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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.



Still haven't fixed the autofill bug
Hit my level 7 with Naut and haven't got enough BE to unlock the emote.

How the hell can I get more? All my skins can only be ground down into OE.
New Champion Skins
Karthus Lightbane
Jayce Brighthammer
Bard Bard
Sejuani Dawnchaser
Worldbreaker Hecarim
Worldbreaker Nasus
Worldbreaker Nautilus
Worldbreaker Trundle
Let's fucking go

New Kat seems really interesting. Q stays on ground after bouncing, can Shunpo to dagger for massive AoE damage and reset Shunpo, new W puts a dagger down where you are so you can E in then E out.


How to play the kat vs Diana match-up:

Farm safe until 6,out rotate Diana and get fed off of stupid bot laners that refuse to acknowledge mia pings


Let's fucking go

New Kat seems really interesting. Q stays on ground after bouncing, can Shunpo to dagger for massive AoE damage and reset Shunpo, new W puts a dagger down where you are so you can E in then E out.

So we get the adventuring party/heroes against the worldbreakers. Cool.

Kata sounds interesting indeed. I will have to see it in action though.



Welcome to Talon's feedback thread!

Below you'll find the goals of the update, an overview of his updated play pattern and how it might accomplish these goals, and then a list of questions I'd really like to get everyone's thoughts on:


Add skill expression in his kill pattern (consequently, improve game health)
Give him unique, Assassin appropriate abilities to differentiate him
Lean into his identity as the roaming AD assassin
Play Pattern

In lane, Talon will look to land both ends of his updated Rake (W) to stack up his new Passive. With it's higher payout but increased delay, Rake is the main thing for opponents to watch out for.
If successful with his W, he can posture for an all in with his updated Noxian Diplomacy (Q) to proc his passive and go for the kill.
Whether or not lane trades are working out, Talon will be looking for opportunities to dip out of lane and take advantage of his new Assassin's Path (E).
If he can clear the wave and make room to roam, Talon can make record time in his ability to jump, flip, and roll over any obstacles in his way to ambush the enemy jungler or gank a side lane.
In team fights, Talon will look to take advantage of the unique and unexpected flanking routes that only he could.
If successful in flanking with Assassin's Path, Talon should be able to make quick work on an enemy squishy with a Q/W/R/P combo.

Anything at all about the new E. Is it fun? Difficult to use? Does it suit Talon? Bugs?
With his new but different set of mobility tools, do you feel able to get on your desired target?
With higher potential damage but lower up front damage, do you still feel empowered to kill your target enemies?
When in the game do you feel powerful / weak (early / mid / late) and in which circumstances (enemy has all/no squishies, I was able to roam / I was pushed in, etc.)?
and skins



Hello all, this is the Leblanc feedback thread announcement sentence!

Rework goals:

Make LeBlanc healthier by giving her opponents have time to respond when she goes in. By adding a little time between when LeBlanc goes in and when the full burst hits, the choice of whether to snap back to W's origin means LB has to give up damage.

Give LeBlanc unique strategic tools and capabilities so she brings something to her games that other assassins don't.

In doing the first two things, emphasize her thematic identity as the Deceiver -- emphasize her tricky side.

The Changes

LeBlanc's Sigil of Malice is now her passive. The mark is applied by all her spells, cooks for 1.5 seconds, and can be popped by any spell for massive damage. If LeBlanc's Q pops a charged Sigil of Malice, it chains to nearby ready Sigils (taking some of the waveclear duty off her W/RW).

Mirror Image is now a part of LeBlanc's ultimate -- when she copies a spell, she splits and both her and the clone cast the spell.

Mimic can now copy any spell, not just the most recently cast; she presses R secretly, and the next button press is the Mimic version of that spell.

Mimic's R -> R is a new ability: LeBlanc creates a clone anywhere on the map. That clone runs toward the nearest enemy champion and casts a fake version of the most recent spell LeBlanc cast before creating the RR Mimic. This has a separate cooldown from the ult itself.

Smaller changes

W and RW now have a brief (0.3s~) delay after dash completes before LeBlanc can snap back. For most players, farming the wave is the only time they'll feel this; casting any spells after the dash 'covers up' the delay time entirely. This is mainly something for extremely high level LeBlanc play.

E now displays the tether range to LeBlanc and her victim. It hasn't changed in size, but it's really really big xD

RR has a gem on the corner of the R button to track its cooldown timer.

This is the real feedback thread announcement sentence the first one was a clone the whole time
Mimic's R -> R is a new ability: LeBlanc creates a clone anywhere on the map. That clone runs toward the nearest enemy champion and casts a fake version of the most recent spell LeBlanc cast before creating the RR Mimic. This has a separate cooldown from the ult itself.
That sounds fucking hilarious.


Hey all,

Rengar's update has meaningful changes to P, Q, W, and R, while E is mostly unchanged. This set of changes hopes to add some tools to Rengar's hunting pattern, play up the excitement of his Ferocity resource usage, and enhance the feeling of being the ultimate predator, while at the same time providing more tactical counterplay for opponents. Let's get into it, but before doing so, please remember that all numbers are still tentative.

P - Unseen Predator
Maximum Ferocity reduced 5 >>> 4
Using an empowered ability gives Rengar 30/40/50% (at levels 1/7/13) Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds
Rengar no longer has to damage an enemy with a spell to gain Ferocity from it
All Ferocity is lost instantly upon leaving combat (4 seconds of dealing/taking no damage)


Range increased 600 >>> 725
Leaping from out of combat (see Ferocity out of combat rules above) generates 1 Ferocity
Rengar now jumps slightly offset from the target in the direction he came from (rather than dead-center in the middle of the target's model)

Bonetooth Necklace
Now only grants stacks for unique champion kills (Rengar has to damage them within 1 second of their death)
Stacks capped at 5
Old bonuses removed
Now grants 1/3/6/10/15 Attack Damage
Now grants 2/6/12/20/30% Bonus Attack Damage
No longer gets the short end of the stick in the Kha'Zix/Rengar quest
Bonetooth Necklace progress is represented by a UI element that Kindred players will be familiar with

Q - Savagery - redesigned

Rengar slashes all enemies in an arc before piercing all enemies in a line
This spell is now a skillshot; it still resets Rengar's auto attack timer
Casting Savagery outside the max range causes Rengar to lunge forward with the piercing attack, moving a small distance in that direction
Deals 90/130/170/210/250 plus 1.0 Bonus AD physical damage
Ferocity effect: deals significantly more damage
Deals 80+20/lvl plus 2.4 Bonus AD physical damage

W - Battle Roar - redesigned
Rengar deals magic damage to nearby enemies and heals for 50% of the damage he took in the last 1.5 seconds
Ferocity effect: additionally removes crowd control effects and prevents incoming ones for 1.5 seconds
The amount Rengar will heal is represented by Grey Health on his health bar
Damage healed from monster attacks is doubled

E - Bola Strike - basically the same, with some numbers adjustments

R - Thrill of the Hunt

Now Camouflages Rengar, meaning he can be seen by nearby champions or truesight only
Duration increased to 14/22/30 seconds
Fade time removed
Movement Speed increased to 40%
Now only reveals the enemy champion nearest Rengar
This puts eyes over the target that both teams can see
Rengar can only leap to the enemy champion nearest him (unless in brush)
Leaping to the enemy champion nearest him results in a guaranteed critical strike on the target
Those are the noteworthy changes, I believe. To summarize:

Passive has a bunch of changes
Q is a double attack skillshot
W heals recent damage and has CC break/immunity on the empowered version
E is mostly unchanged
R gives more signalling to opponents, but lasts longer, makes Rengar faster, and lets him auto-crit the Hunted target if he leaps to it.
I'll pop in and out of here in the next few weeks to see how things are going.

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