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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


possibly the worst reddit thread in a while. i'm kind of really excited now about this anthony burch person working at riot, the more these kind of people squirm the better

also unrelated but sorry if i lashed out a bit against costy on my rant yesterday. had a reaaaaally long day and my life has been a bit of a nightmare of stress lately (also my bed fell apart yesterday lol) so i think i overreacted a bit

my b

Same. They are basic tips everyone should know. They are worth repeating for people who don't know them at least.

i think it's more like it's tips that are worth reiterating cos while ppl might "know them" they tend not to take them to heart


I'd say the majority of people under mid gold don't know this stuff. If they did, they would probably be over mid gold.
I'd say the majority of people under mid gold don't know this stuff. If they did, they would probably be over mid gold.

You gotta give them a bit more credit. Unless we're talking about people in Silver I or II who got on a super lucky win streak or something, I think it's safe to say that most people in any tier in Gold know that doing basic stuff like playing champions you're good at, not getting caught, or asking to play your preferred role can help them out during their ranked play.

However, "2.) IF BEHIND REALISE YOU ARE NOT THE CARRY." is probably the only piece of advice in that list that should be highlighted since letting someone else carry a game is something people have a hard time doing for some reason.


There are a lot of people who don't know it for sure. Even in mid-diamond you get people who don't know how to get carried and keep overextending. Most of the time it's all right though.

People are quitters too. I had a game yesterday where our team was 2-4 in kills and our top laner went "open mid I guess".


Honestly, I can't see how someone who follows all these rules couldn't at least get to plat.

What else would they be missing?


Honestly, I can't see how someone who follows all these rules couldn't at least get to plat.

What else would they be missing?

Taking objectives and not just dicking around in the jungle/recalling/whatever after they win a team fight.

edit: not that that's necessarily a requirement to get to plat


After playing so much ranked normals just feel like ... shit.

Like I'm watching it and thinking "Oh? Top and Jg are so bad I'm basically playing my lane 1v3? Ok .. :/. Oh, my team mates are playing champs seen at worlds and don't seem to have the slightest clue as to how to play them? OK ... guess I'm not having fun".

Maybe I should focus on new champs until preseason. I mean, I'm finally getting the hang of Annie CSing kinda but it's kinda dry.


Hey, Talents, did you make a smurf?


I don't think so, just a happy coincidence.


I need to obey that list, at least No. 8 and 9. This game has made me a worse person, lol. The league community is so bad and I give into flame way too much.


If it's the first time you play ranked on the smurf (as in, no past seasons with ranked), the max rank you can get is Gold 1.

Oh ok then, that's not too bad then.

But geez I swear people at low elo are allergic to going magic resist as mid laners. Like by the end of laning phase I could just R the enemy mid and they would die, just buy a god damn abyssal pls.


Huh, interesting. I wonder if that's a recent (as in last year or so) change.


These people.

Interestingly enough that has happened a couple of times the last week. I wonder if the support drought is less in mid diamond right now.

... Euler? Are you Euler Is Bae? I know a support player w/ that name lol.
So I played Viktor for the first time today.

Really fun champ and if I was going to re-learn a mid character it woul dbe him but holy moly that E. Even trying to smart cast it was a 50/50.


So I played Viktor for the first time today.

Really fun champ and if I was going to re-learn a mid character it woul dbe him but holy moly that E. Even trying to smart cast it was a 50/50.

I've played him since before his rework in S4 and haven't got bored of him, he's so fun. I usually smartcast everything but I've never even bothered smart casting his E, seems like a bad idea.
Honestly, I can't see how someone who follows all these rules couldn't at least get to plat.

What else would they be missing?

Well I mean...It's a MOBA, you know? There are about 100 other moving parts that are not encompassed with 9 bullet points. Many (most?) may not be within the control of a single player. Just a few general examples of additional issues of importance:

- Dealing with snowball champs. Or better yet, coming back against a fed snowball champ.

- Knowing when to take a team fight (this includes important item timings, if your solo laners have good leads and can group, etc).

- Knowing when taking 5v5's is a losing strategy for your team comp (eg, the enemy comp has malphite + Amumu + MF) and you need to split push.

- Knowing when to use your summoners (especially TP as offlane).

- Knowing when diving a tower is or is not worth it.

- Map vision (this includes ward control with sweepers and vision advantage with volume of wards)

- Ward placement strats (when to ward defensively, aggressively, around objectives, etc)

- Knowing enemy ability ranges (I know I've been caught a few times thinking I was out of range of Malph ult when apparently it goes half way across the damn screen lol).

- Team composition basic concepts (ie when you need front line, initiators, disengage, poke, etc)

- Farming under pressure (this includes concepts like freezing the lane, letting lane push near your tower, pushing the enemy under their tower, farming against high aggro supports like Blitz, Zyra, Brand, Leona)

- Approximate enemy neutral spawn times (valuable for the first couple of red/blue spawns, as you can reasonably well predict where the enemy jg is based on where they started).

- Picking what you're good at instead of overthinking your pick. This is an important but distinct variant of picking "what you can play". Sometimes people go out of their way to niche pick something they are "decent" with to simply try to win laning phase. But the game doesn't end in the first 10 minutes, and if you've put yourself on something that probably can't carry late (eg. you picked Teemo to counter Nasus), you may wish you had picked something you were stronger at.

- Mid land and jungle rotation frequency and effectiveness (when to gank a lane when a given mid/jg champ, when to provide relief, when to help push a tower vs defending the mid tower and challenging enemy mid farm, etc).

...and you know what? Sometimes even with all that information, you can still simply get outplayed. Because while picking from among your best champs and understanding the lane and enemy comp you're dealing with, you're not playing against bots: the enemy champ across from you likely picked from among their best too. Sometimes that gold player with 300 matches on his favorite champ is enough to outlane that plat player on one of his decent champs.

And sometimes, as we all know, you can do your best Atlas impression and still not be able to win games because this is a team sport; not golf or tennis. The other 4 teammates need to be able to do at least some things right along the way, even if it's just posturing but not feeding while you split push.

In my last game, for example, I was able to carry an Anivia that started 0/8 I believe. She just kept feeding LeBlanc and even after strongly encouraging her to buy an Abyssal, you'll note that she never bought a single MR item. Had it not been for the fact that I really know how to play Jayce, we probably get rolled.

This match highlights another point: you can do all 9 of those bullet points (and all of mine as well), but what happens when your 4 teammates don't? Anivia's MR items never appeared against a LEBLANC, never mind the Sona. Olaf was 0/4 this season on the champ with a KDA of 2 didn't get armor until the game was almost over...while adding no more damage than support Morgana who actually bought 0 offensive items. You can only control your items and actions; we can't buy items, play other people's champs, or pick champs for them. And in a team game, that means some matches are going to be losses whether you can do anything about it or not. You can encourage people to pick their best, but when someone decides they want to pick a champ they're 0/4 lifetime on, the results tend to be exactly as expected.

I could go on and on. So while the list of 9 points is a solid baseline of information, suggesting that information is all that separates diamond from everything below it is at best specious. Basic mechanics, situational understanding, decision-making, ability to handle pressure and make the right play fast, the 9 you listed, the dozen or so I listed (plus all the sub-topics they entail), and probably 50 additional things that neither list covers all have their fair share of impact on your elo.


idea of that list is not going into specifics bust mostly mentality

personally i think u can make it to plat just by not having an ego

So I played Viktor for the first time today.

Really fun champ and if I was going to re-learn a mid character it woul dbe him but holy moly that E. Even trying to smart cast it was a 50/50.
i actually find it a lot harder to use without smartcasting

tho even with smartcasting sometimes i wonk out and shoot it kind of random lol
idea of that list is not going into specifics bust mostly mentality

personally i think u can make it to plat just by not having an ego
Could be. Though most of my points are related to mentality, mentality is only part of the recipe...which is the larger point being made. Mentality is essential but it has to be coupled with enough mechanical proficiency, game situational awareness, individual comfort with your champ, and a general understanding of how to play against (or in some cases around) a given enemy comp. Changing bad habits is important, refusing to be a quitter by nature is important, looking to learn from every loss is important. Knowing what to do (mentality) is empty without being able to execute it (skill, understanding, proficiency) and visa-versa. All of it will help all of us be more successful.

Also, mine as well add another:

- Fill every unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run. That is to say, make the most of every minute. Often times, players find themselves wandering, in space between farming, killing and pushing objectives. It's good to be aware of what you're doing with the time you have. In Dota I call it the "Riki syndrome" where a player gets a big ability available to them or get an item they want and do more roaming then farming, get nothing done, then look up and find themselves with no item progression, few cs and a quickly diminishing game impact potential. Always maximize your time, whether that is farming, pushing, defending, whatever. But be doing *something*.
I don't think she's particularly weak.

Just not... particularly strong.

But she's been like that for a while, though, so that's not saying much.

I dunno. I think she's in a fine spot. Don't want her being banned or picked from me too often, after all.


if anything rylais on ahri has lost relative strength on ahri since they made reworked it cos it's been broken on like syndra and viktor and stuff for a while

if you're gonna go rylais second item on ahri might as well pick someone else. if u grab it later on then yea ok but honestly who cares lol, it used to be strong on her cos her w and ult were single target, now she takes advantage of it worse than everyone else since everyone else has better aoe spam

also winrate is such an incomplete stat to look at, even when paired with play rate it doesn't ever paint the full picture. like ryze is 43% on mid and he's pretty darned op, how do you explain that with just winrate?

it's easy to see why ahri has a high winrate, she's really easy to play with no complicated mechanics, she's no pushover in lane, with mostly chill waveclear matchups if she wants it so, she's got some playmaking ability but no real playmaking requirement (like taliyah or lissandra), she's super safe with long range waveclear, movespeeed buffs and an escape, she's just a really rounded generic champion that's gonna do well because it's kind of hard to fuck up with ahri

but if i play cassiopeia, who has like 47% winrate, i'll tell you she's legit busted, but numbers aren't gonna show it cos u need to know how to play her to make her busted. u need to know that u have to abuse lvl 1, how to keep dft up without taking too much minion dmg, to be able how to ult flash to surprise ppl, to be able to play adc with a mid, to play safe in bad matchups, etc.

ahri feels weak cos she's so meh, it's such a boring response to say "she's fine". ahri's highs are so low compared to cassi, ryze, syndra, viktor, taliyah, etc. even lux.

personally i think her highs are too low and her lows are too high. would like to see those two stretched out


I never understood how Ahri is supposed to be played.

She SEEMS like an Assassin who should be able to burst someone down ... but in practice se seems like she has to bob in and out to poke people down low enuff to all in on them at a safe range.

Maybe I just face shit Ahris and that's not how she's played when played well though.


its ok to have risk averse jack of all trades master of none champions
idk i'd say jack of all trades master of none would be someone like thresh or maybe ori, both of which have really great moments of display of ability and team coordination despite not being the very best at nothing in particular

compared to that ahri just feels very lacking in oomph


Tragic victim of fan death
After going against a smurfing diamond player twice in a row I finally made it into Gold I. Had a highlight play saving mid from a gank with my heal.


In promos to Gold 5 again. Let's see if things go different this time.

Will probably wait til tomorrow to do them though.
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