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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


i don't think rito has the track record to argue that they're not gonna release a bunch of broken champions

And some of the reworks are going to fall flat on their faces, balance be damned.

Another Bard support game, another win. I don't get how this dude's win rates aren't higher. He's so easy to play.

Anyone remember at what point in the past few seasons we started getting information about the pre-season changes? I recall the pre-season patches hitting the PBE around mid-November but I can't remember when we'd start to get some info about the upcoming changes from Riot.


So, let's say I just got placed into Gold V after my placements and would like to get a free Maokai + that nice exclusive skin swag

can I like
not do anymore rounds until I get the prizes, or will rank stagnation kick in before then

I know there was a site linked earlier, and I will look into that, but it can't hurt to also ask. :p

Edit: Oh, Gold doesn't decay. Nooooice. Free Maokai, come to me. :3


finally bought ryze since this new iteration seems finally like a solid champion

he's pretty fun, but i keep playing him the way i'd play cassio and he's no cassio that's for sure

his ult feels super useless tho, i don't think i've ever gotten that much use of it and it's gotten me into trouble way more than it's helped me


I liked old Ryze's Ult so much, but I know how much it was disliked. He was my first Champion though, so I'm biased to OlRyze.


I really like the new Ryze, though he seems kind of busted

And that ult is hard to use, but it's really dope when you pull off something with it like a short flank or safely getting your whole team over dragon/baron pit after taking it



that's so close


Still working on exact changes, though Ghostblade, Duskblade and Maw will definitely be in there. Probably looking at major changes to only half a dozen items or so this time, this'll be a smaller set of item changes than previous class updates.

There'll be a few changes to non AD items as well. Aegis will lose its aura for example but still exists as a Locket component, with a couple of new support items to fill the gap it leaves. Rylai's will get some changes too, though those might get delayed a patch or two if we don't hit on the appropriate version in time for 6.22.

Most concrete thing we can say at present is that we will be nerfing Rylais regardless of what direction we go in. Wouldn't worry about it becoming a bigger damage item and therefore greater issue than it already is on some champs. Even if we did go for a non HP approach wouldn't expect it to gain offensive stats at all.

Eve is the only Camouflage user at present, she won't be the only one after the pre-season though.
random meddler stuffs


Aegis change/new support items will be interesting. It would be great if Locket wasn't a forced buy in most games, but there should reasonably be more Locket-tier support items rather than just nerfing Locket. A pure Locket nerf would force flat magic pen to become weaker since mages are balanced around Locket existing.

Athene's is a good new support item at least.
finally bought ryze since this new iteration seems finally like a solid champion

he's pretty fun, but i keep playing him the way i'd play cassio and he's no cassio that's for sure

his ult feels super useless tho, i don't think i've ever gotten that much use of it and it's gotten me into trouble way more than it's helped me
Eh, its prettt good in organized play. Either you flank with it or send your initiators right in the middle of the enemy team. Besides that, its pretty good to just move around or get to lane faster.

that's so close
Whoa, we're actually getting the halloween stutf in time for halloween? Awesome
I hope they don't ruin Ghostblade.
I hope they fucking gut that item and buff ADC items to compensate the gap it was filling in

finally bought ryze since this new iteration seems finally like a solid champion

he's pretty fun, but i keep playing him the way i'd play cassio and he's no cassio that's for sure

his ult feels super useless tho, i don't think i've ever gotten that much use of it and it's gotten me into trouble way more than it's helped me

I'm starting to think the best use of Ryze ult is the way we've seen it at worlds the last week. Use it to have one of your tanks or initiators flank the enemy and form a pincer? But you probably have to explain that to your team if you want to do that, which makes it potentially difficult in soloqueue.

I also need to do a mini rant. I had two awful games last night. One was a melee vs double range lane (Jinx/Tahm (me) vs Ez/Sona), and my Jinx was afk until the first wave was already in lane. So jinx getting to lane late made it essentially an auto lose because our enemies weren't potatoes and were able to poke us out so easy. I took free poke, so I'm not blameless, but it sucks being put behind in a lane that was already going to be hard. In the second game I was laning with an MF who was too passive. It felt like she didn't use double up at all in the first couple minutes of the game and even though both bot lanes hit 2 around the exact same time she kind of just gave up. She backed up and waited for the lane to push into the tower even though the wave was still in the middle of the lane. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.


GBM did an interview.

Small excerpt:
On Kiwikid
Storytime: They’re trying to scrim, but there’s someone behind GBM playing Overwatch ladder. Someone “good at Zyra.” They’re in pick bans, talking through their options, Viktor, Shen, etc, and out of nowhere he hears “MERCY DOWN! MERCY DOWN!” He looks behind him and this gorilla is smacking shit around. GBM said he doesn’t dislike Kiwikid, he actually likes him a lot as a person. Just that it was iffy to work with him professionally. “Kiwikid was at least decent at Alistair, though it was kinda half-half, a lottery.”
NA ladder is garbage
“Solo-queue there is garbage. It’s not an environment where you can practice.” Description of NA ladder: No one surrenders in NA, they just group up and fight, and the guys with better mechanics win. That’s all. To paraphrase: “There’s a guy called Goldenglue who hit #1, who played on TL, he’s really bad. If you get #1 on Korea, you have this aura around you, no matter who it is.”
Storytime 2: He had given up on laddering toward the end of Summer Split because the situation was so bleak. The team wasn’t motivated at all and it didn’t seem like there was a point. He would just put Game of Thrones on one monitor, play LoL on the other, AND alt-tab to play Maple Story. He hit 300 points Master anyway.

Advice from Impact
GBM went to NA LCS because he wanted to take advantage of the weak scene. However, Impact gave him some advice: it’s not the Koreans who are important, it’s the Americans who are the most important. The gap between Koreans isn’t going to change, but the difference between the American players is like that between D5 and Challenger on Korea. GBM doubted that the difference could actually be that big, but once he got there...

Shameless IMT gossip
GBM heard somewhere IMT was ruined toward the end of the season because of Overwatch.

I want a Blitz vis update. Other than that he's fired up and ready to serve.
Did he ever get a small model update?
The initial red thing isn't the width of the laser. God, you guys have been playing this game for years.

This isn't the initial red thing, which is where my /s clarity comment came from. It actually starts of wide, shrinks then expands again. It's complete bollocks, basically.

And TBF, I've only been playing since late 2010 and I've played Lux about 3 times.

Edit: Or at least for the SG skin.



So Riot made a new sub-site for editorial content.


One of the first things is a writeup by Ghostcrawler on depth vs accessibility.

Part of it:

Runes :
Finally, I’ll take a softball example, but one for which we still don’t have a satisfactory solution (but stay tuned!). Runes were originally added to League for two reasons: as an incentive and reward for obtaining a new Summoner level, and as a way to customize your “character” before a game starts and in addition to choices such as champion and items. We can argue about whether runes are an awesome reward for leveling or whether leveling is even super relevant for League in 2016 and beyond, but that’s beyond the scope of what I wanted to talk about here. What I wanted to talk about is whether runes provide interesting choices in customization -- and I’d argue they do not. Very few players really try to come up with new rune builds, and when they do, they are largely inferior (or perceived as such) to established builds. This is largely because runes are passive stats and it’s pretty easy for a large and engaged player base with a lot of data at their exposure to figure out whether a flat MR or scaling MR Glyph is the better choice.

There is a lot of complexity to runes as a system (and this ignores retired mechanics like the Rune Combiner, and need-to-be-retired mechanics like the fact that runes still have tiers), but we don’t get a lot of depth out of it. It’s a solved problem at best, an ear flick at worst, and sort of deserves to either be updated to have depth, or completely retired from the game. We’re going to try to solve the former problem by making runes cooler, and you’ve probably figured out that the solution we want to try is to make them less solvable by having the individual runes be more situational champ to champ and game to game, and having the answer to whether you want A or B to more often be “it depends” or “whatever suits your play style.” The intent of this post isn’t to pitch or announce a new runes system, but I did want to acknowledge that it violates our overall philosophy of complexity being acceptable if the depth is there, because I think most of us would agree, the depth ain’t there in runes today.



I wanted to bring this up

I'm amazed how much Blizzard packed into the Halloween update compared to another Teemo skin

I'm downloading an update right now

Did they make it so you can't buy new skins with your ingame currency like with the olympic skins?
Did they make it so you can't buy new skins with your ingame currency like with the olympic skins?

You can actually buy the skins this time around directly with gold. Although they're pricier than the regular legendaries(Which IMO is fine since chances are, it'll only be available once a year.)

Glad they listened to the feedback.
finally bought ryze since this new iteration seems finally like a solid champion

he's pretty fun, but i keep playing him the way i'd play cassio and he's no cassio that's for sure

his ult feels super useless tho, i don't think i've ever gotten that much use of it and it's gotten me into trouble way more than it's helped me

his ult is so good. there are so many things you can do with it. Just watching Worlds has already shown us some of them (amazing flanks, teleporting your tanks straight into their team, teleporting minions to push)

ANX's Kira showed us another one against QTpie in solo queue

it's not a traditional ult and you don't have to take it at 6, but it's so flexible and will only become more useful as players start to learn Ryze and get better at him

super fucking cool imo
his ult is so good. there are so many things you can do with it. Just watching Worlds has already shown us some of them (amazing flanks, teleporting your tanks straight into their team, teleporting minions to push)

ANX's Kira showed us another one against QTpie in solo queue

it's not a traditional ult and you don't have to take it at 6, but it's so flexible and will only become more useful as players start to learn Ryze and get better at him

super fucking cool imo
I saw that, so fucking creative
his ult is so good. there are so many things you can do with it. Just watching Worlds has already shown us some of them (amazing flanks, teleporting your tanks straight into their team, teleporting minions to push)

ANX's Kira showed us another one against QTpie in solo queue

it's not a traditional ult and you don't have to take it at 6, but it's so flexible and will only become more useful as players start to learn Ryze and get better at him

super fucking cool imo

I believe C9 also did something similar to the Qtpie video in their match vs IMAY. Right before C9 took the second baron they have sneaky open up with Jhin ult and as victor tries to run from the blue side jungle into the midlane Jensen ults in on the right side which kind of corrals (sp?) Athena into a bad spot.


his ult is so good. there are so many things you can do with it. Just watching Worlds has already shown us some of them (amazing flanks, teleporting your tanks straight into their team, teleporting minions to push)

ANX's Kira showed us another one against QTpie in solo queue

it's not a traditional ult and you don't have to take it at 6, but it's so flexible and will only become more useful as players start to learn Ryze and get better at him

super fucking cool imo

That's a cool use of Ryze ult.


Ryze is fun. Definitely one of my favorite champs atm. Although I rarely even bother levelling my ult at level 6, just seems fairly meh unless you're planning to get away from ganks, and even then it's not great as any hard cc will cancel the ult.
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