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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Man I wish you guys would spoiler tag the anime waifu shit. I try to browse this thread on my lunch break as chill-out/catch-up but have to spend half the thread with the tab minimized.

That's zky being zky. But yeah, you probably should disable avatars and images while browsing GAF at work and other public spots.

Back to LoL, I guess I'll try going for ranked next season, but this one I was just bad enough that I got placed in Bronze 3 (from Silver 3 last season, both times with 4/6 prelims), and slipped down to Bronze 4 because I still suck at the game, on top of some bad luck with teammates flaming each other, not working together or downright afking. Like I've said before, reactive supports have been really bad for me, because my lack of execution skill coupled with my random teammates' lack of communication means it's hard to know how to properly support them (ie: saving CC for an all-in or for a disengage in case things go wrong).

The general advice I picked up so far is that I'd be better off playing all-in supports such as Blitz or Leona compared to my favorites Lulu and Nami (at least when doing solo ranked), but I feel like Blitz forces me to get my teammate fed early since it gets relegated to being pretty bad late-game unless the enemy team has awful positioning that let you pick their squishies for your team to gang up on.


I think it totally will force a much higher P/B diversity. There's usually only 3-4 champs per role that gets picked or banned in competitive.


More bans, Draft mode(Where bans are interlaced with picks, instead of being frontloaded) will do fucking great things for League.

Riot needs to bite the bullet and do it. Even Heroes of the Storms does it, and the pick/ban phase is better because of it.
why do u think it would it do anything for the game?
help i just want to play a normal game
Why do you have autofill protection in norms lol
why do u think it would it do anything for the game?

Because it adds a layer of strategy to the pick and ban phase. Because frontloading all bans does absolutely nothing for a match.

Interlacing picks and bans makes the people banning think about who they want to pick or ban. Like lets say they first pick an ashe, you can ban around that. "Well if they pick ashe, then they probably want to get X wither her.." and thus can counter pick or counter ban. Likewise it adds a layer of strat because you cant ban all the "op meta" characters at once and you have to play around that.

Granted it would be better if comps were a clearer thing in this game. Alot of times in these pro games people only have around 3 champions they rotate because most of the champions currently arent distinct enough to make them work in certain comps. But this is being fixed through reworks and new releases where having niches is seen as a positive thing in ritos new philosophy.

Frontloading 6 bans currently does nothing for the game. Not when the team knows where the bans are going to be directed at.
Staggered draft would alleviate the advantages of blue side while making targeted bans riskier. Stuff like banning every top tier jungler but one and picking said champion would need a bigger investment since its not something you can do from the get go and this in turn would make team comps more dynamic because if you want something very specific you need to hide your hand until the right moment.
Granted with the addition of staggered bans, you would have to remove trading between players. Because thats a joke as well if your first pick just picks the op mid.
Granted with the addition of staggered bans, you would have to remove trading between players. Because thats a joke as well if your first pick just picks the op mid.
But removing trading doesn't stop that lol

Trading adds strategy to draft because it allows you to delay specific picks at the risk of losing them. Without trading, blue side would always have to pick top, mid and support blind, which would severely gimp what kinds of picks and comps they could have, reducing variety even further. Instead of giving them one power pick, you're giving them three, so your bans would have to always target that. Same for red side, you'd always get jungle and adc first so blue bans would always target that and you'd still get the best picks.
But removing trading doesn't stop that lol

Trading adds strategy to draft because it allows you to delay specific picks at the risk of losing them. Without trading, blue side would always have to pick top, mid and support blind, which would severely gimp what kinds of picks and comps they could have, reducing variety even further.

Doesn't DotA not have trading? I forget that aspect. Do it like DotA. Their games are exciting.
Dota is a different game. It wouldn't work for League.

They're practically the same game. I mean, Leagues practically getting a shitty version of Runes!

The only reason removing trading wouldn't work is because of the whole meta shit. That is, Top/mid/jungle/bot having to be specific picks. I was always in the camp that Riot made a mistake by enforcing the meta-That is, back before it was the meta(IE ADC+Support at bot, or having a jungler).

Since then yeah, they've kinda cornered themselves on design ethos(And are currently trying to dig out of it, admirably), and yeah trading is unfortunately necessary due to that.

I feel old talking about the days where there wasn't a meta. I remember being against them enforcing the meta, back when it was an issue in ranked where people would bitch and whine about it to Riot and they would say 'We aren't enforcing the meta'. Then they went and enforced the meta.


Tragic victim of fan death
They're practically the same game. I mean, Leagues practically getting a shitty version of Runes!

The only reason removing trading wouldn't work is because of the whole meta shit. That is, Top/mid/jungle/bot having to be specific picks. I was always in the camp that Riot made a mistake by enforcing the meta-That is, back before it was the meta(IE ADC+Support at bot, or having a jungler).

Since then yeah, they've kinda cornered themselves on design ethos(And are currently trying to dig out of it, admirably), and yeah trading is unfortunately necessary due to that.

I feel old talking about the days where there wasn't a meta. I remember being against them enforcing the meta, back when it was an issue in ranked where people would bitch and whine about it to Riot and they would say 'We aren't enforcing the meta'. Then they went and enforced the meta.

They're trying to apply sports logic into it for the most part in their design philosophy. Hockey, Football, Soccer, etc all have defined roles for their players and what they do. Definition allows for more control and easier to create content to mix things up every season. Honestly there are a lot of outliers that don't fit within this philosophy that makes the game very hard to balance as they're stupid OP or stupid bad. IE.) Kayle and Urgot being the ones that stand out to me.
They're trying to apply sports logic into it for the most part in their design philosophy. Hockey, Football, Soccer, etc all have defined roles for their players and what they do. Definition allows for more control and easier to create content to mix things up every season. Honestly there are a lot of outliers that don't fit within this philosophy that makes the game very hard to balance as they're stupid OP or stupid bad. IE.) Kayle and Urgot being the ones that stand out to me.

And personally Ive always felt that was a mistake to the health of the game, to give each champion a defined role instead of saying "hey heres a champion with a kit, this kit has some strengths, now go out there and experiment" to give a crude example.

The turning point in their philosophy though, I feel, came around the time of the adc overhaul. Graves having a 2 shot system, Kindred being a jungler, Kalistas mere existence. ADCs stopped being homogenous for the most part, and became unique chatacters with niche strengths on each of them.

Yeah you have Kayle and Urgot from another time, back when the lane meta wasnt a thing, and they dont fit into the current state of league

There is sorrow to be had for that, but also joy that they seem to be working on niches for their newer designs/reworks.


Tragic victim of fan death
I think my problem with champion design with the philosophy of defined roles is that there's only so much gimmicks you can put into a champion that are legit and will work for the better health of the game. Second being that almost all of these champions have a skill that allows gap closers or disengages or whatnot. There's only so much uniqueness you can put into a game.
I think my problem with champion design with the philosophy of defined roles is that there's only so much gimmicks you can put into a champion that are legit and will work for the better health of the game. Second being that almost all of these champions have a skill that allows gap closers or disengages or whatnot. There's only so much uniqueness you can put into a game.

And that uniqueness is further stifled by having defined roles.

For example...I don't think there will ever be an ADC that makes use of magic abilities. That is, maybe have 1 or 2 skills that are buffs to their auto attacking in an active way, and having their other abilities just be 'magical blasts' of sorts while still building like an ADC. Or for example a mage who gains power by being attacked, thus building tanky would be the best for them in order to ramp up their own power without having to build AP-Because there are preconceived notions to what each role can and can't do in terms of abilities. A mage has to have a nuke(Barring Azir who is an auto attacker, but they've had to nerf him out of existence because of that niche). Maybe in the future once different mages come out, Azir will get buffed again.

There is Kayle who buffs her auto attack, but Kayle is an abomination of a character in terms of skills-A heal, a singled target slow, an AoE-amplifying self-skill, and a immunity bubble for her ult. She's just all over the damn place and badly designed.

Like I said, that's why I'm happy that Rito is starting to think outside of the box in terms of design. Ivern is a wonderful creation that serves a niche, isn't immediately the first pick, and isn't bound to the preconceived notion of what a jungler is. But because how the meta favors tanky jungle initiators, or junglers that can push other junglers out, and many of the junglers who have been created either fill or excel at doing that, it will be a while before Ivern is seen as a pick that is viable by the masses. I feel that's why they keep changing the jungle, in order to fix these issues without having to do a pass on all the 'jungler' champions..

I digress though. I'm excited for Leagues future, but there are issues that are slowing down that future because of their early philosophies.
For example...I don't think there will ever be an ADC that makes use of magic abilities. That is, maybe have 1 or 2 skills that are buffs to their auto attacking in an active way, and having their other abilities just be 'magical blasts' of sorts while still building like an ADC.
Or for example a mage who gains power by being attacked, thus building tanky would be the best for them in order to ramp up their own power without having to build AP
And that uniqueness is further stifled by having defined roles.

For example...I don't think there will ever be an ADC that makes use of magic abilities. That is, maybe have 1 or 2 skills that are buffs to their auto attacking in an active way, and having their other abilities just be 'magical blasts' of sorts while still building like an ADC.

I mean, isn't that basically Ezreal or corki? Or Kayle? Maybe even Lucian? Unless you want an ADC that converts AD into AP or something, at which point... why?

Or for example a mage who gains power by being attacked, thus building tanky would be the best for them in order to ramp up their own power without having to build AP-Because there are preconceived notions to what each role can and can't do in terms of abilities.

because this is terrible design. this is what leads to champions being disgusting balls of stats, like Aatrox. That champion would be disgusting. Unkillable while dealing absurd damage. Super bad for game health.

A mage has to have a nuke(Barring Azir who is an auto attacker, but they've had to nerf him out of existence because of that niche). Maybe in the future once different mages come out, Azir will get buffed again.

Azir's issue is that he's too good at everything. IMO he should be an auto-attacking mid-range mage, but currently his Q is a nuke and he has far too much mobility and self-peel and also for some reason can make a turret. Azir is grossly overloaded in terms of strengths and has few weaknesses. He was absurd in competitive play and if he was in any way easy to play he'd have dominated normal play as well. Azir needs significant work in my opinion to make that champion healthy for the game, otherwise he just crowds out every other champion.
Corki sucks though because they don't bite the bullet and dig deep into making his kit strong

And Maokai only empowers his ult. I'm saying a mage who's whole kit becomes empowered the more they are attacked. And stronger than Maokais abilities >_>
Corki's kit is insanely strong, what are you talking about lol

It wasn't long ago that he was top tier to the point they had to nerf him. He's not even bad now that people figured out the Gunblade build.
I mean, isn't that basically Ezreal or corki? Or Kayle? Maybe even Lucian? Unless you want an ADC that converts AD into AP or something, at which point... why?

After typing that, Ezreal and Kayle came into mind. But I guess I'm thinking something more magical in nature. Like, let's say there's an ADC who passively spawns portals around him, and he can target these portals with his autoattack-And whichever direction he attacks it from, it converts the autoattack into a AoE skillshot nuke that flys farther than his regular range. Then like, he can invoke a stronger portal in front of him by using the ability, but it turns off the portal spawning while on cooldown. Something magical in nature. It seems most ADCs have a grounded feel into them, IE they have a gun, a type of bow, or something like that. And their kit becomes grounded in that sense? If that makes sense?

Like give me an ADC that shoots fireballs with some effect that invokes that, and give them a kit that is magical in nature compared to other ADCs, whilst invoking the mage-y part of it(But not drilling them into that role).

because this is terrible design. this is what leads to champions being disgusting balls of stats, like Aatrox. That champion would be disgusting. Unkillable while dealing absurd damage. Super bad for game health.

Make all of his abilities use 5% of his health, bam,balanced. (Yeah it would be disgusting, but it would be fun disgusting. Bad example on my part, just trying to come up with a shitty example to get people to get a sense of feel of what I"m trying to describe?)

Azir's issue is that he's too good at everything. IMO he should be an auto-attacking mid-range mage, but currently his Q is a nuke and he has far too much mobility and self-peel and also for some reason can make a turret. Azir is grossly overloaded in terms of strengths and has few weaknesses. He was absurd in competitive play and if he was in any way easy to play he'd have dominated normal play as well. Azir needs significant work in my opinion to make that champion healthy for the game, otherwise he just crowds out every other champion.

They can definitely remove Azirs mobility. But then we'd have to talk about the power creep on movement, and that's a whole other furball that Rito has trouble addressing.(Bake flash in for everyone! Everyone takes it anyways! Just dedicate a button to it, dammit!) But yeah, Azir was one of the first 'overloaded' champions that Ritos released. I feel Azir would work if all of Leagues characters were overloaded-but like I've mentioned before, there's a long way because of the amount of reworks that have to be done to reach that level.

But these type of champions started happening after Gnar, there've been alot of released that are 'overloaded' and have become instapicks when not banned- Gnar, Ekko, Azir being some of the most egregious in the amount of utility and strengths that their kits have. I never liked any of those 3 champions, interestingly enough. (I like Azirs artistic design though, I'm a sucker for Egyptian-inspired motifs).

I remember when Gnar came out, I hated him. When Ekko came out, I thought he was disgusting. When Azir came out, I was a sucker for his art, but I hated his gameplay design.

I dislike overloaded kits. I like kits that fill a niche and excel at it.
So Vladimir?

Hrm. Think more Maokais ult, but that 'strengthen effect when taking damage' spread across their whole kit. Maybe add in a time mechanic to counteract the 'broken' aspect of the kit.(IE if you take X damage within X seconds, your power is amplified by X power for an X amount of time.)

So like, let's say this mage has a Q that does 150 damage at max level. For every % damage he takes, it empowers his ability by X%, so for example that Q suddenly becomes a 700 damage nuke if he loses half his health. And to counteract this, from the second he takes damage, all damage he takes will stack this damage, but only for like, 10 seconds before it falls off and starts stacking again(So basically if you initiate on him, and manage to do 75% damage but fail to kill him within 10 seconds, the mage can suddenly unleash 1000+ damage dealing nukes from his whole kit, but if he doesn't use his abilities before the 10 second debuff is off him, then he loses that damage potential).

I'm iterating on the fly here, don't judge me >_> Like I said, I could've probably had a better example, but it's just to get you in a mindset of what I'm trying to describe of wanting the roles to not have defined aspects in them, relating to my talk of yearning for a time where there wasn't a meta being enforced by rito/competitive play.


I suggest having a champion that deals bonus damage every third hit from either their attacks or abilities. That hit also slows and gives the champion a movement speed buff. This champion's Q would be a skillshot slow, their W an AoE stun and self-shield, E a dash with bonus damage, and their ult would heal them and teleport them.

Sounds like a well designed, balanced champion that I cannot for the life of me see as a cancer on the game.
Hrm. Think more Maokais ult, but that 'strengthen effect when taking damage' spread across their whole kit. Maybe add in a time mechanic to counteract the 'broken' aspect of the kit.(IE if you take X damage within X seconds, your power is amplified by X power for an X amount of time.)

So like, let's say this mage has a Q that does 150 damage at max level. For every % damage he takes, it empowers his ability by X%, so for example that Q suddenly becomes a 700 damage nuke if he loses half his health. And to counteract this, from the second he takes damage, all damage he takes will stack this damage, but only for like, 10 seconds before it falls off and starts stacking again(So basically if you initiate on him, and manage to do 75% damage but fail to kill him within 10 seconds, the mage can suddenly unleash 1000+ damage dealing nukes from his whole kit, but if he doesn't use his abilities before the 10 second debuff is off him, then he loses that damage potential).

I'm iterating on the fly here, don't judge me >_> Like I said, I could've probably had a better example, but it's just to get you in a mindset of what I'm trying to describe of wanting the roles to not have defined aspects in them, relating to my talk of yearning for a time where there wasn't a meta being enforced by rito/competitive play.
Some aspects need to be defined, otherwise we end up with terribly designed champions. Tankiness + carry damage is how you end up with shit like old Ryze and Ekko.
Some aspects need to be defined, otherwise we end up with terribly designed champions. Tankiness + carry damage is how you end up with shit like old Ryze and Ekko.

There definitely need to be clear drawbacks to a champion. Weak laning phase, weak in situations where the enemy can disengage, weak chase, weak aoe potential, for example.

Ekko has very little weaknesses. Old machine gun ryze had little weaknesses after catalyst. If I were to design a champion, there would be clear weaknesses to their kit. I love choice when it comes to champions, and making a champion have to make decisions in either positioning, levelling skills, or builds, would probably be optimal for me.

Like, one of my favorite champions is Nasus. He is categorized as having a weak early game(Especially against certain match ups), he can get camped easily, and he has a huge ramp up time. But once you reach the top of that Ramp, he becomes an absolute terror if he's able to reach point of the game safely. When I play Nasus, I take into account his weaknesses, and sometimes have to make concessions in lane in order to survive pre-6.(Granted because of his late game, Nasus can be seen as having a toxic design because of how stupid he becomes due to his scaling, and can probably do with a weaker early/mid game in order to make his late game feel fairer).


Tragic victim of fan death
I think if we got a champion that didn't have mana with a total of 4 skills with a branching ability so in reality you'd have 16 different skills and it was super tanky and did damage as you go up the skill tree, Breezy would be like "Hm... that's a neat champion. Riot should make that." And I'd go, fucking why. There needs to be rules to adhere to when creating champions otherwise you get crazy champions. The gameflow and design philosophy exists for a reason. So we don't have rampancy of dumb shit.
I think if we got a champion that didn't have mana with a total of 4 skills with a branching ability so in reality you'd have 16 different skills and it was super tanky and did damage as you go up the skill tree, Breezy would be like "Hm... that's a neat champion. Riot should make that." And I'd go, fucking why. There needs to be rules to adhere to when creating champions otherwise you get crazy champions. The gameflow and design philosophy exists for a reason. So we don't have rampancy of dumb shit.

That sounds like a horrible idea, actually. I don't like Invoker at all.


MMR Silver 2
Your MMR is quite a bit lower than average.
The Average MMR for Silver 2 86LP is 1,424.


so close to promos. played shyvanna jungle today and carried. forgot how fun it was to be able to play something other than support. I really want to become a better jungler for this season. I can't rely on support only.


update from my friend, rito support was actually cool and gave him back his account and his email, although the scammer used up all his ip and rp and they didn't revert the scammer's name change

i guess it's a lot better than nothing, tho would be awesome if rito could just revert him back to like a month's old snapshot, if anything for the name

Because it adds a layer of strategy to the pick and ban phase. Because frontloading all bans does absolutely nothing for a match.

Interlacing picks and bans makes the people banning think about who they want to pick or ban. Like lets say they first pick an ashe, you can ban around that. "Well if they pick ashe, then they probably want to get X wither her.." and thus can counter pick or counter ban. Likewise it adds a layer of strat because you cant ban all the "op meta" characters at once and you have to play around that.

Granted it would be better if comps were a clearer thing in this game. Alot of times in these pro games people only have around 3 champions they rotate because most of the champions currently arent distinct enough to make them work in certain comps. But this is being fixed through reworks and new releases where having niches is seen as a positive thing in ritos new philosophy.

Frontloading 6 bans currently does nothing for the game. Not when the team knows where the bans are going to be directed at.
sorry, i wrote the wrong thing. i def agree that it'd add an extra strategy layer. i don't know how deep it'd be considering league is a very different beast from doto, and i'm unsure if its impact would be positive overall for the game, but there should would be an impact and added layer of strategy.

what i actually wanted to ask is why do u think it would improve champion variety?

Granted with the addition of staggered bans, you would have to remove trading between players. Because thats a joke as well if your first pick just picks the op mid.
i feel like removing trading would be pretty dumb lol

I think my problem with champion design with the philosophy of defined roles is that there's only so much gimmicks you can put into a champion that are legit and will work for the better health of the game. Second being that almost all of these champions have a skill that allows gap closers or disengages or whatnot. There's only so much uniqueness you can put into a game.
i don't think they're running out of ideas anytime soon, look at some of the latest champions like ivern, aurelion, taliyah, jhin, etc.

Azir's issue is that he's too good at everything. IMO he should be an auto-attacking mid-range mage, but currently his Q is a nuke and he has far too much mobility and self-peel and also for some reason can make a turret. Azir is grossly overloaded in terms of strengths and has few weaknesses. He was absurd in competitive play and if he was in any way easy to play he'd have dominated normal play as well. Azir needs significant work in my opinion to make that champion healthy for the game, otherwise he just crowds out every other champion.
azir is tricky cos his "niche", the whole autoattacking from ultra long range thing, is actually the least fun part about him. shurima shuffling about, creating turrets, silly mobility and aggressive dashes are the way he's fun

he's gonna be tough to crack, i think you can just take a lot of extra power from him like his turrets and his shield and stuff but then u have like a really boring adc thing

Thank fucking god Breezy isn't on the champion design team.
lol yeah

breezy means well, but he doesn't seem to know what all champions do and also blindly believes that everything done in doto would fit league 1:1

doto does a lot of things right imo, in many respects i think its general design is a lot better than league's, but the two games couldn't be any more different, and both games should learn from each other, not copy each other

Does anyone not think that there should be more international tournaments (run by Riot or otherwise)?
i would like more international tournaments for sure

i was thinking that like, all-stars is pretty alright, but i'd trade its spot for a srs tournament in a split second

even if it's like some person on worlds thread was asking for, make like a regional tournament that's like top 3 na vs top 3 eu and the same for china vs korea vs lms
lol yeah

breezy means well, but he doesn't seem to know what all champions do and also blindly believes that everything done in doto would fit league 1:1

doto does a lot of things right imo, in many respects i think its general design is a lot better than league's, but the two games couldn't be any more different, and both games should learn from each other, not copy each other

lol no

if most dota/hots champions were placed into league, they would completely wreck league. leagues champions are very tame and item dependent in comparison to the majority of champions in either game.

really what league should be learning is that it's important to make more champions viable. it was boring as fuck seeing the same characters played over and over and over and over the last couple weeks in the finals. The only surprising pick was probably MF, and that's because she was in the support role. that's it.
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