what's weird to me is that this is a complete 180 on three things now (solo q, replays and now sandbox mode), but i'm not sure if this means that riot is finally getting shit done or if they had a general change in philosophy
specially cos sandbox mode and replays being canned was the point of starting rito pls, and now they're about to release with no mention that they were in the works, so idk why they didn't communicate it earlier if they had changed their minds?
i wonder how this affects the tribunal, i hope that's still coming
It's a matter of not showing work till it's done. When you're making a product, sometimes it's better to just drop something when it's done. Riot DOESN'T have to communicate everything. It's folly for something that's work in progress. It gets people bitchy about replays or whatever feature Riot promised in the past.
Besides, Riot isn't one for 'Road maps'. That is, new champions are to be expected, reworks are to be expected, but aside from those, it's not a scheduled road map for new features. And at this point, it's better for Riot to announce something when it's done. And truthfully, alot of this was hindered by the old client-There's only so much they could do with the old client.
As for the Tribunal, I imagine that will always be a burning trashfire. Outsourcing the punishment of players is bad. Really if I had my way, I would implement a no mercy, instant bans against trolls/grievers/verbal abusers.
That would curb that sort of attitude quickly. Even if the abuser has spent hundreds, just instantly wipe their account.