Paired again with an unranked player in a team of golds. we lose because he decided to stick with the mid laner even thought bot lane was alone
So I can equip to a maximum of 869 Ilvl but if I do, I have to switch to an ok trinket and a ring that makes me lose crit and gain haste which is my 3rd best stat. When I sign up for groups, does it show my equipped or maximum (as if I equipped my highest ilvl gear) ilvl?
I'd say the majority of people under mid gold don't know this stuff. If they did, they would probably be over mid gold.
So I can equip to a maximum of 869 Ilvl but if I do, I have to switch to an ok trinket and a ring that makes me lose crit and gain haste which is my 3rd best stat. When I sign up for groups, does it show my equipped or maximum (as if I equipped my highest ilvl gear) ilvl?
Ayy mothman is back.
On my climb into gold I ended up pulling an all nighter last night. Won 90% of them and realized people worked together really well and we're very observant to the situations within the game listening to pings and not yelling or getting mad at mistakes so there wasn't much tilt happening.
Then came 7-8am.
Ding. Flamers. Trolls. 5 min "jungler doesn't gank I'm not helping the team" sions. Jungle tryd who at 30 minutes in yelled at the Adc for taking his red buff and left because it's his and why play jungle if he doesn't have say over buffs. I never thought I'd say it but children hour is real and strong. It was my first realization that the time you play effects how far you can go.
I can't believe it took me from season 3 to now to realize it. Guess I was always happy with silver in the past.
but ori isnt a jack of all trades
edit: That dude's summoner name is really "Ban yasuo AFK"
cmon dude screenshots exist
cmon dude screenshots exist
not nearly blurry enough
I pulled out my olllllld camera to try and see how blurry it'd actually be taking a picture with a cheapish camera from 10+ years ago, but its battery is dead (duh) and charger missing. Lame.
How do people get screenshots of just the gold chart or just results screen btw? Are you guys cropping that business manually or am I missing a handy button somewhere.
lol at the blurry pics, what's next a barn and vhs?
It was me. You're still wrong.I still play league guys, but im in the dark.
edit: Shit, I still have this cute Jinx avatar. I feel like I was arguing to someone abou which Jinx avatar was cuter.
lol at the blurry pics, what's next a barn and vhs?
No, with all the fanart you post, you gotta accept thread trolling.gross
speaking of
in a better world we would've gotten a witch ahri skin
at this point i basically like ahri the dress up minigame more than ahri the champion
All these white theme users.
i think i got it
Get on my level. Finally having an over 5 years old phone paid off.
oh you wanna go?
It was me. You're still wrong.