Garen vs Lucian.Illaio vs mundo letz go boys
Rip in peace Lucians
Garen vs Lucian.Illaio vs mundo letz go boys
i got ekko against yasuo in one for all, the ult spam was hilarious
from the Yasuo or the Ekko?
for Ekko all I can imagine is
Reversing polarity!Reversing polarity!Reversing polarity!Reversing polarity!Reversing polarity!
from the Yasuo or the Ekko?
for Ekko all I can imagine is
Reversing polarity!Reversing polarity!Reversing polarity!Reversing polarity!Reversing polarity!
We not getting new SKT skins?
Aurelion Sol in One for All is quite a crazy time.
Im so glad i saved up for Illaoi, most fun ive had since i started playing. Just something sooooo satisfying when all those tentacles start slappin fools( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
Just now we were 3v5 and i got a quadra because they didnt respect dem slaps
Why is it possible to go against a premade of 3 when everyone on your team is solo? How is that fair in anyway? The premades have such a massive advantage it isn't even fair.
Why can't Riot stop being retarded and just add Voice comms already?
Also, Talentz is right, the game would benefit from voice comms.
Black Cleaver is only an item you should be rushing if you're ahead.So, just tried first game as Illaoi. Went against a Nasus and wrecked him. But when I got into larger team fights, I didn't do too well. I see most builds recommend black cleaver, but I'm questioning if I should even build that or just go full tank and skip it? Anyone here play her much?
hard to tell if voice comms would make much of a difference, a lot of ppl don't have mics or don't wanna interact with strangers. i know i'm in no hurry to talk to the racist dicks i meet ingame
also not sure but i think lp gains/losses compensate u for playing against premades?
voice chat is key-- this is why in MMOs it's pretty much non-optional.
But I don't blame you (Breezy) for arguing against it (or rather the importance of it). Cause you know Riot will never add them. Instead they will add 50+ more skins. It's all bout those dollar bills yall!!!
Nah, you don't understand. You weren't around during the curse voice era. People used comms often.Voice comms wouldn't really help this game. If anything, it'd just increase the toxicity of it. DotA, for example has voice comms, but in the 200 hours that I played of it the only times people communicated were when they were speaking in some foreign language or trying to command others what to do.
The only reason voice chat works in a space such as console gaming, is because there is no text communication in that. And likewise, on a computer I feel many would prefer text chat to voice chat just because the amount of abuse that could happen over voice communication that can't feasibly be caught by Riot.
Really, people suggesting voice chat don't understand that it doesn't solve the problem of solo queue vs. D-queue. People aren't going to start chatting with you just because the enemy team has 3 people queuing together, nor are they going to listen to you just because you can talk.
It's a silly idea for silly people. Not trying to say there can't be benefit to it, but it's being overblown in importance.
Nah, you don't understand. You weren't around during the curse voice era. People used comms often.
wtf have skins to do with voice commsvoice chat is key-- this is why in MMOs it's pretty much non-optional.
But I don't blame you (Breezy) for arguing against it (or rather the importance of it). Cause you know Riot will never add them. Instead they will add 50+ more skins. It's all bout those dollar bills yall!!!
what happened to curse voice anywaysNah, you don't understand. You weren't around during the curse voice era. People used comms often.
I dunno, I often had games where 3-4 people would join the curse voice session.Actually, I was there at the advent of it. And in playing the game during that, there was an actual minimal amount of people using it, despite having 1 person pop up with it 1 out of 5 matches, not everyone participated in joining the party.
It still exists, but it doesn't do the whole "x people on your team are using curse voice, join the session". It's pretty pointless now.what happened to curse voice anyways
i forget if riot banned it or not
Newt did you write this Reddit post:
i seeIt still exists, but it doesn't do the whole "x people on your team are using curse voice, join the session". It's pretty pointless now.
i actually started out laughing when i read the whole "Notice how the Worldwide Trend of the game follows the South Korean pattern. They are the most volatile and appear to drive the success or failure of a game. " based on uhhh idk? in dropped in korea and then it dropped in the rest of the world so uhh this is a flawless law 100% true yeahNewt did you write this Reddit post:
yea he's just making a joke u dumboI didn't claim League was dying. I just said it was in a decline.
I didn't claim League was dying. I just said it was in a decline.
Nah, you don't understand. You weren't around during the curse voice era. People used comms often.
Actually, I was there at the advent of it. And in playing the game during that, there was an actual minimal amount of people using it, despite having 1 person pop up with it 1 out of 5 matches, not everyone participated in joining the party.
your difference might vary from an american's since voice comms in european servers are always kind of useless because of all the different languages spoken in the regionI share Breezy's experience. There were very few times anyone joined curse voice, even when it said that they had curse voice. Something like every 1 in 5 games or 1 in 10 games, it was near useless.
your difference might vary from an american's since voice comms in european servers are always kind of useless because of all the different languages spoken in the region
your difference might vary from an american's since voice comms in european servers are always kind of useless because of all the different languages spoken in the region
Yeah that's a fair point. Typically noone has any issue writing in English in high elo though I dunno if that applies to speaking as well.
lol you're american-ishI'm no filthy Trump supporting American.
finales funkeln!ich nein deutsch
yeah there's a pretty big jump from writing to talking, people get nervous about speaking in another language, etc.Yeah that's a fair point. Typically noone has any issue writing in English in high elo though I dunno if that applies to speaking as well.