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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.



i feel like if rito did this for all championship skins instead of just zed they'd easily make 10m

since it's just like a pr thing with like % of sales and everything instead of actually selling exclusive shit or gambling or whatever, i kind of hope they go all championship skins next year

don't they have the thingy on the website with the 3d model when they announce new skins? i'm sure they could also make it rotate.
not in-client, u need to use an external website or something

i buy a lot of skins on impulse tho, i didn't know how cupid varus looked either, but i generally trust rito to make good shit and so i just blindly buy it sometimes

Well it is MF
yeah i think mostly her animations look really bad and outdated

she looks like a character out of a duke nukem game or something

What do you even want Zky?

Thats a problem with champ designs then, innit.

When a champ like Viktor or Ekko is so dominant at what they do, then of course staggered bans wouldnt work. Because there is a homogenous design in Ritos early works that kinda ruined it. Their philosophy used to be(still is?) that if they created a character, then a player shouldnt be forced to earn a certain champion to counter that character. This is emblematic of the "champions arent available to everyone" and it was a real issue a couple of years ago when they released the majority of champions. Thats why ADCs used to be so homogenous, thats why champions tend to not be built around a nice. Its why you have aberrations like Ekko who can do almost everything perfectly, with little to no drawback. Its why Viktor is one of the strongest mages, because for a mage he does almost everything too well-AoE, single target damage, huge cc, and he can do it safely.

Now theyre trying to create niche champions, like Ivern, but the damage is already done. Theres too many "well-rounded" champions due to their previous philosophies, that niche champions end up being weaker because they are niche.
i agree, tho this is quite a bad spot rito has put themselves in

like, it'd probably be a lot healthier for the game if someone like lee sin didn't do EVERYTHING right, but it's also freaking lee sin and everyone loves him and you just can't like meaningfully change his kit (for instance his e feels like the most bullshit no-counterplay thing ever -__-) without making a lot of ppl mad

at the same time a lot of champions live and die on their well-roundness and the game and large isn't too well suited to support more niche champions

again i think changes are needed in a big scale before the game is gonna have good variety in champions and strategy

staggering picks and bans is a nice thing and the way they're designing new champions is fairly good (although taliyah is quite the generalist herself, as well as nu ryze), but that can't be all they do

All Zky wants is a three-part romance novel about Zed and Syndra.
well i mean, i would like that to have pictures

Ill bet you a mystery gift that, unless Ivern gets buffed, he wont be a mainstay pick competitively next year.
i think this is very hard to say right now since the pros at worlds are playing mostly worlds patch-relevant champions

i haven't seen inven played even once yet i think, so idk how strong he is, but his winrate is fairly acceptable for a champion so weird

Why can't you do easier bets Breezy? Say something like Talon is going to be garbage after his rework.
i also think talon might be pretty crappy after the rework since he has no big gapcloser anymore. at a glance it feels like his target selection is gonna be really lacking and i think he'll suffer a lot for it, although i'm not super clear how long is the q range and if they buffed the ult movementspeed and whatnot

Man I wish there was an option where you were 100% guaranteed your primary role at the risk of like an hour queue time. I would totally pick that 9/10 times. I hate it that I get mid and win all the way to promos, then get ADC when in promos and just lose. pls
i don't think that degree of control would be good in the long run, i think ppl just need to get used to not getting what they want 100% of the time. maybe they could make it so that u get ur primary 100% if you're on promos or something

that whale thread in gaming side 😅
don't want to even tell them how much I've spent on this game
i haven't spent that much in league honestly, like $200?

considering i played this game like 2500hrs and spend large portions of my life thinking and talking about it and looking at lewd pictures i'd say it was a solid investment lol

meanwhile i spent like 40 bucks on gta 5 and boy that game was a pile of asinine shit lol


What was the rant about?

he talked about how the community hates on pros that trash talk like doublelift or idk forgiven or something

he said that trash talking make matches more exciting, which is true, and all that, and basically pleaded to the community to stop being dicks about it

it's an alright message but it just felt super random and out of nowhere and he took like 5 full minutes for this speech which imo is too damn much lol
he talked about how the community hates on pros that trash talk like doublelift or idk forgiven or something

he said that trash talking make matches more exciting, which is true, and all that, and basically pleaded to the community to stop being dicks about it

it's an alright message but it just felt super random and out of nowhere and he took like 5 full minutes for this speech which imo is too damn much lol
Half of proper sports is talking shit about the other team, not just supporting your own. That's part of why I had no problem with Chicago booing in the semis (especially considering how sports-mad Chicago is)

I feel like too many people want E-Sports to be a "clean" version of regular sports.

this thread needs purification


idk, i think there's a difference between players trash talking which is a fun between-players thing that they willingly opt into and ppl booing on players only because they're korean, which imo is shitty and kind of racist lol

also i'm one of the mind that the less esports imitate real sports the better

fuck hooliganism, real names, "recognition", 90m salaries, politics and other gross shit

but yeah don't boo on my cute korean boys
also i'm one of the mind that the less esports imitate real sports the better

fuck hooliganism, real names, "recognition", 90m salaries, politics and other gross shit

That's a pretty anti-player standpoint. When it comes to eSports, not general League revenue, the more money that goes to the pros, and the less that goes to Riot, the better. If there was a union of some sort, they need to set a collective bargaining agreement.

edit: not a fan of the booing tho
I feel like I'm finally starting to get better at the game again.That's one wall that took a couple years to break lul
That's a pretty anti-player standpoint. When it comes to eSports, not general League revenue, the more money that goes to the pros, and the less that goes to Riot, the better. If there was a union of some sort, they need to set a collective bargaining agreement.
There's definitely some good stuff eSports can take from normal sports.

Not everything tho. Definitely not the audience acting like monkeys and getting too serious for online handles.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Got to attend the live concert in person and everyone agrees that it was easily the best part of the event. The pentakill section was super intense and everyone Bible thumped at the amumu song. Got to meet Costy and Voyboy so that was neat too.


That's a pretty anti-player standpoint. When it comes to eSports, not general League revenue, the more money that goes to the pros, and the less that goes to Riot, the better. If there was a union of some sort, they need to set a collective bargaining agreement.

edit: not a fan of the booing tho
i think paying anyone so much money is dumb

there's a big middle road between pennies and cristiano ronaldo or something
i think paying anyone so much money is dumb

there's a big middle road between pennies and cristiano ronaldo or something

They're only getting paid that much because millions of people like us are willing to spend the money. It's just how the entertainment industry works. NBA stars like LeBron, Steph Curry, and Kevin Durant sell out stadiums and generate tons of revenue for their organizations because people pay to see them, and while their salaries are disgustingly high compared to doctors, teachers, etc, I'd rather see them getting paid those big bucks than watching owners beat the system. The same thing should apply to eSports.
i think paying anyone so much money is dumb

there's a big middle road between pennies and cristiano ronaldo or something

You have to realize that alot of times people put money into watching a sports team because of the players

So its only fair that said players get compensation. Unless you are for corporations getting the majority of money.

Riot just needs to catch up on that aspect.

Like to put it quaintly, NFL teams makes an insane amount of money. And they pay their players huge amounts. Stars like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning get paid leagues above of other players because they draw in an audience. And since they make their teams a boatload of money compared to other players, they get paid more.


ah you see, me i'd just rather teachers get paid acceptable salaries

also i love how all ur examples mean nothing to me cos i'm not american lol

i don't give a shit about michael jordan or whatever getting 500m instead of 50m, his "rights" don't interest me, it's not something that matters to me cos he's one guy that's perfectly well off no matter how that conversation ends. i do care about no star players that actually could use the money, who deserve getting a better base salary and all that crap
ah you see, me i'd just rather teachers get paid acceptable salaries

also i love how all ur examples mean nothing to me cos i'm not american lol

i don't give a shit about michael jordan or whatever getting 500m instead of 50m, his "rights" don't interest me, it's not something that matters to me cos he's one guy that's perfectly well off no matter how that conversation ends. i do care about no star players that actually could use the money, who deserve getting a better base salary and all that crap

So youre for Riot paying all the teams better no matter their star status?

Lets put it this way. Korean audiences would pay more to see Faker play than to see a random SSG member play. Therefore Riot should compensate Faker accordingly because Faker brings in an audience that wouldnt be there otherwise.

People who watch league competitive watch mainly to see their teams/favorite players to play. If their team loses, theyll pick another team to root for. People dont watch competitive to see League being played, they can do that on their own. They watch to see great teams played. Riot should compensate those teams accordingly to how much money they bring in.

I dunno why youre against paying popular players more, or having prizepools that are determined from the audience. If the audience wants to pay for it, let them. Its better than Riot making all the money.

As for you wanting to see teachera paid more, thats just whataboutism.
ah you see, me i'd just rather teachers get paid acceptable salaries

also i love how all ur examples mean nothing to me cos i'm not american lol

i don't give a shit about michael jordan or whatever getting 500m instead of 50m, his "rights" don't interest me, it's not something that matters to me cos he's one guy that's perfectly well off no matter how that conversation ends. i do care about no star players that actually could use the money, who deserve getting a better base salary and all that crap

The message behind our examples apply to people from all countries.

People who make studios/corporations/owners ridiculous amounts of money deserve to not get screwed over because they are the reasons why the money is being made in the first place. I 1000000% agree with you that teachers should get paid better, but that has nothing to do with what my original response to your post was getting at.


i love faker, but no one deserves that kind of money, that's all i got to say about that line of thinking

and don't get me wrong, definitely not tryndamere or ryze either

i prefer most players getting paid well and that extra money going to base salaries

the crowdfunding prizepool stuff i'm mostly against because the compendium is exploitative and i don't want exploitative or gambling shit in my fun game, but the way rito did it i think it's perfectly fine
i love faker, but no one deserves that kind of money, that's all i got to say about that line of thinking

and don't get me wrong, definitely not tryndamere or ryze either

Then what should Riot do with that money? Theyre not philanthropists. Either they keep it, or they give that money to their star players who made them that money. Or they pay the teams more.(which would be the preferred option, but Riot was seemingly against).

It doesnt help that up until now, its mostly been Riot keeping that money.

Also Riot has been doing exploitative shit in the form of mystery gifts and mystery boxes. Whats one more form of gambling? Make no mistake, theres already a form of gambling in league.


Then what should Riot do with that money? Theyre not philanthropists. Either they keep it, or they give that money to their star players who made them that money. Or they pay the teams more.(which would be the preferred option, but Riot was seemingly against).

It doesnt help that up until now, its mostly been Riot keeping that money.
raise the salary floor with that money

ppl talk a lot about how prizepools make everything more competitive, how about ppl having great base salaries that don't require them to waste time doing sponsorship shit and streaming and all that crap!

Also Riot has been doing exploitative shit in the form of mystery gifts and mystery boxes. Whats one more form of gambling? Make no mistake, theres already a form of gambling in league.
i dislike mystery gifts but that's a big opt-in thing that u gift other people instead of buy for yourself, so i feel it's for the most part harmless

the gambling i hate in league is the game filling u with locked chests you can't ever earn enough keys for, to incentivize you to spend money on keys that have random rewards

that i've said it over and over how exploitative and shitty it is


chest system is ok if drops weren't weighted so u had to buy keys to match the number of chests u got

or if rito didn't sell keys

both options are non-exploitative
Get rid of the timer. Get an S rank and pick up the chest anytime you want from the champion tab in your summoner profile.

"You've earned an S rank for this champ? Too bad you were a few minutes off from the chest recharge."

Hell. You can keep the limit on free chests to 52. But working around the timer is annoying.


Gold Member

Hey I skipped Gold 4, I have never skipped a division before.

Could I get back to Plat on time?

just keep winning consecutively and you could skip to gold 1. Happened to me last season and it's especially easy for you cause you don't have a lot of games played yet.
Happened to me in S4. Played to Plat 5 and thought what the heck might as well try shooting for Diamond because I had some time left. Ended up skipping to Plat 3 then Plan 1 then Diamond 5 with a 75% win rate spamming Morgana with Nami as backup.

When's the deadline anyway?
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