I will try to keep this short. I started playing Lol last weekend after my brother and my bf tried to convince me for months. And I kinda get why it is so addictive(against bots). Then I played against humans:
I have so many questions and stuffto ask or vent How am I supposed to do stuff, I'm trying so many characters, Tahm Kench is awesome and I love his voice but I can't do anything interesting because I get killed so fast when I get in melee range, I tried Hecarim and it's supposed to be hit-and-run, I can hit but do so little damage, get stuck and die. I tried so many melee characters and it's always the same, I die really fast, then people tell me I should hit someone and get back to safety unless I'm sure I will kill someone, but only if it's 1v1, if there are more heroes around I shouldn't even try it.what's the fun in that? When you are killed in one or two skills unless you are a tank and anyway you will be slowed and killed in 4 hits, if you managed to run away someone will use flash and kill you, everyone has that skill.
Then I tried ranged characters because the first ones I used was Ashe (obviously) and my bf allowed me to play his account to try more ranged champions Varus,Jinx,Caitlyn,Graves and I did a little bit better at least with the ones that you can keep your distance, because I was killed so many times when I used Graves and Jhin. But did good with Caitlyn and Varus. Thanks to the sniping skills. I was doing fine with Gnar until he becomes giant Gnar and need to melee :/
And after checking the description of most champions I found my favorite Vel'Koz, though I hate mage classes because they are squishy his combo is awesome for burst damage and his ultimate has great range to surprise enemies.
At least I feel I'm doing something for once, but there are so many heroes I wanna try but whenever I choose one everyone keeps telling me how " we already have an adc"," there's a top already " or whatever. Why do people keep that playstyle? I wanna go with Vel'Koz to the top, if everyone thinks like that, the enemy's top will have problems dealing with a mage,wouldn't him? I don't even know the champions in rotation what are they supposed to be.
Are champions designed with the position in mind? Or why everyone gets so worked up when I try a line with a character that is "not that line "?
I tried support and not my flavor.
Tl;Dr: how do I fight without dying but not having to run away after each hit?. How do I know my role? Why everyone sticks to one instead of actual teamwork?

I hope I can learn how to play properly.