Speaking of bad junglers, played against an Ivern. I basically pushed him around in his own jungle, stole his camps all the time, warded his shit up like a Christmas tree...
...as Nautilus.
I mean, I'm used to playing jungle Nautilus but I shouldn't be able to do what I did so easily. Looks like I'm saving my IP for the next little while. Now I wait for the Warwick rework. I think that might be interesting if they keep his bruiseryness but make him able to gank pre-6 like Riot has already said.
I'm playing Skarner, Tahm, and Quinn in the jungle these days. I've thought about picking up Elise but...meh...everyone plays Elise and she's going to get nerfed soon enough I imagine, as is the fate of any champion that's picked non-stop in competitive I suppose. That and every time I've ever bothered to learn Elise my skills with her go to complete shit if I don't play for as little as two weeks. I could play Volibear since I actually like playing the fat fuck, but he's kind of like a less fun Tahm when you jungle him, in a way. Also mucked around the idea of playing more jungle Poppy. Might even give Gragas another shot, even though no matter how hard I tried I lost every single game with him for reasons well beyond my control.
What I really want is to play Ekko jungle. I've actually found a rune and mastery combination that helps out his early game clears, but I'm also tempted to hold off on him and try him again after he gets his mini-rework in the pre-season which - oh God, please - helps out his jungle. I miss playing jungle Ekko =(