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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Finally hit gold. thanks to a 7 game win streak with my best champ. I duoed with Type 2 in my last game. I think I got S or S- in each game as well. Everyone in the GAF club was very supportive. There was times I wanted to dodge due to a champ pick but they ended up carrying like this one guy who went 21/5 with Kled. hory shit

Finally hit gold. thanks to a 7 game win streak with my best champ. I duoed with Type 2 in my last game. I think I got S or S- in each game as well. Everyone in the GAF club was very supportive. There was times I wanted to dodge due to a champ pick but they ended up carrying like this one guy who went 21/5 with Kled. hory shit

ayyy grats dude!


What're your guys' goals for Season 7? Are you treating preseason seriously?

Goal is Diamond. Ended this season Plat 4 70~ LP, but I only got to play 150~ ranked games. I'm hoping to be able to play a lot more ranked games season 7.

I'll probable be playing more normal games during preseason, but it depends on my one friend I duo with a lot. He doesn't do normals so I might be playing a bunch of ranked games against my better judgement.


Probably actually play ranked lots at the start of next season and get Masters, don't think it'd be too hard to get if I try harded. Then maybe keep trying to see how much higher I can get.


Tragic victim of fan death
I doubt I will hit Diamond as I still have some massive glaring flaws in my play that's just going to hinder me a lot but I do have my eyes set for Plat 1 minimum next season.


i think if i want to hit d5 i'm prolly gonna have to play more meta champions

i've been kind of lucky lately since meta was like literally my champ pool (syndra, viktor, ori, cassi), but u know, i'll have to stop playing whatever i want from now on hehe


Viktor is extremely boring to lane against once he gets that first upgrade. I'd be fine with not seeing him for awhile, but I really hope they don't bring Azir back.


I wish they'd have never bothered reworking Viktor, then no one would be playing him and he would never be nerfed. Feelsbad.


I wish they'd have never bothered reworking Viktor, then no one would be playing him and he would never be nerfed. Feelsbad.
old viktor was really bad tho

i think they shouldn't really "gut" anyone until they nerf ghost and rylais

those two things being op are a big reason why ori, viktor, syndra, ryze, asol, etc. are dominating

heck, if assassins come back strong then running ghost mid might not be possible anymore and that's it


What're your guys' goals for Season 7? Are you treating preseason seriously?

I want to try for Gold just playing support this time instead of relying on tilty champs like Fizz/Ekko or please-don't-hate-me-this-patch-Riot champs like Ziggs/Xerath/Viktor.

It's so damn hard though. Putting the world into being a good support + climbing does feel much harder than putting the work into a different role and then climbing. And I like playing Support.
The only direct nerf Viktor might need is toning down his wave clear. Aside from that just touch the metaslave stuff that is shitting on mid lane.


i do think viktor might need some changes down the line

the hexcore price changes made it so that making viktor back early kind of completely shuts him down if he can't get the first upgrade on back 2 at worst

i'm thinking taking some waveclear from e and putting it on w would be interesting. like his w upgrade makes it execute minions, so to instagib a wave u need to e+w which is risky since you're spending your big cc on waveclear and also you're giving up the q speedup from the upgrade

something like that, reduce dmg on e, and make his upgrades 1k gold each again


I want to try for Gold just playing support this time instead of relying on tilty champs like Fizz/Ekko or please-don't-hate-me-this-patch-Riot champs like Ziggs/Xerath/Viktor.

It's so damn hard though. Putting the world into being a good support + climbing does feel much harder than putting the work into a different role and then climbing. And I like playing Support.
Oh it's possible. I did it just playing nami/naut/Leo.

The thing is to pick a support that goes well with your adc and vice versa if you pick first. Nami worked well for me because she goes so great with jinx/vayne/ez which are very common in silver
The mid laner from the game (ranked) I just got done playing used a homophobic slur two times and the proceeded to split push for most of the game after that point. The person even said to report because he doesn't care about end-of-season rewards.

I just waited till I was the last person in the post-game lobby to report this dude, and now I'm just gonna sit back, relax, and watch this person get away with that kind of behavior because of how unreliable the report system is.

edit: The reason for the slurs and the split pushing? A wolf in the jungle got taken from the player.


Tragic victim of fan death
My problem with a lot of these champions in mid is that they're usually too good at everything and there is no tradeoff for them having a weakness in all honesty. For instance every mid right now I feel is in a place where they have wave clear, huge burst on a single champ, and high chase/roam potential. I view that as an unhealthy place in the game.


The mid laner from the game (ranked) I just got done playing used a homophobic slur two times and the proceeded to split push for most of the game after that point. The person even said to report because he doesn't care about end-of-season rewards.

I just waited till I was the last person in the post-game lobby to report this dude, and now I'm just gonna sit back, relax, and watch this person is going to get away with that kind of behavior because of how unreliable the report system is.

edit: The reason for the slurs and the split pushing? A wolf in the jungle got taken from the player.

Oh boy. I was playing on my smurf the other day and jeebus people started getting toxic when my mmr reached high plat level. Played with a Plat 2 Vayne who was pissed at her support and told her something along the lines of "I hope you get forced to watch while your family get their throats slit". Don't think he has been punished for it either.


Man Olaf jungle is so strong. I can see it soon well next season as well. I gotta practice more in the jungle. My mid skills are lacking and I am not that good to carry top.



I will try to keep this short. I started playing Lol last weekend after my brother and my bf tried to convince me for months. And I kinda get why it is so addictive(against bots). Then I played against humans:

I have so many questions and stuffto ask or vent How am I supposed to do stuff, I'm trying so many characters, Tahm Kench is awesome and I love his voice but I can't do anything interesting because I get killed so fast when I get in melee range, I tried Hecarim and it's supposed to be hit-and-run, I can hit but do so little damage, get stuck and die. I tried so many melee characters and it's always the same, I die really fast, then people tell me I should hit someone and get back to safety unless I'm sure I will kill someone, but only if it's 1v1, if there are more heroes around I shouldn't even try it.what's the fun in that? When you are killed in one or two skills unless you are a tank and anyway you will be slowed and killed in 4 hits, if you managed to run away someone will use flash and kill you, everyone has that skill.

Then I tried ranged characters because the first ones I used was Ashe (obviously) and my bf allowed me to play his account to try more ranged champions Varus,Jinx,Caitlyn,Graves and I did a little bit better at least with the ones that you can keep your distance, because I was killed so many times when I used Graves and Jhin. But did good with Caitlyn and Varus. Thanks to the sniping skills. I was doing fine with Gnar until he becomes giant Gnar and need to melee :/

And after checking the description of most champions I found my favorite Vel'Koz, though I hate mage classes because they are squishy his combo is awesome for burst damage and his ultimate has great range to surprise enemies.

At least I feel I'm doing something for once, but there are so many heroes I wanna try but whenever I choose one everyone keeps telling me how " we already have an adc"," there's a top already " or whatever. Why do people keep that playstyle? I wanna go with Vel'Koz to the top, if everyone thinks like that, the enemy's top will have problems dealing with a mage,wouldn't him? I don't even know the champions in rotation what are they supposed to be.

Are champions designed with the position in mind? Or why everyone gets so worked up when I try a line with a character that is "not that line "?

I tried support and not my flavor.

Tl;Dr: how do I fight without dying but not having to run away after each hit?. How do I know my role? Why everyone sticks to one instead of actual teamwork?

Thanks :D
I hope I can learn how to play properly.


Tragic victim of fan death

I will try to keep this short. I started playing Lol last weekend after my brother and my bf tried to convince me for months. And I kinda get why it is so addictive(against bots). Then I played against humans:

I have so many questions and stuffto ask or vent How am I supposed to do stuff, I'm trying so many characters, Tahm Kench is awesome and I love his voice but I can't do anything interesting because I get killed so fast when I get in melee range, I tried Hecarim and it's supposed to be hit-and-run, I can hit but do so little damage, get stuck and die. I tried so many melee characters and it's always the same, I die really fast, then people tell me I should hit someone and get back to safety unless I'm sure I will kill someone, but only if it's 1v1, if there are more heroes around I shouldn't even try it.what's the fun in that? When you are killed in one or two skills unless you are a tank and anyway you will be slowed and killed in 4 hits, if you managed to run away someone will use flash and kill you, everyone has that skill.

Then I tried ranged characters because the first ones I used was Ashe (obviously) and my bf allowed me to play his account to try more ranged champions Varus,Jinx,Caitlyn,Graves and I did a little bit better at least with the ones that you can keep your distance, because I was killed so many times when I used Graves and Jhin. But did good with Caitlyn and Varus. Thanks to the sniping skills. I was doing fine with Gnar until he becomes giant Gnar and need to melee :/

And after checking the description of most champions I found my favorite Vel'Koz, though I hate mage classes because they are squishy his combo is awesome for burst damage and his ultimate has great range to surprise enemies.

At least I feel I'm doing something for once, but there are so many heroes I wanna try but whenever I choose one everyone keeps telling me how " we already have an adc"," there's a top already " or whatever. Why do people keep that playstyle? I wanna go with Vel'Koz to the top, if everyone thinks like that, the enemy's top will have problems dealing with a mage,wouldn't him? I don't even know the champions in rotation what are they supposed to be.

Are champions designed with the position in mind? Or why everyone gets so worked up when I try a line with a character that is "not that line "?

I tried support and not my flavor.

Tl;Dr: how do I fight without dying but not having to run away after each hit?. How do I know my role? Why everyone sticks to one instead of actual teamwork?

Thanks :D
I hope I can learn how to play properly.

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGtROJeMPeE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIiHm1N1Ozk

If you have more questions afterwards feel free to fire away. I'll help out.


Oh it's possible. I did it just playing nami/naut/Leo.

The thing is to pick a support that goes well with your adc and vice versa if you pick first. Nami worked well for me because she goes so great with jinx/vayne/ez which are very common in silver

Oh i know it's possible. I made it to Gold 5 promos two times (at least) as a Support main before I said F it and changed roles in ranked (at least to get to Gold 5).

My complaint is that I don't play as good in other roles yet have an easier time climbing in them. I don't think I am a special case either.


And after checking the description of most champions I found my favorite Vel'Koz, though I hate mage classes because they are squishy his combo is awesome for burst damage and his ultimate has great range to surprise enemies.

You can stay. Vel'snooze is mah boi.

As for the other questions, League has a meta, which is to say that there are team compositions and roles that are generally considered the 'best'. Tanks/fighters go top because every team wants one and it's just been determined over the years that that's how it is (there are tons of videos and explanations as to why, but just go with it). Does that mean you CAN'T take Vel'Koz top? No, of course not, but when you're 20 minutes into the game and you have no one on your team to get the opponent off your tentacled butt, you'll understand why. Or if everyone is playing a tank because they don't like to die, well then an opponent is just going to kite you all day err day. Stuff like that. You want balance. Of course, there are things like poke comps and 'wombo combos', but niche compositions really only work in coordinated environments. Playing alone or with a buddy will not be coordinated.

In general, you'll want to follow the meta, especially during your early days. You'll see things like flex picks (Ryze top/mid, since he's tanky but a mage, and so on), but really, do try and stick to what is considered good.
mfw people thought it would only be 4 forms

Theyre all kinda boring tbh. Too similar, other than color nothing makes them "pop" out as being an individual style. Very boring ultimate, compared to Udyr or Sona who actually looked to have creativity and uniqueness put into them.


Tl;Dr: how do I fight without dying but not having to run away after each hit?. How do I know my role? Why everyone sticks to one instead of actual teamwork?

Thanks :D
I hope I can learn how to play properly.
Good luck, hope you'll have fun. I started playing earlier this year so im rather new aswell compared to most here.

Check this subreddit out for some good tips Summoner school
Looks great to me, feels like this skin concept could have been done for anyone though but maybe it fits her lore? I have no idea

I might start maining her just for this skin because im weak af


All 10 forms.

Damn better than I thought. Lux is my 2nd most played mid not sure if I'll stay strong or not.

Tl;Dr: how do I fight without dying but not having to run away after each hit?. How do I know my role? Why everyone sticks to one instead of actual teamwork?

Thanks :D
I hope I can learn how to play properly.

What level are you, and are you playing against bots or people?

For the most part playing with people who have an idea how to play the game is probably the best for quickly getting up to speed. Otherwise just slowly work on getting to level 30, try out all the positions and any characters you think you'll like along the way. Focus on getting better about last hitting minions, and when you feel good about that focus on "trading" with you opponent while last hitting. If you are playing against bots, ignore what people say. Play whatever you want wherever you want. If you are playing other people your level (assuming you aren't level 30), I'd say play whatever you want where ever you want. If you are queuing up with level 30 people and against other level 30 people then they are going to want the meta. Doesn't mean you have to follow it, but expect some push back if you pick something different.

"Trading", the hit and run you are talking about is a tough thing to learn at your stage because it relies on knowing stuff about the champion you are playing and the champion you are playing against. In general during the lane phase you want to focus on last hitting minions. This is where trading comes in, if you are doing a good enough job you don't need your spells/abilities to clear minions you can instead use them against your opponent. The best time generally to do this is right after your lane opponent just used their spell/ability to clear a minion. The more you play the more comfortable you'll get with this, and the more comfortable you'll get with your cooldowns and your opponent's.

Why is Vel'Koz a bad top? Generally speaking because you will naturally push the minion wave to your opponent's tower and then when you get ganked you'll have no escape. But if you are just playing a normal game, pick him and then mute your team/anyone complaining.

As you get higher up people "should" get better about team work, but even higher up in the ranks you still run into people who aren't about working together.
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