ok finished reading, thoughts-
lb - she's the one i'm more interested in since i love lebonk,
* i think the passive-q changes are exactly what she needs (that's why i said them like a year ago and rito costy stole them from me you're welcome xoxo). i really like the cooking part of her passive, i think that's pretty smart as well as giving it a cooldown will make her more poke oriented which is fine.
* the pop back timer on her w is worrying but they say it wouldn't be noticed by most people, so i'll wait and see.
* the ult is really strange, having separate cooldowns sounds super wonky and i don't like that at all, and the r-r thing sounds kind of weird, really long cooldown for something that is probably gonna be rarely useful, but i guess giving it a long cooldown makes it at least not very problematic. tho i guess u can like w r r w and scare them and shit? idk
* the clones on regular ult sound they're there for extra flair more than gameplay, tho i get u might get fucked up by minions if u want to double chain, idk
talon - he looks cool, his vfx in general look really good and his jumping thing being gated by massive per-terrain cooldown sounds decent. it looked REALLY rough on the rito stream tho, the indicator sometimes was missing like 2 blips of terrain for some reason, sometimes it was yellow and he could jump it, sometimes brush would cover it, sometimes the jump just stopped midway, it was not great. the rest of his kit is ok i guess, not very exciting but talon is not very exciting in general
kat - kat does look great, the whole throw a dagger and shunpo to it silliness sounds really fun to do and set up although she's gonna be annoying as all fuck. i like that her dagger only bounces twice now, as well as her old w being only up for daggers picked up, but i don't really see her as being a lot more interactive in lane and she still looks like really difficult to deal with since all she does is instantaneous. i thought they were gonna slow down shunpo?
bkb - i like bkb to replace maw cos the person using it needs to be able to outplay you vs hexdrinker's dumbness. good change, tho i feel assassins will still buy maw, tho maybe it'll be as shit as rushing zhonyas is
not sure about the rest, rengar doesn't seem to have gotten any fun new tricks so w/e, minor changes seem like good ideas, bkb sounds cool, aegis being dead is good, the new support items look very abusable so i don't like em much
Here's Talon's E in action
looks kinda janky there but you get the idea
was this guy submitting a vid for our shitty phone pictures contest
Victorious Maokai is probably the best looking Victorious skin
Too bad its for fucking Maokai
yeah lol
but also victorious skins are kind of worthless for me since everyone has em lol
yeah he lost the W free AD passive tho
so idea is that you don't just get free damage, and if you ult the right targets and kill them (hint ADCs) then you get your extra AD that way
important part is that it doesn't stack, so it's not a snowball mechanic
if u kill someone and their ad is higher than what you already had it replaces it
i think it's a smart change cos it's not putting more snowball in zed (thank god) but also encouraging him to roam bot cos it's gonna be more profitable than killing the mid
99% sure those are solo, ranked 3v3 and ranked 5v5, not the ranked emblems
sure hope so