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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Death's Dance doesn't work off of Sunfire Cape's or Thornmail's damage. It only heals physical damage. Gunblade however would heal off of Sunfire Cape, so that's a thing I guess. There must have been some other interaction going on that you weren't aware of.

That or Death's Dance is bugged.


Death's Dance doesn't work off of Sunfire Cape's or Thornmail's damage. It only heals physical damage. Gunblade however would heal off of Sunfire Cape, so that's a thing I guess. There must have been some other interaction going on that you weren't aware of.

That or Death's Dance is bugged.

IDK what to tell ya, I was messing with Darius in a custom ... as I was standing in their base being bored with how afraid BotJax was of me I just stood in minion waves with nothing but SF dmg and DD watching the waves die as my HP went up-down-up-down and the Green numbers kept popping off.

IDK much about Darius, maybe he can stand in minion waves and not be bothered by minion dmg cause he passively out heals it?


see now they need to make a compendium of sorts

Offer like 5 exclusive skins through it
exclusive wards and icons
A way to level it through playing the game(For the people with no moneys to spend).

And the prize pool will be better

rito hire me

who cares about prizepools


I need to learn how to be more assertive in chat. Lost a game against a Nunu and Pantheon who both went heeeeeavy HP sponge Tank. Told my Jinx that we needed a Lord Dominik's, but I left it at one message and never pressed further. She couldn't do squat against them, man. Had a good fifteen minutes of turtling where she made enough to buy an item or two, so the farm wasn't the problem.

Or is the item not good? That may be it, I actually don't know. Never used ADC.


Gold Member
I need to learn how to be more assertive in chat. Lost a game against a Nunu and Pantheon who both went heeeeeavy HP sponge Tank. Told my Jinx that we needed a Lord Dominik's, but I left it at one message and never pressed further. She couldn't do squat against them, man. Had a good fifteen minutes of turtling where she made enough to buy an item or two, so the farm wasn't the problem.

Or is the item not good? That may be it, I actually don't know. Never used ADC.

Last Whisper is always good against tanks but it's always good to finish core items first.


How relevant are these win rates on champion.gg to me in silver. I like playing liss but she's below 50% :(

Outside of a few very specific scenarios, like launch champs aka current Ivern, or certain kit/item flavor of the patch combos, not too much.

A better idea imo is to be aware of how champ matchups are, and how to play or not play against ones with an inherent advantage over you so they don't snowball into 1 v 3+ territory.

I think Liss is in decent shape right now. She is a pretty good counter against a few popular mid picks too (like Zed).


How relevant are these win rates on champion.gg to me in silver. I like playing liss but she's below 50% :(

Like Kenai said, it's not a big deal. Just be careful if meta mid champions are bad matchups for Liss, so that you can be somewhat confident that you'll win lane at least.


Back to playing LoL again after a break of almost a year. Liking the current meta atm, lots of different champs are being played. Did decay'd a lot though. Went from low diamond to playing with silvers and golds haha. Gonna try to do my placements before the season ends to get those sweet rewards (to add to my Maokai collection who've I've been playing since season 2 :d).

Since I'm a support main, nothing much have changed. Playstyle is still the same, only added some new champs and new items to take into account, although the new drake buffs are really cool. What I've noticed in gold: they react very slowly. Flash CC into ignite has never gone so easy before. People are worse at getting a consistent income from cs and objectives. Zoning with a duo lane goes well for example, but if our ADC still ends up with 7-10 cs less while having an easier time farming, you know where the problem lies. :d People higher ranked get higher cs, because that is the most reliable way to get a gold lead next to objectives. In terms of mechanics I was surprised though. Most of the players could play their champ well. What they were lacking badly are objective control and playing the map in general. There is too much focus on chasing to try to get kills, while easier and safer objectives could have been taken. Also not understanding trying to fight a baron'd up or elder drake up'd team isn't the best idea. Better to stall for a couple of minutes, to not give too much away while the other team is having a boost in power.

People are still really toxic in chat though. Haven't changed a bit. :D I still don't understand how whining about someone's pick helps in-game, since people can't change their champion anyways. Also noticed people tilt very fast and then proceed to afk or disconnect. Even won a game when the enemy team took baron, our Lee Sin tried to fight them instead of stalling for only 4 minutes and died and ragequit. We just stalled for those 4 minutes and aced them while only losing one to finish the game. We previously already destroyed all their mid towers with them having an open Nexus, but weren't fast enough to close out the game which gave them Baron. So weird to try to throw away a free win like that lol.

Hoping to get at least gold. Would be nice after not playing for such a long time. Currently 4-1 in my placements, so it's going well (only game lost was with an afk Lee Sin and an Anivia top lol. )
i wonder how this will go

Dodge. Dodge. Dodge. Dodge.

see now they need to make a compendium of sorts

Offer like 5 exclusive skins through it
exclusive wards and icons
A way to level it through playing the game(For the people with no moneys to spend).

And the prize pool will be better

rito hire me

Realistically, even if this was something they wanted to do it would probably wait until the new client came out.


Is it me or is Ivern really weak? I have played

i think that was me but i wouldn't know how to find it

and i don't think i could give much good advice since i don't play support anymore

ask leezard for tips :p

Yeah, thought it was a long shot. I actually think maybe leezard was the one who wrote it but I couldn't be certain.

The only tip I remember is to use the lantern whenever you are in trouble because the enemy would think that you would grab someone, which results in them backing up.


I don't remember if I wrote a post like that, but basic tips with Thresh is to walk up and flay before you hook, or make it look like you want to hook the support but actually aim at the adc (you can't tell on Thresh's animation within a 90 degree cone or something like that).

You're probably better off looking at a youtube video for more tips though.


Is there any way to check exactly how long you have until you decay in ranked? The notification just says I have 1 day. I know it eventually says that decay is imminent but is there any way to check the exact time you will decay?


Is there any way to check exactly how long you have until you decay in ranked? The notification just says I have 1 day. I know it eventually says that decay is imminent but is there any way to check the exact time you will decay?

This site works sometimes:

You can crosscheck it with this site that might have a different rounding than Riot has in its client. This site might show 0 days whereas Riot would show 1 day, because this site might always round down, so you at least know it's less than 24 hours but perhaps more than 12 hours.


This site works sometimes:

You can crosscheck it with this site that might have a different rounding than Riot has in its client. This site might show 0 days whereas Riot would show 1 day, because this site might always round down, so you at least know it's less than 24 hours but perhaps more than 12 hours.

Danke captain. Guess the ranked grind for Masters start today then although I still feel as if I'm playing like garbage compared to a few months ago. Plus all my champs went out of meta, feelsbadman.


How relevant are these win rates on champion.gg to me in silver. I like playing liss but she's below 50% :(

Not very, particularly if you're finding success using a particular champion and you enjoy playing them.

I swear by the Lord Almighty that Tahm Kench is a really good jungler, but his play rate is so low he's rarely marked as a jungler on champion.gg and when he is his win rates are middle-of-the-pack at best.

Champion.gg, op.gg, lolalytics, etc. are best used when you do some digging behind the numbers. Use those sites to see what the best runes, masteries, and skill orders are, what builds are most common, see what items might be very strong but underbuilt. They're also good for finding hidden OP picks or champions that might be perceived as strong but actually being weaker than believed (which let's you have a better ban phase by not wasting bans).


tfw of getting a Penta, and then thinking you hit the Shadowplay hotkey for "Save the last five minutes" but accidentally hit "Start recording now."


Last Whisper is always good against tanks but it's always good to finish core items first.

Got it. Not sure what her cores were at, so maybe that's what she was doing.

We just had a game that shot my stress levels so high in such a short amount of time. We had their base cleared out on mid: inhib turret, inhib, and both nexus turrets were down. Our Garen informed us that his TP was up, so our Draven said in Chat, "We'll defend their push, you backdoor." He didn't. And he died in a teamfight. Thankfully, he took down their Ryze - who was blowing us ALL up - with him. So we could fight them all off, and things went back to neutral.

A new plan is formulated: we'll contest Elder Dragon, and he'll TP and finish. But... he doesn't. I typed, "TP" twice while he headed to Dragon Pit, and frantically typed "just TP in" when I saw him rush in to initiate a teamfight! I was Sona, so all I could do at this point was try to keep him alive. Fired off my W shot onto Ryze, used my Ult on him even though I knew he had a QSS, and then popped my Solari Locket. Between all of that and three of us focusing him down while the other two fought Drag, he went down leaving Garen with maybe half health, and our ADC near dead. But with Ryze out, everyone else died rather quickly since they were all squishy and were targetting Garen instead of Draven. Somehow, we took Elder Dragon, had zero casualties, killed four of them, and finished game.

Think I'm done with the game today lol. I'm glad we won, but that unnecessary teamfight was enough to shoot up the blood pressure. :|

Side note, I love CDR Boots on Sona along with the reduced Summ Spells Mastery. Her CDs are so low that not only are you spamming her abilities, but you can "spam" Exhaust, too! Oh, and Flash with a >4 minute cooldown is the best.


I have arrived in Chicago

what do i do in this city all these buildings are so big wtf

Definitely go to the Children's Museum if you have time. It's a ton of fun and often overlooked. Also the Museum of Science and Industry if you want something a little more srs, lots of cool exhibits and I think they still have the LEGO exhibit, which is amazing.
Definitely go to the Children's Museum if you have time. It's a ton of fun and often overlooked. Also the Museum of Science and Industry if you want something a little more srs, lots of cool exhibits and I think they still have the LEGO exhibit, which is amazing.

I am tight for time here, but I'll see what I can do.

when are we getting beer


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I have arrived in Chicago

what do i do in this city all these buildings are so big wtf
I would strongly recommend checking out the Art Institute of Chicago. It's one of the best art museums I've visited worldwide, and my appreciation for it grows each time I visit again. It's also right next to Millennium Park which is at least worth walking around for a little. The more well known fast food places would be Portillo's for hog dogs and Girodano's for pizza, although there are a bunch of different places you can go for pizza obviously. I would also stay away from Navy Pier tbh.
I would strongly recommend checking out the Art Institute of Chicago. It's one of the best art museums I've visited worldwide, and my appreciation for it grows each time I visit again. It's also right next to Millennium Park which is at least worth walking around for a little. The more well known fast food places would be Portillo's for hog dogs and Girodano's for pizza, although there are a bunch of different places you can go for pizza obviously. I would also stay away from Navy Pier tbh.

I'll second the recommendation of Portillos if you're looking for a hot dog.
I would strongly recommend checking out the Art Institute of Chicago. It's one of the best art museums I've visited worldwide, and my appreciation for it grows each time I visit again. It's also right next to Millennium Park which is at least worth walking around for a little. The more well known fast food places would be Portillo's for hog dogs and Girodano's for pizza, although there are a bunch of different places you can go for pizza obviously. I would also stay away from Navy Pier tbh.

when are we also getting beer

also yeah, will check out portillo's while I'm here. Always hear good things.


I am tight for time here, but I'll see what I can do.

when are we getting beer

Coming into town Wednesday night (and by into town I mean my friend's place about 45 minutes away) but Thursday before and after the event I have some time and I'll actually be in the city, lul. I know there are a few places around the theatre that we can grab a drink at if you have time Thursday.
might just be me but i think costy wants beer

I have not had enough beer on this trip

Coming into town Wednesday night (and by into town I mean my friend's place about 45 minutes away) but Thursday before and after the event I have some time and I'll actually be in the city, lul. I know there are a few places around the theatre that we can grab a drink at if you have time Thursday.

Hrmm, Thursday before the event is probably the best bet. I can sneak out for a beer or two near the venue before the games kick off.


I have not had enough beer on this trip

Hrmm, Thursday before the event is probably the best bet. I can sneak out for a beer or two near the venue before the games kick off.

We have a parking spot reserved at 3:30, so if you have like 20 minutes or so to grab a beer before the gates open I'd be down for that! I'll keep ya updated. Well, you're the busy one, so you keep me updated.


vlad splash updates:



i always thought of vlad as a gay man in my head so i wish he was chewing on some dude's neck but this is ok too
We have a parking spot reserved at 3:30, so if you have like 20 minutes or so to grab a beer before the gates open I'd be down for that! I'll keep ya updated. Well, you're the busy one, so you keep me updated.

sounds good! Ping me on twitter, it's the easiest way to reach me.
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