the 1v1 zhonyas vs maw scenario is dumb anyways cos that's not how the game works
if zed ults u and you zhonyas as ori you're gonna be 100% on top but that was also a misplay by zed to begin with so it's weird that it's even brought up. it's a 4000~g into the game fight that is probably happening long after that lane has been decided
the more fair comparison would be seekers lvl 6 ori vs hexdrinker lvl 6 zed, and that time it's 100% in zed's favor, in that you can't kill him but he can kill you, and that's the bigger issue with the item. later on it's just frustrating cos you're constantly oom, or if you bought lost chapter and delayed zhonyas you're just behind in pace because you've spent a ton of your money on laning stuff while zed is free to roam and snowball off other lanes
items shouldn't be 1:1 because that's not interesting, but hexdrinker/maw being such a stat checky item is a big problem with it, which is why rito is thankfully taking it away from assassins
zhonyas deserves some changes also, tho i think its current iteration is the best there's ever been
It's nothing to do with ranks of team mates. I wouldn't mind if I was also earning the same amount, Like +20 and -20, but it's bullshit when I'm getting +14 compared to -20 or -23.
that's just ur rank being higher than ur mmr
it's not bullshit, system just realized u barely play so it lowered ur mmr accordingly
Ugh why isn't Riot buffing Kalista.
i think they're probably trying to figure out the best way to do so
she's like azir in that "good at everything" issue that makes her really hard to balance
much like azir i think the sad, but good way of balancing her would be to strip stuff out until there's a more clear identity of where she fits in the adc space
i do like the idea of her being the "competitive play adc" in that she has a lot of abilities that are specially good in competitive, like objective control through higher than smite rend dmg, her vision through ghosts and her playmaking enabling ability through her ult
the passive is also a really cool unique thing about her but idk how it fits with the above since that high mobility solo carry vayne stuff is more of a solo q kind of thing
she's weird, i really have few ideas how i'd meaningfully balance her, although who knows, maybe the issue is never addressed and with a few general buffs she ends up in a similar place to thresh in that he's always not bad but he's never the best
Seeker's into Zhonya's, an AP armour item with one of the most powerful actives in the game?
this is the correct answer, but for the sake of discussion, zhonyas and maw are almost nothing alike because of the context of the classes that use em
big reason why maw is the worst while zhonyas isn't is cos maw is an offensive item that makes u essentially invincible (for only 1300g and then it's just gravy on top), while zhonyas is a really expensive defensive item that puts u on the back foot for most of the early-mid game because of its lack of regen which is essential to the mage class, while also just taking into effect by the time that lanes can be already decided. at level 6 enemy zed already has hexdrinker and will survive syndra burst, while syndra with a seekers will get 100-0 by zed ezpz. also by the time zhonyas is done zed can really easily push syndra to turret and roam while she'll run out of mana clearing waves
zhonyas also has its issues, but it's an item that actually has tradeoffs and weaknesses, it punishes u for opting for the safe choice while taking time to ramp up through seekers passive and general price, letting the lane play out through gameplay rather than stats. it's also an active which means it can be mindgamed and misplayed, and it's got a higher cooldown that means that it can actually be on cd before enemy ult comes back. 90s cd on maw means ITS ALWAYS FUCKING UP. and finally zhonyas also has some fun interactions with champions (twisted fate, lissandra, nu ryze) and gameplay styles while maw is just a stupid bundle of stats
maw/hexdrinker is a really frustrating item i dislike a lot
Oh yeah I'll just rush that on Ori and be oom for the next 20 mins and lose even harder.
Zhonyas is only bought on suicide mages like Kennen and Lissandra these days. It's pretty terrible. Hexdrinker is core on like everyone.
this is flat out wrong, zhonyas is a good item on many champions, it's just a bad rush compared to how good hexdrinker is
i regularly buy it on ori, syndra, viktor, taliyah, cassi, ryze, lizzy, etc.
i only try to avoid it on lux cos with lux i can get away with not buying it if i'm having good positioning (although i'll buy it if i have to)