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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.




(it's a lol character i swear)

Did he do a naughty version

i dont think so :I

Pref. one that compensates on their flat boards :V


Overwatch's Halloween update makes me wonder when LoL is starting The Harrowing this year.
i so wish they did a spooky version of sr


So Riot made a new sub-site for editorial content.


One of the first things is a writeup by Ghostcrawler on depth vs accessibility.

Part of it:

that's cool, not in the mood for reading right now but sounds like interesting stuff

i'm not a big fan of adding more out-of-match nuance to a game i feel is most interesting for what happens inside a match, and for a game that's always had trouble balancing that stuff, but i'm intrigued

i also wonder how they'll manage to balance not being pay 2 win with having enough impact in the game with all the ip people's spent on runes over the years

i say the pay 2 win thing cos even if u buy runes with ip it feels like shit if someone is stronger than u cos they had more of X currency that u had. just imagine if like u had to buy masteries and enemy had thunderlords while u could only afford stormraider's surge, or whatever. yeah you could grind ur way to it but it would feel super shitty nonetheless

You can actually buy the skins this time around directly with gold. Although they're pricier than the regular legendaries(Which IMO is fine since chances are, it'll only be available once a year.)

Glad they listened to the feedback.
that's good

old system was the worst

I wanted to bring this up

I'm amazed how much Blizzard packed into the Halloween update compared to another Teemo skin

I'm downloading an update right now
yeah that's very cool. the skins don't look amazing and the map reskin is pretty simple but that shit is just fun and cool and i wish riot had a bit more fun with that stuff, just bundling a bunch of map reskins, skins, modes and whatnot all together is awesome

it's why i'm so bummed they decided not to do any more bilgewater-type shit, that thing was the single coolest event ever, there was so much content, new champions, crazy reworks, an insane new mode with new items, aram reskin, awesome lore (with pictures and music! omg), it was the best shit ever. they freaking killed gp for a week in ranked which was the dumbest thing ever but also the coolest shit ever

would be awesome if they did new harrowing stuff in the same way as that, it doesn't have to be THAT huge but at least try it

his ult is so good. there are so many things you can do with it. Just watching Worlds has already shown us some of them (amazing flanks, teleporting your tanks straight into their team, teleporting minions to push)

ANX's Kira showed us another one against QTpie in solo queue

it's not a traditional ult and you don't have to take it at 6, but it's so flexible and will only become more useful as players start to learn Ryze and get better at him

super fucking cool imo
i like the concept, but the range makes it so situational i find myself barely even using it in my games. teleporting minions to push sounds awesome but pls

the ult just has a weird range at rank 1 that it feels like u could just sort of walk there with ghost quicker than you can teleport and the range also makes finding good flanks really hard

it gets better at rank 2, and i sort of get why they made rank 1 shitty, but it just feels like a waste of a skill point

weird, login screens usually look much better than this one

the morgana splash is really good tho, too bad the actual skin looks like this lol


so bad lol

at least teemo and trist skins are great

Whats with everyone having pets in their skins recently
pets are cool

lol at the minion on the login screen
lol yea that minion's the best

Why can't Riot just add into their normal game code that <30 can't be matched with level 30s. It's so dumb.
i'm hoping riot will eventually just remove leveling or at the very least detach it from gameplay stuff (like summoner spells, runes, etc.)

levels being used as a way to ease u into the game and maybe give u small rewards to incentivize u to keep playing is a decent system, you can do the beginner champion rotation and give them pre-packed masteries ala call of duty at low levels, shit like that


I love runes and the ultra customization they bring to the table. Sometimes my nautilus top wants attack speed, sometimes he wants tankier stats, sometimes (not often) he likes some ap.

I wish they were all just free, it's such a huge barrier to have them locked behind currency that can only be obtained by playing a tremendous number of games.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It's obvious that some degree of choice exists with rune pages, but the choices are probably too granular even at the level of being a template with all runes filled in. Ultimately I feel that the mastery system should be where players adjust things to playstyle or situation, and that the rune pages are mostly just a redundancy at this point.


pretty much what soda said although i'd say i see even less adaptation at the mastery level than runes

with runes i can go armor yellows against zed and mr blues against syndra, and do something similar with mr+cdr/lvl or all cdr/lvl if playing against easier champions, while i'm never gonna switch masteries based on who i'm up against (i'm sure there are exceptions, specially since mid is like this shittiest most boring lane for masteries atm)

the rune system feels a lot more reactive to the enemy laner while masteries are more of a thing that just enables your champion, not you as a player. it's not a playstyle thing, because no one takes deathfire touch on a thunderlord champion, every champion has their keystone and that's it

personally i think both systems are really bad, masteries might be more modern but it's still a false choice and it's still added little to the game that wasn't there before the revamp, while making balance a nightmare for months

sadly i expect the shift in runes to a new system to be about as bad


I'm of the mind that Runes are really great for personalizing your play (Masteries are stuck to one or two paths on each Champ typically), they just cost too much and that's a pain.

I had a crazy and dumb idea that I really want to try out at some point:


Both use Ult. Proceed to destroy enemies. It would be great.


Runes need to be simpler, stronger, and change from game to game. So while there still will be min-maxing, it'll be more based on who you're playing.

Armor or MR
Health or Health Regen
Armor Pen or AD
Magic Pen or AP
Movement speed or Tenacity

Enemy team/lane opponent a tank? Take penetration. Lots of AP on the opposing team? Take MR. Poke comp? Take health regen. You the engager? Take health and movement speed.

Something. It's just so flat right now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Most of those are false choices though. Picking armor or MR based on the enemy lane is not some great strategical feat, it's just needless burden of knowledge. Not even needed if the game is balanced around not having them. The same obviously goes for something like choosing between AD or AP.

What I don't find interesting about runes is that they are just sort of there with their presence increasingly diminished as the game goes on. Often it is not the rune itself that is noticed, but the absence of another. It's important to look at where stat acquisition works well in the game to help understand where it might be getting in the way in other places. The item system in League is interesting because so much of it is related to timing. What components are prioritized by which players at which points in the game? How do they make the most of limited resources to purchase those stat gains? I feel that the rune system can never really amount to much because it is a static piece in a system filled with dynamic choices. I find it unlikely that players alter their play based on the rune set up of an enemy. It is not even something you can really react to.


Most of those are false choices though. Picking armor or MR based on the enemy lane is not some great strategical feat, it's just needless burden of knowledge. Not even needed if the game is balanced around not having them. The same obviously goes for something like choosing between AD or AP.

What I don't find interesting about runes is that they are just sort of there with their presence increasingly diminished as the game goes on. Often it is not the rune itself that is noticed, but the absence of another. It's important to look at where stat acquisition works well in the game to help understand where it might be getting in the way in other places. The item system in League is interesting because so much of it is related to timing. What components are prioritized by which players at which points in the game? How do they make the most of limited resources to purchase those stat gains? I feel that the rune system can never really amount to much because it is a static piece in a system filled with dynamic choices. I find it unlikely that players alter their play based on the rune set up of an enemy. It is not even something you can really react to.

yeah wasn't arguing runes are good, just that masteries are also pretty bad


taliyah got nerfed really hard, sadly. i'm trying to play her since her buffs but idk, she's just hard to play right

btw tried the new client after like a month, looking super good



i really like how they added those champion class filters to champ select


sealed with a kiss
taliyah got nerfed really hard, sadly. i'm trying to play her since her buffs but idk, she's just hard to play right

btw tried the new client after like a month, looking super good



i really like how they added those champion class filters to champ select

protip: you can actually already filter champ select by typing marksman, tank, mage, etc into the search bar


You can also use the vertical bar (Shift+\ for me) " | " to make certain champs appear when using the search bar in champ select. Say I don't know if I want to play viktor, syndra, or ryze, I'd just do "Viktor|Syndra|Ryze" in the search bar and those 3 champs will appear.
When did they add the 'ping skill or item for timer' feature?

I straight up cannot get this to work. I try alt clicking my skills all the time, and I get NOTHING. Only thing I can get to work are dragon/buff timers and my summoner spell timers from the tab screen. I have to dive into my keybinds and see if I have some weirdness that's making it not work, but it drives me nuts.


I straight up cannot get this to work. I try alt clicking my skills all the time, and I get NOTHING. Only thing I can get to work are dragon/buff timers and my summoner spell timers from the tab screen. I have to dive into my keybinds and see if I have some weirdness that's making it not work, but it drives me nuts.

Pretty sure its ctrl+click


I straight up cannot get this to work. I try alt clicking my skills all the time, and I get NOTHING. Only thing I can get to work are dragon/buff timers and my summoner spell timers from the tab screen. I have to dive into my keybinds and see if I have some weirdness that's making it not work, but it drives me nuts.

It's really inconsistent in how it works. I thought the same at first.

Abilities/items you have are ctrl/alt+click, items you want to buy are alt+click and all scoreboard items are just a click
You can also use the vertical bar (Shift+ for me) " | " to make certain champs appear when using the search bar in champ select. Say I don't know if I want to play viktor, syndra, or ryze, I'd just do "Viktor|Syndra|Ryze" in the search bar and those 3 champs will appear.

I don't play League that much anymore, but does anyone know if it's possible to contact Riot Support by phone? Credit card got hijacked, and I made a paypal payment for a skin gift to a friend and my bank told me that it wouldn't be approved on my card.

kinda urgent cause paypal said they'd just keep trying to do it again and again.

At least logging into the support site made me remember this classic:
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