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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


So many nice new jungle tank items in the game...mmmmmm. Shame that ohmwrecker seems to have been again forgotten again as the black sheep of the tank support items. Would have been perfect opportunity to drop the cost or buff the hp it gives and put it line with these other items.


Season 2017 begins on December 6th? Did we already know that?

I have always thought Riot should aim to start new season either January 1 or February 1
We did not. That's a short preseason.
So he's Legion Commander now.
Does LC steal or just gain AD?
yeah he lost the W free AD passive tho

so idea is that you don't just get free damage, and if you ult the right targets and kill them (hint ADCs) then you get your extra AD that way
All right, cool.
Pre season will always be my favorite part of League. Loving everything I read right now.

I don't really get Lethality's connection to level.
Does LC steal or just gain AD?

She gains AD permanently, quantity gained depending on the level of her ultimate.

All right, I thought she might be stealing AD from the enemy for killing them with ult.

Silencer permanently steals INT/AP.

Outworld Destroyer temporarially steals INT/AP.

Undying temporarially steals STR/HP.

Slark steals stats temporarily. 1 STR + 1 INT + 1 AGI every auto he can get off.

I believe that's all the stat stealers.

edit: Razor temporarily steals damage.


Really like new Kat. New LB is meh. New Rango is the right direction. No idea how to feel about Talon.

Not liking the jungle plants. I think the vision/stealth changes are interesting. New items look awesome, especially laser beam pew.

Also that new client champion pick animation. Wew lads.
Not liking the jungle plants. I think the vision/stealth changes are interesting. New items look awesome, especially laser beam pew. .

If I had to rank them:

1. Scryer's Bloom - It gives me a Strife feel.
2. Honeyfruit
3. Blast cone

Of these I would just keep 1 and maybe 2.


She gains AD permanently, quantity gained depending on the level of her ultimate.

Silencer permanently steals INT/AP.

Outworld Destroyer temporarially steals INT/AP.

Undying temporarially steals STR/HP.

Slark steals stats temporarily.

I believe that's all the stat stealers.

edit: Razor temporarily steals damage.
Cool, that's still about the same as when I played last, except slark /lc didn't exist and I think razor didn't have a steal.


Uhhh...unless I'm missing something when I was fucking around on PBE Ekko just got nerfed again. Liking the removal of the slow on his passive, but I don't see anything here to compensate for that loss. The compensation amounts to a whole 0.1AP on Q (wow!! AP Ekko here I come...) and the niche interaction between W and R. Whether or not I can play jungle Ekko again is going to entirely depend on how the jungle is rebalanced, because his kit changes sure as shit don't help with that at all.


Uhhh...unless I'm missing something when I was fucking around on PBE Ekko just got nerfed again. Liking the removal of the slow on his passive, but I don't see anything here to compensate for that loss.

When you ult you auto use your W so it's an AoE stun and shield.


They added the "boosted animal stickers" to the reward icons, lol.



Your trail has to be passing through your W to activate, apparently.

Yep, that's exactly how it works. If the path you take when using your ult - which places you 4s back in time - goes through your W bubble - active after a 3s delay - then the stun and shield become active.

Jesus Christ this is niche. Why even bother going through with this change? 9/10 times the effect triggers it'll be a happy coincidence. I don't see how you plan for this. Even on the PBE in custom without a single care in the world this is still tricky to trigger. I can't think of a single instance where the player is thinking "ok, I need to pull off this ult trick". What the fuck is this shit?!?! Seriously. This stinks of "we need to give Ekko something for the assassin rework". Fuck it.

I have to be missing something. This is fucking stupid.

"Increased effectiveness of building AP"

What a fucking joke.
I said she was weak, and then they buffed her

Health reduced to 550 from 570
Health per level reduced to 85 from 92
Armor reduced to 24 from 27
Lunge.png Lunge
NEW EFFECT: Fiora will be revealed to enemies hit.
Riposte.png Riposte
BUG FIX: Not parrying Death Sentence.png Death Sentence.
Tooltip updated to mention all debuffs can be parried.
Visual and Gameplay Update
Classic artwork updated
New models and new ability animations for all skins
Attack damage increased to 60 from 59
Attack damage growth reduced to 2.5 from 3.2
Attack speed growth increased to 3.2% from 3
Health reduced to 570 from 592.8
Health growth reduced to 80 from 85
Health regen increased to 8.25 from 6.85
Health regen growth reduced to 0.55 from 0.8
Mana increased to 300 from 287.2
Mana regen increased to 8 from 7.6
Mana regen growth increased to 0.7 from 0.5
Armor increased to 27 from 25.
Movement speed reduced to 345 from 350.
Range increased to 150 from 125.
Duelist's Dance.png Duelist's Dance - NEW I
Fiora takes 0.5 seconds to identify all nearby enemy champions's Vitals in a 90º section of their hitbox, lasting up to 15 seconds each, after which she identifies a new Vital. Striking Vitals deals a portion of the target's maximum health as true damage, restores a small portion of Fiora's health, and grants her a bonus movement speed for a short duration.
Lunge.png Lunge
REMOVED: Secondary dash within 3 seconds of the first one.
NEW EFFECT: Fiora lunges forward a short distance in the target direction, then lunges again to strike a nearby enemy, dealing physical damage and applying on-hit effects. The second lunge is auto-targeted and prioritizes Duelist's Dance.png Vitals facing Fiora.
Riposte.png Riposte
REMOVED: Passive bonus attack damage
NEW EFFECT: Fiora poises to strike in the target direction and then enters a defensive stance, parrying all damaging and immobilizing effects for the next 0.75 seconds. After the duration Fiora stabs her sword forward, dealing damage and briefly slowing the first enemy champion she strikes or, if she parries at least one immobilizing effect, stunning them instead.
Bladework.png Bladework - NEW E
Fiora gains 50% bonus attack speed on her next two basic attacks. The first cannot critically strike (but applies a slow) while the second will always do so.
Grand Challenge.png Grand Challenge - NEW R
Fiora targets an enemy champion, highlighting all four of their Duelist's Dance.png Vitals for the next few seconds. If Fiora is able to attack all four of them or, if she destroys at least one before the target dies, Fiora creates a ~600 radius zone that substantially heals her and her allies within it over the next 5 seconds. While within 600 units of her target and while within the healing zone, Fiora gains bonus movement speed. New Duelist's Dance.png Vitals will not be identified while at least one from Grand Challenge remains.
what buff
Fiora got 2 seconds off her Q and W at rank 1.

Which changed basically nothing because she has always been a shite laner. Her power came from people learning how to use and build her.
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