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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Now I remember why I stopped playing for 5 months. Riot does fuck all to harshly punish afker's/inters. Zac dies to Trynd level 1 so Kennen fucks around then afks for the last 10 mins of the game. Guarantee nothing is done to punish the kennen.


Also why is my lp gain so fucked now. Either Riot is lying about not playing much doesn't affect your LP gain/MMR or there's something wrong with my account. Gaining like +13 +14 and losing +21 now apparently.


I'm going to give up with this game soon.

If theres no afk dude in ranked there are people who play champions for the first time this season or go 1v5 and throw the game... My god, I just want to get from Silver II to Gold V

Anyone willing to help me out here? I'm not the greatest player but I climbed from Silver V to Silver II so I guess there is potential. It's just I feel like the closer I get to my promos, the more trolls the game throws at me :(

I'm on EU and main support Morgana/Sona


There's a handful of champions that when very strong and in the top tier of their role, I know the game's balance will be shit for a while.

Nunu is one of those champions.
Can't really say I'm a fan of even more RNG.

Lack of RNG was one of those things I preferred in LoL over DotA (aside from crits and a few outliers that have since been removed like Old Sion P).

But can I bottle the plants and save them for later use

Costy I must know

also when is Spirit Breaker being added, he's my favorite doto

Can't really say I'm a fan of even more RNG.

Lack of RNG was one of those things I preferred in LoL over DotA (aside from crits and a few outliers that have since been removed like Old Sion P).

RNG makes the game exciting in ways.

That's why hearthstone is fun to watch tbh. Riot tried previously to remove randomness before, but honestly adding an element of randomness, whether a Plant or a dragon type, is good for viewers and healthy for the gameplay.


I'm on the fence but with Dragons they've shown they know how to make the "good kind" of RNG so there's hope on that.

I don't see why those can't exist along with the smite buffs tho?


i'm not sure i like those plant ideas

will save opinions for when there's more info

also holy shit late game mf in my last game just like deleted their entire team

I'm on the fence but with Dragons they've shown they know how to make the "good kind" of RNG so there's hope on that.

I don't see why those can't exist along with the smite buffs tho?
that would probably just be too much


I don't love anybody else
When I play Taric I touch myself
aaaaahhhhhhhhhh aaaaahhhhhhhhhh

Yet another S performance on Taric. Of the 6 Taric games I have I think I may have gotten an S in all but two where I got As in loses.

Can't really say I'm a fan of even more RNG.

Lack of RNG was one of those things I preferred in LoL over DotA (aside from crits and a few outliers that have since been removed like Old Sion P).

Depends on the placement of the plants, I suppose, and it seems Riot is aware. One of my main concerns is that the plants pop on auto-attacks. Ranged champions will have an advantage here.

I have a gut feeling the explosive plants would work better if it only vaulted the champion that hit it. Could give some nice mobility to junglers that don't have dashes, etc. move around the jungle faster. The vision plant is odd, I assume that the direction you're facing when you hit it? The plants take a long time to "sprout" you players have a heads up of what they'll be. Could lead to some interesting decisions. If there's a vision plant about to sprout by dragon, does the player delay dragon to kill the plant first and deny vision, or start dragon and chance that the opposing team won't get there in time. I wonder if they appear on the map the same way jungle camps do. Is the enemy team aware of plants in the fog of war similar to the buff camps?

The news that the camps are being changed to target different junglers (as evidenced by the 5 mini birds at the razorbeak camp making an AoE jungler camp) and that all smite uses will now heal has me super pumped. Should help lots of marginal junglers like motherfuckin' Ekko (I hope). Happy I decided not to put any time into Elise since I might get mah boi back.

Also, these jungle changes are probably the reason Ivern's ridiculous health and mana costs on his passive are so high. If you now heal with every use of Smite, well it all comes together. Speaking of the dopey fucker, I bought him today. Waiting on S7 changes and buffs to start giving him some play time.


it feels really nice that rito like, put me on adc because autofill with really bad teammates that got like destroyed in every lane (i didn't do great myself but i did a lot better than them!), but then next game put that same duo on the enemy team and gave me a free win lol

too bad i got this childish gnar that got upset that i didn't help him with a dragon so decided to never tp again for the whole game lol

heck, that's insulting to children

getting 24-25 lp at plat 5 so maybe i'll manage to climb a little bit in plat if i keep getting mid

unfortunately everyone seems to ban syndra nowadays which is really shitty since i really want to play her but cassi feels like freelo so idk

ranked is weird
oh no, a rioter in my game

i have to behave myself now

*Jungler misses Smite, and the enemy team steals Baron*

-Without a Rioter: /all Report this noob a** jungler. So bad he/she needs to uninstall this stupid game ffs

-With a Rioter: Awww shucks. No biggie, just turtle and let the buff expire.


oh also is there a site that auto records ur games even if u don't tell them to?

i want to obs a really funny thing that happened in my last game but it's been a while since i stopped recording my games

will riot's replay thing work for old games like they promised early on?


oh also is there a site that auto records ur games even if u don't tell them to?

i want to obs a really funny thing that happened in my last game but it's been a while since i stopped recording my games

will riot's replay thing work for old games like they promised early on?

I think there's a site called replay.gg or something like that that you can sign up your summoner name + email and you get mailed replays of the games you play.


There's some really great Rioters, like Bear and Costy in this thread, but playing ranked with Rioters is a bit torturous. Nobody says anything in chat it feels like. That's probably because all they do is spew toxic bullshit though.
oh also is there a site that auto records ur games even if u don't tell them to?

i want to obs a really funny thing that happened in my last game but it's been a while since i stopped recording my games

will riot's replay thing work for old games like they promised early on?

replay.gg. You just have to essentially register your summoner name.


yeah but that's registration onwards

i'd need something that maybe auto archived everyone's last replay or something

probably too much to ask


Riot had that tasteful phase leading up to Taliyah's release.

Then the Overwatch nation attacked.

im pretty sure there was always a healthy amount of lewdness in league

tho honestly it's just good art that i want


arcade ahri is not lewd and it's fabulous


The audacity of Riot to make me type "I agree" that I won't leave any games in the future after THEIR ENTIRE SERVER went apeshit and kicked everyone in the game during maintenance. After being able to reconnect 5 minutes later, 3 guys were still gone from our team and 2 from the others, only to be kicked again a minute later.

So thanks riot.
I like the idea of plants. It'll all depend on the numbers.

That said, I dunno about smite healing. Some champions shouldn't have healthy clears early on, not looking forward to more level 2 cheese ganks by full health junglers.
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