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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


america has done so much bad shit to the rest of the world over so many different governments that this is just business as usual for us

i can understand the shock and everything, and i can sympathize cos it really does seem americans chose the worse of two evils for themselves, but i wasn't expecting america to be a positive force for the rest of the world either way

i don't really care that much about it in the context of this thread tho, so while i'm gonna have empathy for ppl that are upset, i'm not gonna allow u to bum me out


sealed with a kiss
it's one thing to be upset because your candidate didn't win, that happens all the time to everyone

it's another to have donald trump as the most powerful man in the world

fully expecting him to nuke the middle east within the next 4 years


ok i'm done discussing the inevitable end of the world under trump

back to leeg i guess
It feels better if you stop trying to play her like Old LB. Not trying to be smary but plan your teles a bit further ahead and take advantage of her new waveclear options and her clone(s) and it's still fun. Different but fun.

It feel so awful trying to do damage without using E. It doesn't feel like you're comboing abilities when you have to wait 1.5 seconds in between spells. Before, you could weave in Q's wherever you wanted and it felt so fluid.

I hate having to press an extra button to use mimic abilities and it feels like a lame Karma ult now. At least Karma gets bonus effects on her abilities. Leblanc gets a dumb looking clone and a bit more damage.

Q is such a boring ability. Point and click for moderate damage that has no synergy with her other abilities apart from being a reliable way to proc or apply passive and waveclear. It might be the lamest spell in the entire game now.

I hope they revert her.


It feel so awful trying to do damage without using E. It doesn't feel like you're comboing abilities when you have to wait 1.5 seconds in between spells. Before, you could weave in Q's wherever you wanted and it felt so fluid.

I hate having to press an extra button to use mimic abilities and it feels like a lame Karma ult now. At least Karma gets bonus effects on her abilities. Leblanc gets a dumb looking clone and a bit more damage.

Q is such a boring ability. Point and click for moderate damage that has no synergy with her other abilities apart from being a reliable way to proc or apply passive and waveclear. It might be the lamest spell in the entire game now.

I hope they revert her.

I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up making her smoother to play, cause while it clicked with me i can understand that, aka the first round of Taliya QoL stuff. But unless they totally change their mind on how they want assains to play (again) i don't see it. her old kit gave very little room for counterplay vs her since it was multiple long range dashes + blinks in a very short window, which they don't want anymore.


yeah new leblanc feels really bad

in lane you're kind of a joke. you need to go officially warn someone that you want to hurt them, then chill for a bit then attack. so basically you cannot trade because they will always just back off and then u have no dmg

and later in the game you just oneshot everyone with double q anyways so the passive doesn't even matter

i did a couple fun things with double ult but she feels a lot clunkier and she barely feels like an assassin anymore. i ended up building rylais cos w/e i'm just a mage now, it's impossible to stay 1.5s next to an adc without getting murdered and ur chances are like 1/10th if there's one other person next to them



I feel like they'll either speed up the passive to 1 sec or make it scale down from 1.5 to .5 with levels

Also the 5 second lockout on her passive on the same target seems silly


I feel like they'll either speed up the passive to 1 sec or make it scale down from 1.5 to .5 with levels

Also the 5 second lockout on her passive on the same target seems silly

yeah i was thinking of the passive scaling down but it's kind of only a problem in early levels

lategame the passive you can just ignore since your damage is still dumb without it

what you can't ignore is how clunky using her feels and how you have to unlearn years of playing her for not that very much reward :/
when will get a true jojo rip off stand-based chara rito

I thought up of a champion concept, Im bored.

Dio Brando

Passive- Vampirism:Whenever Dio kills an enemy champion, he gains 5% of their total health as max health.

Q- Knife Throw-Dio throws a knife in a straight line ahead of him. Opponents hit bleed for 3 seconds, and during this time if he lands another knife it deals 25% more damage. 2 second cooldown.

W- The World
Passive: Dios basic attacks can reach 500 range farther.

Active:The World sends out a flurry of punching, knocking aside any skill shots. 15 sec CD

E- Too Slow!
Passive: Dio gains 5/10/15/20/25% Move speed out of combat

Active: Dio spins to a targeted direction in a short range. .5 CD

R-THE WORLD!: Dio stops time for everything in the game(including the timeclock). During this time only Dio can move, and everything else is immune. The cooldown of his knife throw is set to .2 seconds and his spin is set to .1. Any knife he throws will stay frozen in air until time resumes, and will deal 50% more damage. Lasts 4/5/6 seconds.


Pretty balanced tbh.



i'll take it

since rito isn't gonna let ekko be viable any more

( ._______.)

He just needs stormraiders now to have the same harass pattern. Won't do as much damage without thunderlords but you can still just zoom away after proc your passive

I'm gonna try jungling him tomorrow bc I think the passive base damage increase probably helped his clear a lot but with his gank being dependent on good W placement now I'm not optimistic


idk how i feel about plants, they seem annoying to use and you barely notice they're there

need to play more to say for sure

i'm not playing more leblanc tho



Kat seems super cool now have you tried her yet zky?
nah, ppl were instalocking shit on blind pick so i had to adc the two other games i played (adc sucks :>)

she seemed ok, idk, i don't find her kit very appealing personally but i might give it a shot

i'll probably try talon first

i just dislike not having skillshots

I'm watching Bjerg right now and Leblanc seems so meh. I thought the mimic global thing did damage with the move, but it doesn't. It basically just seems like an extra blue trinket then?
you can do some fun tricks if u abuse the enemy team's lack of vision of u

like at one teamfight my team was running for the enemy team that was withrawing into the jungle. since i was hidden i placed my clone behind em and it walked slowly and tried to flank em, scaring jinx into flashing over a wall and landing right where i actually was

but yeah, it's really situational


sealed with a kiss
unless i'm misunderstanding it leb's RR seems like it's very useful for actual fights if you can get it to copy your e or w and juke out someone before you use RE or RW


unless i'm misunderstanding it leb's RR seems like it's very useful for actual fights if you can get it to copy your e or w and juke out someone before you use RE or RW
i used it like that a bit but it's just very awkward to weave in between your regular spells and if your regular ult is on cd you can't use it either

i really dislike new leblanc, i know some of it is just aversion to change but i hate how she feels like she can't do anything in lane anymore


nah, ppl were instalocking shit on blind pick so i had to adc the two other games i played (adc sucks :>)

she seemed ok, idk, i don't find her kit very appealing personally but i might give it a shot

i'll probably try talon first

i just dislike not having skillshots

Man, the Kat rework is pretty much my personal dream rework of her except I had skillshot Q planned out. I'm really hyped to play her.

If she'd stop being banned everyfuckingtime.


i think leblanc might feel better if you max e second instead of q

there's really no reason to max q second now, it deals shit for dmg, it has a flat cd across all ranks and since so much of lb's dmg is on the passive now, which is really hard to proc with q since u can't quickly qw anymore, why not just max e second

u get lower cd, a ton of dmg, it can proc passive on its own, and it's just spammable cc, while you can still use q to proc passive if you need to since passive just scales with levels

and you might just have to play her as a mage, go morellos rylais and play kite mage like every other mage

eh, idk


How are the new supports items? I saw one that looks like zekes plus armor buff
On pure supports ridiculous imo. Gotta rush those before finishing even Red Sightstone or anything else really apart from T2 boots. I like Knight's Vow a bit more, even tho it's halfed for range supports. It's absolutely a must have on everyone imo. On melee support it just gets better. The heal and damage of Redemption are team fight winning, so it's hard to pass up on as well. The increased heal / shield make it an obivous choice for certain champs tho. Ardent Cleanser (never a fan of) might just as well be removed from the game.

Got two S+ in a row with Lulu.

Haven't tried the new Aegis yet, but I don't think I will anytime soon. Just seems really bad imo and it's hard to find an inventory space for it.


New Locket still seems really good in my experience. You're typically getting a 450+ shield that is often just bursted through by assassins or burst mages. That's a lot of value that can't really be replicated by another item other than Face of the Mountain.

I'm thinking Redemption-> Locket-> Athenes for Nami for the typical game; i.e. if there is not a huge need to get Mikaels.
Man, new client is so smooth now. I stopped using it a month or so ago because I couldn't stand the ultra laggy masteries screen. It made it very painful to edit masteries before every match.


So what about masteries?

I'm contemplating between Insight and the new Fearless for support. Makes trades and all in safer. Bandit seems to be a lock, so the new 'near turret' passive seems to not be interesting.

As for jungle, a lot has changed. Certain jungerls can't even make use of the new Colossus mastery (e.g. Olaf), what would you run instead? 18/0/12? 0/18/12 or just get the 4 sec -> % damage?

For Vi I changed a bit around, but kept Colossus. Seems to give a gigantic shield (with her passive in combination). Tho, it's only 4 seconds and has a hefty CD, so not sure if you should go with another spec now.


I'm thinking about switching my hybrid pen marks for ad marks or magic pen marks. Lethality changes make hybrid pen marks a lot less good for ranged supports that poke.


you can do some fun tricks if u abuse the enemy team's lack of vision of u

like at one teamfight my team was running for the enemy team that was withrawing into the jungle. since i was hidden i placed my clone behind em and it walked slowly and tried to flank em, scaring jinx into flashing over a wall and landing right where i actually was

but yeah, it's really situational

That sounds hilarious. You weren't recording that were you?


He just needs stormraiders now to have the same harass pattern. Won't do as much damage without thunderlords but you can still just zoom away after proc your passive

I'm gonna try jungling him tomorrow bc I think the passive base damage increase probably helped his clear a lot but with his gank being dependent on good W placement now I'm not optimistic

His clear is still terrible. The buffs are negligible to his jungling. Raptor camp eats you alive until you get rank 3 on Q.

For all the changes that were made in the jungle, there aren't any champions that suddenly can, or can no longer, jungle. I suppose that's commendable, although new jungle picks are always interesting.

You could start at Raptors too, I'm not sure what's best right now.

Krugs/Gromp spawn 15 seconds later so they are bad start camps now. Any other camp is better.

Unless you have a spammable AoE Raptors are a bitch on the initial clear. There's no reason to start anything else now but the buffs, particularly on red side since you can get a leash from both the support and ADC.


Unless you have a spammable AoE Raptors are a bitch on the initial clear. There's no reason to start anything else now but the buffs, particularly on red side since you can get a leash from both the support and ADC.

You're gonna get a very short leash on the red buff, since bot lane needs to get to lane in time.

You can get a leash from the mid laner on the Raptors, that could work too.
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