Holy shit, it may have taken 8 tries before it finally happened but I finally got a win playing jungle Gragas. He really does still seem like a fine pick to me. Don't really where this talk of him getting "gutted" is coming from.
probably just playing with their friendsi post this not for scores or victory screen, but the ashe was legit gold 3 (not smurf gold 3) triple queued in an attempt to get to plat
cant imagine the level of friendship it takes to not be mad at a person who is just in over their head
i got a bunch of shitty legacy skins from mystery gift
sonoran kog
ice toboggan corki
wtf is this shit
how do i mystery gift myself???
Just make another account.
this doesn't work cos u have to be friends for like 2 weeks to be able to gift one another
it is a good idea tho to create an account and friend it right now so next time there's a promo like this u can take advantage of it
I thought restrictions were removed?
maybe i'm wrong on this tho
this doesn't work cos u have to be friends for like 2 weeks to be able to gift one another
it is a good idea tho to create an account and friend it right now so next time there's a promo like this u can take advantage of it
I guess the new client is scheduled for preseason?
um my friend just got randomly permabanned for account sharing
what a fucking joke, he doesn't even play the game anymore
How does he know hes banned for account sharing
If he doesnt play anymore lol
he logged in today to play dominion with me
finds his account permabanned for account sharing
I dunno how they do it in other regions
But that kinda stuff isnt random when Riot handles it
(I dont know if Riot handles your region directly)
i definitely trust this person more than i trust riot
they do
they fucked up in this case
my friend is appealing to it or whatever
hope they give him some free rp or something for his trouble
well i have other friends that i know do a lot of account sharing to smurf, so in that case i'd trust riot to have good reason to ban themI'd most certainly hope so seeing that you're his friend lol
he's one of my best friends and a smart personsend me his account name
but wonder why you're so sure he didn't.
my friend suspects maybe someone stole his account when he played at a cybercafe, idk how that works, if that were the case it'd be cool if rito notified u about weird logins before banning u
my friend hasn't even played the game in like two monthsZky, I'm telling you right now, your friend probably account shared.
replied to u on pm but he only noticed it today when logging in, so checked his emails and found two emails with the content i sent udid he get an email about being permanently banned for account sharing, or just the notification at login? If the latter it could be a case where the team noticed suspicious activity and locked the account down to protect it.
that's what we're guessingMaybe he got hacked? I dunno
top of the list of riot recommended players:
- jew soap
thanks, riot
how do i even report this person