way more interesting - it occurs when items aren't impactful yet.

Ivern looks even worse in the jungle than I thought he would be. Goddamn does he look bad against competent players.
There is just one ranked q with everyone lumped together. Everyone has two visible mmrs, one is solo and one is party. 2,3 or 5 stacks affect your party and 4 stacks aren't allowed in ranked. Obviously the system still calculates for fair matches.

Alright so it's basically what we had this season (except MMRs aren't separate).


I like the separation of the queues. Solo can be my serious queue, while the flex will be my warm up/fuck around queue. Give it to me in my veins.


In other news Anivia was just picked against me now I want to kill myself.


Ok their team comp was pure cancer, only a normal but still. Anivia, Vladimir, Ivern, Jhin and Soraka. They were unkillable.


my problem with this division is that i can see the rate of 3+2 vs 5 being much higher, as well as q times being higher in general since why would a duo or solo player bother playing this mode

it just feels doomed from the start to me

I mean

You can't exactly force ranked to only be 2+ to queue up.

It was a stupid decision to remove team ranked tbh. The bad queue times are going to exist whether it was only DynQ or SoloQ. It's a problem of population.
i think old team ranked was pretty bad since the matchmaking was really trash and the lack of rank restrictions meant that most games were like one d2 person carrying their gold buddies

this doesn't work so good in coordinated play, and specially if you're like only d2 so you're manageable

but still makes for pretty bad match quality

I don't remember seeing anything like that, just that most people were indifferent.
i remember riot saying something like that


I think what they said was that more poeple were playing dynamic queue than were playing old solo queue. They took that as [arguable] evidence that the player base preferred dynamic queue.



(old / new)

whelp seems like my feedback got largely ignored and star guardian lux got massively downgraded with new ugly hair and skin colors. the new homeguards animation doesn't make up for it in the slightest

this sucks


too much riven zzzz

perma shield perma dash perma cc bs champ

Had a Riven complain earlier that Illaoi shut her down completely. Then they fed and were raging in chat all game.

Nah man I think you're just not that good lol.
More people should just accept that fact. I know I suck, and that makes it easy to not blame others and ruin their game.

why would a duo or solo player bother playing this mode

it just feels doomed from the start to me

Solo/Duo will probably be my go to option, but if more that one person that I usually play ranked with is on, that is when I would switch to the new flex queue. I feel like the number of people who enjoyed both solo/duo and dynamic queue outnumber the people who complained about solo/duo getting the boot. IIRC, you played most of your games with a group, so I highly doubt you'd see that much of a difference next season.



(old / new)

whelp seems like my feedback got largely ignored and star guardian lux got massively downgraded with new ugly hair and skin colors. the new homeguards animation doesn't make up for it in the slightest

this sucks

i can't even tell the difference, man


Solo/Duo will probably be my go to option, but if more that one person that I usually play ranked with is on, that is when I would switch to the new flex queue. I feel like the number of people who enjoyed both solo/duo and dynamic queue outnumber the people who complained about solo/duo getting the boot. IIRC, you played most of your games with a group, so I highly doubt you'd see that much of a difference next season.
i play most of my games with 3 or 4 people, so we'll always be needing solo or duo players that have absolutely no reason to play flex

and i'm not on one of the big servers like eu or korea, so who knows how this'll affect my q times, if i play duo or 3 premade on dyn q i get between 5-10 minutes q, imagine how long this thing will be on a separate q

also this thing will be super disruptive for a while so i bet i won't get mid like ever like i did at the start of this season

i'm not very optimistic, hopefully riot will pull it off, but i'm happy with the system as it is right now, i think league is not a very good game when playing on ur own (normal games are also really low quality so going back to that would be lame) and i think i played more ranked this year than the rest combined, so all of this affects me negatively

ehh, let's wait and see i guess

i can't even tell the difference, man
idk what to tell u, i don't have an ear for music and if u can't see it that's fine cos it's definitely not something super obvious, but i have an eye for color and old skin looked great and new one looks really bad

i'm mad cos they grabbed something that ppl loved and no one complained about and ruined it. and i've said it before that the contentious points about lux skins is always the vfx visibility and having the opportunity to update this skin they let the vfx go untouched and change this stuff for no good reason


Support champion kits are fun. Support champion itemization is complete dog shit. All of it is uninteresting. That's why supporting during lane phase is way more interesting - it occurs when items aren't impactful yet.

Ivern looks even worse in the jungle than I thought he would be. Goddamn does he look bad against competent players.

I've only messed around in a custom game with him but yeah he doesn't feel great. His passive costs are kinda crazy. They're about right at early levels but feel awful later on. His cooldowns also seem a bit high. His Q is really cool though and I'm glad riot is still willing to make a champ that is more whimsical/silly.


We'll be pushing Maw back to being more of a fighter item than an assassin one (almost certainly involves removing the flat armor pen and replacing it with something else amongst other things).




Dem feels.

Of course my team really lost at champ select

Irelia, Nunu, Lux, Ez, Ivern


Shen, Eve, Vel'Koz, Jhin, Thresh
I take comfort in knowing I beat Shen in lane, but alas in lane =/= game unless you carry hard, which I did not.

We had no utility vs. them


I've only messed around in a custom game with him but yeah he doesn't feel great. His passive costs are kinda crazy. They're about right at early levels but feel awful later on. His cooldowns also seem a bit high. His Q is really cool though and I'm glad riot is still willing to make a champ that is more whimsical/silly.

Yep, level 4 to 11 the health and mana costs are absolutely brutal. That's the reason I decided to hold off on buying him. Riot will have to make the health and mana costs reduce linearly with levels, but my gut is telling me it'd be a better idea to keep the costs high and let Ivern refund a scaling percent of the health and mana costs once he rescues the camp. I'm honestly shocked that Riot let him ship out with those numbers.

Can't help bu shake the feeling that he'll need an Illaoi-scope mini-rework in a few months once his strengths, weaknesses, and role in a team composition are ironed out. Daisy needs improved AI and responsiveness too.

We had no utility vs. them

...both those teams are loaded with utility.


I played the fuck out of Syndra in s4, so now when I play her I just dick everyone even though I was only a gold shitter back then.


Is it me or is 0/18/12 better in jungle? I tried 12/18/0 earlier and my sustain was WAY lower despite having inherently 2% life leech. The health reg, -2 damage and +50HP flat are kinda noticeable.

What do you guys prefer?
Is it me or is 0/18/12 better in jungle? I tried 12/18/0 earlier and my sustain was WAY lower despite having inherently 2% life leech. The health reg, -2 damage and +50HP flat are kinda noticeable.

What do you guys prefer?

It all depends on the champion you're playing, and what kind of playstyle you prefer. Some champions can make use of more than one mastery page as well. For example, when I play Lee Sin, I usually take SotA, but sometimes I go for Thunderlords for extra damage and still go for a bruiser/tanky build with items. When I play Rengar, I take Thunderlords 70% of the time, but then there are cases where I'd take Stormraiders if I need the movement speed, or SotA if I'm going for a bruiser build.
Is it me or is 0/18/12 better in jungle? I tried 12/18/0 earlier and my sustain was WAY lower despite having inherently 2% life leech. The health reg, -2 damage and +50HP flat are kinda noticeable.

What do you guys prefer?
nobody uses 12/18/0 except for like graves. everyone goes strength of the ages. 12/0/18


what junglers are you playing tho

if at all tanky sota is mandatory

otherwise tlords or fervor

It all depends on the champion you're playing, and what kind of playstyle you prefer. Some champions can make use of more than one mastery page as well. For example, when I play Lee Sin, I usually take SotA, but sometimes I go for Thunderlords for extra damage and still go for a bruiser/tanky build with items. When I play Rengar, I take Thunderlords 70% of the time, but then there are cases where I'd take Stormraiders if I need the movement speed, or SotA if I'm going for a bruiser build.

nobody uses 12/18/0 except for like graves. everyone goes strength of the ages. 12/0/18
Pantheon (I posted my usual build earlier in this thread). I go 2-3 attack items and then def. So a fighter / bruiser. The DPS burst and flat armor pen, and increased damage etc work really well so far.

I use SOTA on Jarvan, should I use that on bruiser Pant as well? 0/18/12 has been working out nicely so far, I'm not sure if the increased health is better than the damage increase early. I end up around 3.6k hp or so at the end. The increased length of blue also helps a lot and so does the increased damage and the clear speed of Savagery.

I need to try 12/0/18 then (I guess with double edged sword).
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