can't wait to see some Taliyah in the LCS this week.
That gold graph. Those long games are exhausting.For fucks sake.
So I take 2 weeks or so off and decide I'm going to play 1 quick game. Get my little 24 hour credits and move the fuck on, right?
Why do I get stuck in 1 hour of pure, distilled fuckery?
like what the actual fuck was this. At least I got my second MF S out of it for the rank 6 that I'll never get because fuckin essence bullshit.
I wonder if we will actually see her. I haven't kept up with streams lately, have any high profile mid laners played Taliyah successfully?can't wait to see some Taliyah in the LCS this week.
can't wait to see some Taliyah in the LCS this week.
Your point is moot because Riot has a bunch of specialized teams, so them making skins has no impact whatsoever on the rest of the game.My point, which should be obvious, is that Riot prioritizes the path of least resistance to making money which is probably new skins & champs. Its just too sweet to resist when you release something like Project Skins and your store is literally overflooded with eager buyers
My point, which should be obvious, is that Riot prioritizes the path of least resistance to making money which is probably new skins & champs. Its just too sweet to resist when you release something like Project Skins and your store is literally overflooded with eager buyers
They should change the "!" ping to a ward icon with the warning sound.Ping system is good, sure, but it lacks a "Enemy ward here" ping. That's easily fixable but it's oh so needed. It takes way too long time to inform your team of the enemies ward coverage.
People have been asking for that since the ping wheel was introduced, the warning ping serves no bloody purpose, we already have a ping button exclusively for that.Ping system is good, sure, but it lacks a "Enemy ward here" ping. That's easily fixable but it's oh so needed. It takes way too long time to inform your team of the enemies ward coverage.
They should change the "!" ping to a ward icon with the warning sound.
Everyone I know uses the back ping as the "!" ping.
People have been asking for that since the ping wheel was introduced, the warning ping serves no bloody purpose, we already have a ping button exclusively for that.
2nd Sequence deserves it lolHuh. I didn't know that imaqtpie doesn't make any money from his YouTube channel and instead uses it as a platform to promote his stream. He gives all the money from it to his editor.
your point makes no sense for anyone that has an even tiny understanding of game developmentI just think its common sense that voice chat improves communication. Every other genre (and apparently in Dota as well)- voice is highly valued. I loved using voice with Destiny GAF and Rainbow six Gaf
voice is helpful in Dota as well. I doubt you'll make a strong case against that on dota gaf thread here
My point, which should be obvious, is that Riot prioritizes the path of least resistance to making money which is probably new skins & champs. Its just too sweet to resist when you release something like Project Skins and your store is literally overflooded with eager buyers
sameI'm level 40 in overwatch and i've heard that voice chat used exactly 5 times
interestingPobelter was playing her I think, but her win rate is pretty colossal right now, especially amongst experienced players (75+% win rate for players with more than 50 games on her) and from what I hear she's been popping up in scrims.
Ping system is good, sure, but it lacks a "Enemy ward here" ping. That's easily fixable but it's oh so needed. It takes way too long time to inform your team of the enemies ward coverage.
the "ward here" ping button would help so much more than voice comms it's silly...
but i use the red ! ping all the time when my teammates are being stupid
i know there's an orange ! ping but i have no idea how to use it intentionally, it's always accidental
same with using /all, i know there's a shortcut and i fumble and it use accidentally sometimes but usually i just manually type /all
i think the counterplay to wards is tracking them so i don't see much of an issueBut my point is that is that it could be helping too much. If you spend a load of wards securing an objective and someone can give an explicit read-out of where everything is in seconds it's too strong.
I suppose their thinking could be it would negate warding too much? Being able to ping where wards are in a second is a bit too specific.
OTOH, I think it's daft we don't have timers for spells in the tab menu.
the "ward here" ping button would help so much more than voice comms it's silly
that's the kind of stuff that's really embarassing, when riot just abandons a universally loved system that was super positive for the game but is just missing a few key features to be perfect
how difficult can it be to implement it, pitch a couple icons, pitch a couple sounds, pick one, then a few minutes of swapping graphics with the red ping that no one uses and testing. that shouldn't be more than one patch
But my point is that is that it could be helping too much. If you spend a load of wards securing an objective and someone can give an explicit read-out of where everything is in seconds it's too strong.
Yeah I agree with zky. If you have voice comm it's already as easy as pinging + saying ward so I don't think a ward ping would make things too easy or anything. It's just counterplay by map awareness. Ward pings would be so helpful in allowing people with better map awareness to communicate with their team. It's just way too slow right now to ping + type in chat, and it can be misunderstood due to the delay between pings and chat.v for warning ping
ctrl+enter for /all
i think the counterplay to wards is tracking them so i don't see much of an issue
i already use normal pings and manually write ward, or just say it to ppl on skype, so i don't think how this changes much
Ah, I meant w/o voice comms. It would be interesting to see how much the level of play would evolve with a ward ping.
One for All is still up?
I think they extended rotating game mode to Mondays.
hope u have plenty of gemstones lol
Yay, back to d4 promos after a decent winstreak.
Also, Talentz is right, the game would benefit from voice comms.
Back when Curse Voice made voice comms ingame, the game felt so much better. Other than that one weird dude that Soda Cop befriended.
I have 11 now actually.
how do you have so many gemstones? I've played a lot of League and I have earned exactly 1.
am I doing something wrong?
how do you have so many gemstones? I've played a lot of League and I have earned exactly 1.
am I doing something wrong?
Whether people use it or not is not that relevant. Just the option existing makes a big difference. Voice comms can express a level of strategy that does not come across through pings, and that text chat does not really facilitate either. Coordinating pushes, warning people that major abilities are down, or even just expressing that you are sitting on a lot of gold in pocket can make a huge difference, and are things I'd like to be able to quickly express to others in games I'm taking seriously.The idea that randoms would use voice chat in League is hilarious. The ping system is good enough.
My ears are still clicking from the last inhouse I playedI feel bad for anyone who accidentally voice chats with fallen in game.
Red Winter : mid only
Talentz GAF: I can't top
Talentz GAF: i tried it on normals the other day and lost to a silver
Red Winter : i didnt ask
Talentz GAF: so?
Red Winter : 2 mid or be my bitch and go top
Red Winter : you choose
Talentz GAF: 2 mid
Talentz GAF: i'd pref
Red Winter : kk
Talentz GAF: i'd feed less than top
0000000PKMOVIE : talentz
0000000PKMOVIE : can u go top pls
0000000PKMOVIE : we will report this kid
Talentz GAF: i legit
0000000PKMOVIE : after game
Talentz GAF: cannot top
Talentz GAF: i lost to a silver 6
Talentz GAF: 5
Talentz GAF: the other dasy
DarKFreeZe HongK: take me janna
Red Winter : well ur a low elo jew
Red Winter : so whatever
Red Winter : once again
Red Winter : i didnt ask
Talentz GAF: is that a compliment?
Red Winter : 2 mid or be my bitch
Talentz GAF: i've alreadyt said
Talentz GAF: 2 mid
Talentz GAF: pls
Red Winter : yes
Red Winter : so stop talking
Talentz GAF: buyt
Talentz GAF: you're the one who said it
Red Winter : nah u kept going about how bad u are at top
Red Winter : the thing is
Red Winter : ur terrible mid
Red Winter : since ur stuck in diamond
Red Winter : so
Talentz GAF: you went 4/8
Talentz GAF: last game sir
Red Winter : sir
Red Winter : i didnt
Talentz GAF: twisted fate 21 min 16 s
Talentz GAF: 4/8/3
Red Winter : sir update
Red Winter : and sir
Red Winter : 1 game
Red Winter : sir
Red Winter : 74% winratio
Red Winter : sir
Red Winter : main challenger
Talentz GAF: unless you're lcs
Talentz GAF: it's not impressive
Costy pls...
Did anyone else get an email from Riot to fill out a survey?
i can't handle when people start acting like this.i feel for you.