Last Whisper is always good against tanks but it's always good to finish core items first.
Got it. Not sure what her cores were at, so maybe that's what she was doing.
We just had a game that shot my stress levels so high in such a short amount of time. We had their base cleared out on mid: inhib turret, inhib, and both nexus turrets were down. Our Garen informed us that his TP was up, so our Draven said in Chat, "We'll defend their push, you backdoor." He didn't. And he died in a teamfight. Thankfully, he took down their Ryze - who was blowing us ALL up - with him. So we could fight them all off, and things went back to neutral.
A new plan is formulated: we'll contest Elder Dragon, and he'll TP and finish. But... he doesn't. I typed, "TP" twice while he headed to Dragon Pit, and frantically typed "just TP in" when I saw him rush in to initiate a teamfight! I was Sona, so all I could do at this point was try to keep him alive. Fired off my W shot onto Ryze, used my Ult on him even though I knew he had a QSS, and then popped my Solari Locket. Between all of that and three of us focusing him down while the other two fought Drag, he went down leaving Garen with maybe half health, and our ADC near dead. But with Ryze out, everyone else died rather quickly since they were all squishy and were targetting Garen instead of Draven. Somehow, we took Elder Dragon, had zero casualties, killed four of them, and finished game.
Think I'm done with the game today lol. I'm glad we won, but that unnecessary teamfight was enough to shoot up the blood pressure. :|
Side note, I love CDR Boots on Sona along with the reduced Summ Spells Mastery. Her CDs are so low that not only are you spamming her abilities, but you can "spam" Exhaust, too! Oh, and Flash with a >4 minute cooldown is the best.