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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.



nothing new for most people here, but details on champions and everything

the talk about leblanc's clone kind of makes me want her to do something like be able to swap places with her clone at will and have her clone be spawned every time she kills someone and stuff, idk

all this assassin talk is pretty scary since assassins are kind of a pain in the butt. hopefully they'll pull it off

Is that the blood lord vlad armor in the first splash lol
i dont think so, i think that's count vladimir


Based on how they seem to separate Invisibility and Camouflage, it seems like Vayne would fall into the former, meaning no more pink wards to help counter her ult o_o
I'll have to wait to see Rengar's rework in action before I can dig deeper, but I'm kind of worried that his ult is going to get ruined.

Thrill of the Hunt also presented us with some direct areas for improvement. A hunt requires both a prey and a predator, but right now its gameplay are pretty one sided.Giving Rengar’s prey more directed information allows them to experience The Hunt as a game they participate in, not a thing that happens to them (or doesn’t).

I mean, what else can they do here?

A global noise and an even bigger range for the "!" seems like that would be enough. I'm not trying to have a Kindred like thing where I have to mark an enemy as my prey or something.
Honestly Rengars ult should go back to not warning everyone. Increase the cooldown on it. Remove the Ferocity gains on it.

Theres room for an ult like Rengars. Just needa some tuning, numbers wise.


Does not playing for a while decrease your LP gain? I went from gaining +19 or 20 every game in ranked, then not playing apart from 1 game every month for like 5 months, now i'm getting +14 and 15 and shit. wot
Does not playing for a while decrease your LP gain? I went from gaining +19 or 20 every game in ranked, then not playing apart from 1 game every month for like 5 months, now i'm getting +14 and 15 and shit. wot

That would be weird. Not playing should only decreasw your visible rank, not the hidden MMR...
Marquis Vlad looks dope
Based on how they seem to separate Invisibility and Camouflage, it seems like Vayne would fall into the former, meaning no more pink wards to help counter her ult o_o
Yeah. Camo is long term invisibility.
Honestly Rengars ult should go back to not warning everyone. Increase the cooldown on it. Remove the Ferocity gains on it.

Theres room for an ult like Rengars. Just needa some tuning, numbers wise.
There's room for an ult like Thrill of the Hunt but not on an assassin that can 100-0 you out of it.
Oh the protection to my old summoner name on NA finally ended. (The account I left behind when I moved to LAN)

It's been over 3 years...

Now to grind the IP so I can rename my current NA account to my old name, so I can have the same summoner on NA and LAN. This also means that I could theoretically also take zkylon name on NA

I wonder if I could get it for free if I sent a ticket to support hmmm



nothing new for most people here, but details on champions and everything

Riot said:
That being said, we would like to see him better aligned with being a squishy damage dealer, not a tanky disruptor. We’re hoping to solidify his identity as a mobile, delayed damage dealer.

Fucking pick one Riot. I'll just assume I'll never be able to play jungle Ekko again and save myself some disappointment.


is it just me or is jinx like

super good right now

I thought she was just alright a while back but I was wrong. She seems pretty good. At least since the sivir/ashe/jhin nerfs.

Cait's been solid for a while now, too. Good to see people pick her up again.


think i'm gonna start maining mid after my stint jungling.

had to dodge a match because our support locked in iver. why. why. why


Queue up for ranked for the first time in months and i get Pantheon support. Of course we lose and I'm demoted.

I love this video game!
You know what? not having to go CDR boots on Jayce anymore really was the buff he needed. The extra R damage is nice too especially late game, but being able to buy tabis or mercs + the hexdrinker opener for ap lanes really does give him the buffs he needed.

I didn't think the cooldown and R damage buff would make him feel this much better. Could just be the win streak talking but I've carried 2 matches that were essentially 4v6. Not that I couldn't do that before, but it feels much better now.


I don't think Syndra's gonna get nerfed, I think they're gonna just wait to release these broken ass assassins and let that be a nerf to strong mages as they trip over themselves tryin to balance them like they did with the Mage update.

Can't wait for the broken assassin freelo!
I don't think Syndra's gonna get nerfed, I think they're gonna just wait to release these broken ass assassins and let that be a nerf to strong mages as they trip over themselves tryin to balance them like they did with the Mage update.

Can't wait for the broken assassin freelo!

Assassin updates =/= universal buffs. It's about strategically differentiating them and also ensuring they have healthy play patters, which I guess could lead to buffs if they're underperforming, but doesn't 100% mean they're getting buffed. Some may go up in win rate, some down.

The point is though if they're successful they all bring different things to the game and they feel sufficiently fair to play against while still also being very threatening.


Assassin updates =/= universal buffs. It's about strategically differentiating them and also ensuring they have healthy play patters, which I guess could lead to buffs if they're underperforming, but doesn't 100% mean they're getting buffed. Some may go up in win rate, some down.

The point is though if they're successful they all bring different things to the game and they feel sufficiently fair to play against while still also being very threatening.
i don't think rito has the track record to argue that they're not gonna release a bunch of broken champions

like their heart is in the right place i'm sure (except with malzahar, malzahar rework is the stupidest thing ever), but they always fuck it up lol


Assassin updates =/= universal buffs. It's about strategically differentiating them and also ensuring they have healthy play patters, which I guess could lead to buffs if they're underperforming, but doesn't 100% mean they're getting buffed. Some may go up in win rate, some down.

The point is though if they're successful they all bring different things to the game and they feel sufficiently fair to play against while still also being very threatening.

Oh, I don't think it's gonna be sweeping buffs.

But by no means do I think they will be able to do so many changes to so many champs at once with out ANY of them coming out the other end busted af and needing some extra work to put them back in line.

Like, I'm pretty sure they didn't WANT to make Malz, Swain and (some would say?) Vlad the post rework beast they were ... didn't stop them from going to live and becoming pick/ ban champs.
i don't think rito has the track record to argue that they're not gonna release a bunch of broken champions

like their heart is in the right place i'm sure (except with malzahar, malzahar rework is the stupidest thing ever), but they always fuck it up lol

the nature of the beast

we get more data in like an hour of a champion being on live than we do over months of playtests with teams specifically designed to playtest stuff. The champ update team can estimate based on internal numbers where they think something will fit, but I would be surprised if they ever get it spot on. That includes something being overtuned AND undertuned, as we've seen with Ivern

In general it's bad for something to release really bad because nobody plays it forever, Bard being the biggest example. Bard was so bad on release that despite the fact he's now one of the most iconic and enjoyed League champions nobody played him even when he was strong because he was so bad on release. I worry the same will happen with Ivern if he's as undertuned as he seems to be.

At the same time it's bad for something to be super busted on release because then success with the champion comes too easily which leads to scenarios where champions have high winrates with shitty builds, just because the champion is so strong players can be successful anyway.

so yeah, team does their best to get stuff balanced for release but so hard to get right because you can only test things so much. Thankfully we have 2 week patch cycles and the ability to hotfix, so if something is super bad or super busted we can adjust p. quickly.


Anyone else loves dealing with raged players? Like it's so easy to push their buttons even further. Had a game where me (sup) and bot lane are owning early to mid game, but all other lanes fed. Then it got to late game and the fed champions started killing bot lane. Then you had top and mid lane raging that we were feeding. It's like wtf, you guys fed your lanes and now they taking over the game. Some revisionist history going on here. Anyways I spent the rest of the game raging the other lanes even further and it felt right lol.
ivern spawns bushes, talon spawns haystacks.

what if talon could cast a cardboard box...

Anyone else loves dealing with raged players? Like it's so easy to push their buttons even further. Had a game where me (sup) and bot lane are owning early to mid game, but all other lanes fed. Then it got to late game and the fed champions started killing bot lane. Then you had top and mid lane raging that we were feeding. It's like wtf, you guys fed your lanes and now they taking over the game. Some revisionist history going on here. Anyways I spent the rest of the game raging the other lanes even further and it felt right lol.


look at that Shyvana. mega-raging from the beginning, right down to the intentional feeding.


yeah, not unrealistic, but not the intention :)

i'm really looking forward to them. Talon especially. Feel like he finally has a defined place amongst assassins.
idk i still call bullshit on malzahar

like everyone else, even morde i'm fine saying they didn't know, but my theory is someone really wanted to troll players with malzahar

omfg i can't believe anyone considered nu malz acceptable
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