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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


The audacity of Riot to make me type "I agree" that I won't leave any games in the future after THEIR ENTIRE SERVER went apeshit and kicked everyone in the game during maintenance. After being able to reconnect 5 minutes later, 3 guys were still gone from our team and 2 from the others, only to be kicked again a minute later.

So thanks riot.



I've always hated that jungle viability is more defined by pve elements like clearing speed and how healthy you're after early clears rather than pvp elements. There's nothing in this game interesting enough pve wise for it to be at the forefront of anything. So it's good they're trying to sort that out. It will probably end up with current strong jangler's benefiting more tho lmao.

Midlaners rejoice, more shit for you to steal
Jungle or Top?
Jungle, top Nunu is a joke.

The Consume buff is silly.
oh also is there a site that auto records ur games even if u don't tell them to?

i want to obs a really funny thing that happened in my last game but it's been a while since i stopped recording my games

will riot's replay thing work for old games like they promised early on?

As far as I know replays won't work for old games (previous patches) that is why they have the webm recording. If you want to save something forever you will have to record it, otherwise you will lose it after a new patch.



Midlaners rejoice, more shit for you to steal
it's probably not gonna be much of a difference gold wise, tho i imagine i'll be able to clear enemy small wraiths with a single lux e with just morellos

As far as I know replays won't work for old games (previous patches) that is why they have the webm recording. If you want to save something forever you will have to record it, otherwise you will lose it after a new patch.
yeah it's for this patch, just i didn't record it

eh, i think my fun play is lost forever, i'm hoping rito replays will work with my previous games as they promised, tho i'm not holding my breath for them keeping that promise
Armor Pen build's are our take too on why MF's performing really well in regular play right now. She is a bit out of line, but we've got changes to some of those items coming soon (6.22) that will make them noticeably less valuable to her and many other ADCs. No current plans to make any changes to her direct as a result.
Oh thank fuck.
A lot of ADCS, Lucian included, have worked Ghostblade especially into their core builds. Wouldn't surprise if we needed to give compensation buffs to at least some of them in the first follow up patch.
Thank FUCK



Nah, Ghostblade is okay as an item. The problem is flat Arpen, that shit has no place in bot lane.

yea i was thinking more like a temporary fix for ppl like jhin and lucy getting out of hand

i'm mostly happy they're getting rid of maw

nothing as depressing to play against in the game than that fucking item



Also I don't think the LP loss thing is only me. Some D1/2 players I know said that recently their lp gain has gone really weird as well. Riot must have changed something.
Nah, Ghostblade is okay as an item. The problem is flat Arpen, that shit has no place in bot lane.

Kinda disagree: Ghostblade is weird because its active gives attack speed which, for the intended class (assassins etc.) is a less desirable stat. Would rather see it reworked to better fit the class along with changes to armour pen


sealed with a kiss
playing ranked

destroying their team singlehandedly

suddenly 1k ping for 10 minutes

zzzzzzz fuck you too time warner cable

Taric is my fav champ. Get a teammate who knows how to abuse his ult and it's (almost) unfair.

not a tahm boy? you're unworthy of that avatar -__-


Hit diamond promos by winning 4 games in a row. Now I have to focus on not playing like a potato, and pray for no potato teammates


i've heard the price isn't so bad for the amount of shit u get in that box, as well as the high quality of it all

that being said i wouldn't mind a pleb version of it that's like 20 bucks.

me and a friend been thinking about pooling together to buy it since it's a multiplayer thing anyways, so if u think it's a lot of money maybe think of it that way

Kinda disagree: Ghostblade is weird because its active gives attack speed which, for the intended class (assassins etc.) is a less desirable stat. Would rather see it reworked to better fit the class along with changes to armour pen
i understand where you're coming from and i partially agree, but i kind of like it giving attack speed cos it helps differentiate ad and ap assassins

like part of what's interesting about zed vs leblanc or whatever is that zed can splitpush and take turrets and stuff

it's def not perfect and it's a problem cos it makes it a desirable item for other classes but i think it's good to accentuate the difference between ap and ad champions in ways like this

but honestly very few ad mids take advantage of that attack speed, i find it useful on varus and quinn when ip played her but i don't think any talon or pantheon player gives a shit about it

idk if that's a problem with the item or the champions tho


There's a dev blog about the animation of Ivern:

A character's personality is always the first thing we need to nail down before we begin production. It's the most important element to make the champion stand out from others and affects every aspect of art production. Ivern began as a peaceful, mysterious, zen type of character, but we wanted him to be more of a springy, energetic oddball. This was partly to distinguish Ivern from Maokai or Zyra, both of whom use the power of nature in a violent and aggressive way.
i've heard the price isn't so bad for the amount of shit u get in that box, as well as the high quality of it all

that being said i wouldn't mind a pleb version of it that's like 20 bucks.

me and a friend been thinking about pooling together to buy it since it's a multiplayer thing anyways, so if u think it's a lot of money maybe think of it that way

Errr shipping to Argentina would be really expensive I think. The game alone is over 5 kg.


That price is pretty par the course for a detailed tabletop game.

Hm, new Jayce and Naut skins, but only 750 RP each (tentatively), so wonder if there will be another accompanying them.


update on my friend, he heard back from rito, they might be lifting his ban, but he's still banned for the time being

Errr shipping to Argentina would be really expensive I think. The game alone is over 5 kg.
oh that's a bummer, weight might mean we're screwed

getting shit through customs here is a pain


not a tahm boy? you're unworthy of that avatar -__-

I love Tahm too, just not as much as Taric. I'm trying so hard to have Tahm be my 3rd lvl 7 behind Taric and Morg champ for a beautiful front page and it's so difficult to get S for me as a support that isn't poke heavy or a healer.
So I got the Riven figure from NA merch store, since there is no merch store in LAN. I was about to send a ticket to see if I could reedem the code in LAN instead of NA/OCE.

And I see this on the support page:
"If you bought the figure and want to redeem the code in LAN/LAS, please send a ticket to support beginning in November 15."

But at the same time:
"You can only unlock the skin on the region of the Merch store you purchased the figure on. For example, if you purchase a Championship Riven figure from the Turkey Merch Store, you can only unlock the skin on a League of Legends account that is located on the Turkey server.


Championship Riven can only be unlocked on regions tied to the Merch store. Unfortunately if your region is not supported by the Merch store, you'll be unable to redeem the skin. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may cause." (Edit: wait this line is only in the English version of support?)

Who do I believe?

edit: damn it, double post, sorry.


what was the story? why might the ban be lifted?
he got a message essentially saying

"thanks for the additional info. we've exhaustively reviewed ur case and we've decided to grant your request. we're processing your request, we'll let you know"

it's kind of weird cos they typo'd his name and they keep talking about a "request" which my friend most certainly didn't open, but i'm guessing by that they mean they'll unban him?

lol no way that works

On the brightside if it a huge success and once the merch store is back in LAS. Then you should be able to get it ?
not really unless the merch store is in argieland (last time it was in chili)

Who do I believe?
take my word with a massive grain of salt but i'm guessing codes being region locked is exactly the reason why they tell you to contact support if you want to redeem it from another region

rito generally follows through with that stuff
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