i've heard the price isn't so bad for the amount of shit u get in that box, as well as the high quality of it all
that being said i wouldn't mind a pleb version of it that's like 20 bucks.
me and a friend been thinking about pooling together to buy it since it's a multiplayer thing anyways, so if u think it's a lot of money maybe think of it that way
Kinda disagree: Ghostblade is weird because its active gives attack speed which, for the intended class (assassins etc.) is a less desirable stat. Would rather see it reworked to better fit the class along with changes to armour pen
i understand where you're coming from and i partially agree, but i kind of like it giving attack speed cos it helps differentiate ad and ap assassins
like part of what's interesting about zed vs leblanc or whatever is that zed can splitpush and take turrets and stuff
it's def not perfect and it's a problem cos it makes it a desirable item for other classes but i think it's good to accentuate the difference between ap and ad champions in ways like this
but honestly very few ad mids take advantage of that attack speed, i find it useful on varus and quinn when ip played her but i don't think any talon or pantheon player gives a shit about it
idk if that's a problem with the item or the champions tho