I actually do think Icefrog learns from various parts of League. Riki's Blink Strike (when it was an ultimate) worked on a charge system similar to Akali's ult (I forget the name) and the two abilities work almost identically to begin with (along with putting mechanics like spell vamp, CDR and INT scaling spell damage in quite successfully)doto does a lot of things right imo, in many respects i think its general design is a lot better than league's, but the two games couldn't be any more different, and both games should learn from each other, not copy each other
I was thinking along the lines of MSI except on a slightly larger scale. If there's a good enough incentive there shouldn't be a problem with the various regions playing against each other before worlds.i would like more international tournaments for sure
i was thinking that like, all-stars is pretty alright, but i'd trade its spot for a srs tournament in a split second
even if it's like some person on worlds thread was asking for, make like a regional tournament that's like top 3 na vs top 3 eu and the same for china vs korea vs lms
yeah if only doto learned how to do good skins they'd be goldenI actually do think Icefrog learns from various parts of League. Riki's Blink Strike (when it was an ultimate) worked on a charge system similar to Akali's ult (I forget the name) and the two abilities work almost identically to begin with (along with putting mechanics like spell vamp, CDR and INT scaling spell damage in quite successfully)
i actually think a third international tournament might be a bit boring, i kind of enjoy the idea of a lead up to a huge ass tournament like worlds, and then smaller tournaments that are more like temperature taking of the different regions, like msiI was thinking along the lines of MSI except on a slightly larger scale. If there's a good enough incentive there shouldn't be a problem with the various regions playing against each other before worlds.
More practice against better opposition = better teams everywhere = better for the competitive scene as a whole. The only people I know that are against the idea are the super LCK fanboys.
I honestly forgot IEM was a thing. I guess international competition is ok in that regard (still could use more of it).i actually think a third international tournament might be a bit boring, i kind of enjoy the idea of a lead up to a huge ass tournament like worlds, and then smaller tournaments that are more like temperature taking of the different regions, like msi
i think a third mini worlds would be just too samey, specially when there's already iem and msi and everything
Doesn't that already exist in the form of Ohmwrecker and doesn't it suck eggs?If you could exhaust towers would that be op?
Doesn't that already exist in the form of Ohmwrecker and doesn't it suck eggs?
YesIs the Teemoing back this weekend?
95 LP in Gold I. I need 1 win and 3 subsequent wins.
Am I mistaken or weren't you silver just a bit ago?
Is the Teemoing back this weekend?
Uh... wait. What?
cool kpop ashe cosplay
since rito screwed me over with the star guardian skins, maybe they'll do right by me with kpop skins and give syndra one
also i'm curious why she's not being nerfed already, maybe cos assassin era will make her a lot less viable. also if rylais is getting big changes that'll impact her a bunch too
Her eye closest to the camera looks really weird for some reason...
Her eye closest to the camera looks really weird for some reason...
Kinda late to try climb to gold eh? Lots of new junglers trying to jungle in Silver IV =/
when does the season end? my account is still sitting at silver 1. i should get around to it soon
yeah i can't wait
not much of interest this preseason for my champions but i wanna try new lb
Nov 8th.
first bronze 5 game went ok
sadly not actually playing against bronze 5 peoples lol
i feel like talon sounds more fun than he really will beYeah LB seems fun. I'm also expecting Talon to be more interesting.
she's alright, she feels fairly weak in lane since she has trouble pushing waves early and u get super screwed by minions when trading cos you can't just mow them down like you did before, but she gets better as the game goes on since they reduced the worked ground durationhow does Taliyah feel right now?
i feel like talon sounds more fun than he really will be
the ass creed thing looks super cool but it's kind of a fancier aurelion sol e, and the rest of his kit looks better but i don't think it's a lot more interesting than it already was, although new q looks kind of fun
i'll try him for sure, specially since ad itemization looks more interesting, but i might just try to pick up zed instead since zed is just more fun