i have to insist
that's not a joke
It's the literal definition of an inside joke. That's what it is.
i have to insist
that's not a joke
i'm not sure if this is good for the game or not
but it's kinda cool
why are they giving her that? Are they removing her other passive? That's literally alot of power for nothing. That's the stupidest balance decision I've seen in this game.'s not needed.
holy shit breezy why not go and check the rest of the changes before you go crazy?
because zky won't post them
edit-It's her new passive. better. Still though a snowball style passive is just bad design.(Yes, including on Nasus and his Q, for example)
I lover her new passive. Very similar to her old passive but now can deal true damage as well if she gets red dragons. What she gets will be different each game due to nature of dragons. She needs a elder dragon buff as well though imo.
This is her old passive.
INNATE: Shyvana gains 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 bonus armor and magic resistance, doubled to 20 / 30 / 40 during the effects of Dragon's Descent.png Dragon's Descent.
she already had a scaling passive. I think it is balanced because you can deny her from dragons, and actually make her weaker than her old passive easily.
The thing is, she had a passive previously. Even after the mini passive, she had a passive not dependent on randomnity. In this case, she starts with no passive. If her team gets no dragons, then she remains passiveless. That's bad for her health.
true! and I think Riot will balance it out when it comes to that. I like the high risk reward of it though. teams will be warding and fighting at dragon hard which is good because she excels at teamfights.
the fact that my team can get a drag while I am dead and I still get the buff <3.
That doesn't change any of my criticism though. It's still a snowball passive, and it's still nonexistent until/if her dragon gets dragon.
Like I said, conceptually it's a neat idea. But it's just a bad skill.
Considering Nasus exists, I'm fine with that Shyv passive.
i don't think breezy quite knows what snowball means haha
No. You're using the term snowball too loosely breezy.
That being said, I'm fine with Shyv actually having that passive. At first glance some of those numbers really broken but overall they're actually fine.
But it's still part of the term, yes? A snowball is an increase of stats to the enemy teams chagrin. In this case, take a dragon, and get not only a teamwide buff, but a personal buff as well.
That is what dragons are there for, to provide stats that can snowball you to a faster victory.
And no, it's not incorrect usage lol. Just because you say it is doesn't make it so.
Give me YOUR definition of snowball.
Bro. That means everything is snowballing lol.
Snowballing in League primarily means taking a small lead and transitioning that into a compounding large lead that the enemy will have an extremely difficult time dealing with. A good example of snowballing would be leaving Nasus farming top and giving him kills. That's going to accelerate the growth of Nasus exponentially faster than him just farming under turret.
yeah getting drags will help snowball shyv with that new passive
breezy got this one
Have you guys seen those numbers? Those aren't insane numbers.... They're not going to snowball the game.
I had a tryn on my team doe this during my promos. Why do people play this game just to ruin it for otherssoraka buys no items, runs down bot and feeds draven 2 kills in 3 minutes, then afks
Same name passives don't stack I believe for the healing stuff.So those new unique passives for the % more to heals/shields. Tha'ts unique to just that item right? Because I've played Nami twice with like 3 of those unique passives, and was wondering. It would be unique in general if it shared 1 name for the passive right?
Her old passive was pretty shite as well. I'd rather have potential bonuses from dragons than resistances that don't really matter much by the time you get them.The thing is, she had a passive previously. Even after the mini passive, she had a passive not dependent on randomnity. In this case, she starts with no passive. If her team gets no dragons, then she remains passiveless. That's bad for her health.
New Akali is complete garbage. The delay on her Q is game breakingly bad.
New Akali is complete garbage. The delay on her Q is game breakingly bad.