oh boy do i have news about my friend
rito has not only banned my friend but also completely DELETED (wat) his account. this means that even if they believe my friend or whatever (which they apparently do based on some of riot support's replies), his account can't be recovered since they've apparently erased it from their database. i find that hard to believe but whatever.
the reason for this is that apparently someone used third party skillshot dodging programs on his account, as well as his account being used by over 20 different people in different countries. why riot didn't just block the account immediatelly or emailed my friend to confirm why his account was acting suspicious idk, they just permabanned him without recourse or evidence.
i'll copy here some rough translations of the replies my friend got. i kept as many spelling and grammar errors as i could, cos honestly it doesn't make me feel super great that the person responsible of permabanning you doesn't even spellcheck. they also didn't notify my friend that his account had been deleted until he emailed them again today
Hello, Summoner:
Your account xxxxxx has been deleted from our database due to the use of malicious third party software or League of Legends client modifications. We believe every player should play under the same ruleset and uphold the same level of sportmanship. It has been previously established and it should be well known to you that modifying the League of Legends client is against the term of use:
http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/legal/termsofuse [yeah they sent him the na terms of use in english, who knows why]. We hope you can understand how unpleasant it is for others to play against someone using a tool to get an advantage. The info that was requested of you was to verify that you were the account owner, and after our discussion, even if you didn't use the hacks yourself, another person with your accound did, and by getting an advantage no matter who used it, we unfortunately cannot recover your account, be more careful next time who you lend your account or what kind of websites you visit that could mine your information, Cheers.
my friend replies with something like "but i didn't do anything, my acc got hacked"
rito reply:
You're being banned because your account was accessed, from different countries, that's why at that time it was suspended until we could find the owner, we discussed it among ourselves and ask you for proof, and we reached the conclusion that you indeed were the owner, but how do we explain your account's multiple accesses? From different IP, in which there's chilean, peruvian, uruguayan [idk about this lol] and argentinian, in a timeframe of 24hs that it's impossible that it was you in every occassion, somewhere your account must've been published and many people accessed it, some of then using hacks, using a dodge script, that dodges skillshots and that's reason for a permaban, we discussed it here and we decided that if we gave you your account back since you probably weren't the one that used the hacking software, but we couldn't reach an agreement since you're responsible of your [sic]deedz and for some reason your account was used by many players and I'm talking about more than 20, cheers and sorry for the trouble
the "deedz" mispelling is like top 5 worst mispelling you can do in spanish, and yeah that's how they rambled in their email to the best of my translating capabilities. it just blows my mind how this is the response my friend got. seriously it's fucking insane
my friend replied to this email with what essentially amounts to "are u fucking kidding me"
Hi again,
At no moment we ever meant to mislead you. I'm sorry. However, I'll insist that we can't grant you access back to this account. As my fellow coworker explained to you, the account doesn't exist anymore because of use of ilegal software. Case closed
Player Support Specialist
my friend has been playing this game with me since 2012, we've played daily for years, we watched worlds together (he was gonna host a viewing party for rox vs skt on friday, now he doesn't feel like it so much), we've played ranked 5s together, etc. he's never once been arned for misbehavior in any way, chat banned or banned in any capacity, he's been one of those people you get in your games that doesn't say a word. he's gotten a new job about two months ago, so between that and university he hasn't been playing any league since. last time i saw him he was still like gold 4, he never cared about ranked enough to cheat or get boosted or anything.
it's one of my closest friends, someone i know for more than 10 years and that i talk to every day, why the fuck would i believe some bumbling player support person that can't even write a proper fucking sentence and that provides absolutely no fucking evidence over my friend?
even in the riot posts above, they seem to believe him, they seem to be capable to admitting that he wasn't the one that did all that shit, so if you know this person isn't to blame, why the fuck do you permaban him. and isn't account security supposed to be kind of riot's thing? am i supposed to believe these assholes (cos honestly that preachy bit at the top about how unfair it is to play against a cheater when they later admit my friend didn't cheat is just gold) over my friend?
i mean, fucking jensen ddos people on solo q and he's allowed to play on lcs, while my friend didn't do shit and gets his freaking account deleted, how is that fucking fair
i'm gonna guess this kind of shit wouldn't happen in any of the main servers, where whenever i've contacted rito support i've interacted with non-incompetent people capable of composing a comprehensible sentence. sadly, that's not the case for riot latin america, who seem anything but. they didn't even sign the emails so you can like, u know, say "this rioter bullshitted me to hell and back" lol
in the end what i'm gonna do right now is enable two factor authentication cos you gotta know that if your account gets hacked, riot support doesn't give a shit and they're gonna fuck you over twice and delete your account while being condescending about it. srkitsune and whoever else plays in south america (maybe even lotion, but i bet brazil is better), pls activate 2fa because riot support is fucking garbage
i know costy can't do anything cos it's not his department or region or expertise or anything, and more than anything it's not his fault or reponsibility, but what a fucking joke
edit: also i post this like this instead of pm cos i need to vent cos i'm really fucking pissed off right now