Do any of you remember who CLG.EU played in the longest competitive game?
World Elite, if you're talking about Season 2 Worlds qaurterfinals
Do any of you remember who CLG.EU played in the longest competitive game?
Do any of you remember who CLG.EU played in the longest competitive game?
i know probably everyone knows the result by now, but maybe spoilertag that picture just in case someone didn't catch it
3 days
Ill bet you a mystery gift that, unless Ivern gets buffed, he wont be a mainstay pick competitively next year.
3 days![]()
Esl is small fry. Fite me 1v1 ivern only
its not next year yet
That bet makes no sense tho. It's League of Legends. Nothing gets picked "unless it's buffed"
Oh winter Rift how I missed thee
Yorick and Ivernweren't we supposed to get another champion/rework before preseason started or am i remembering wrong?
But seriously, whether or not they improve his level 4-9 damage in some way is going to have a huge impact on his viability as a competitive jungler. Although Riot could choose to focus on his supportive capabilities and further define the champion, I feel like those elements in his kit are fine and scale well as-is.
The bet (in my mind) isn't really about him being played if he's buffed, but rather that he'll become one of those champions that the second they're even remotely good against the field they'll routinely sees competitive or higher elo play (Lee Sin, Gragas, Elise, etc.).
There's quite a few champions out there that were once played competitively and even if they are strong again the likelihood of seeing them in competitive again is very low just because they don't check all the critical "this is what a competitive jungler does" checkboxes (Nautilus, Volibear, Nasus, etc.)
(The reason I haven't taken Breezy up on his bet is that it'll take too long to see who won. Even if Ivern is buffed and then sees competitive play, that doesn't prove I'm right. He'd have to get buffed, see play, get gutted, see a small buff, and return to competitive play for me to be right.)
But she is braindead easy, doesn't mean people can't be bad beyond repair.Who's the one who said janna was brain dead easy?
It feels frustrating having an incompetent janna in your game especially in a close match. Numerous times the janna ult pushed the enemy away and saved them instead.
I'm pretty free this weekend.Who wants to organize ranked 5s rush for seasonal rewards? I'm available from 7pm pst and beyond, earlier on week ends.
He is pretty good in the current patch but I have no idea how he's gonna be in the next patch seeing he's getting minor reworks on a couple abilities and his core item is getting reworked as well.How is Twitch nowadays, he was one of my fav marksman to play. When I played adc.
He is pretty good in the current patch but I have no idea how he's gonna be in the next patch seeing he's getting minor reworks on a couple abilities and his core item is getting reworked as well.
How is Twitch nowadays, he was one of my fav marksman to play. When I played adc.
Ya, i'll be grinding this weekend.Newt you going to carry me to Plat by next week or what?
They did it for the chef skins and it seemed to work pretty well. I think it just doesn't work as well for this one.interesting that they're trying to make all skins in a single picture but maybe the picture not be the full splash art for everyone
seems like a good idea but probably a shit ton of work that i wonder if it wouldn't just be easier to do solo art for everyone
those twitch splashes are really good btw
ahhhhhh raid boss swain but neither of our ad carries built executioners or mortal reminder the entire game aaaaaaaaaaaaah
we still won somehow at least
Ya, i'll be grinding this weekend.
Anyone wanna ranked marathon this weekend for plat? Neko randomly disappeared off the face of this earth for queues...
Yep, if that's in PM.Hm, weekends are rough. If you play around 7-12 PST let me know! I added blue newt but haven't been on lately to even see if you added.
Anyone wanna ranked marathon this weekend for plat? Neko randomly disappeared off the face of this earth for queues...
yeah, that's true, forgot about the chef skinsThey did it for the chef skins and it seemed to work pretty well. I think it just doesn't work as well for this one.