I now have a Gold border and a Green ribbon at the same time. Rarer than a Diamond border for sure
and prettier
You're gonna get a very short leash on the red buff, since bot lane needs to get to lane in time.
You can get a leash from the mid laner on the Raptors, that could work too.
That's so disappointing. I loved jungle ekko. They've been chipping away at it though. Guess riot doesn't like it as much as I do.
Problem with a leash on raptors from mid is that it's almost guaranteed to put mid behind, either because they blew mana or, worse, they're melee ranged and decide to AA and get significant chip damage.
New raptors are really no joke. I was watching Valkrin's stream and he cleared the three blue side camps without using a single pot charge with near 100% health using Kha'Zix. By the time he was done raptors he was at 1/3 hp and he used a pot.
You'll have to be content with a very short leash or no leash then.
Talon kinda looks shitty.
i think riot might be super skiddish about doing anything for jungle ekko since jungle ekko afaik has always been a tankIt particularly sucks because making him viable again is as easy is having his passive deal bonus damage to monsters.
"Z-Drive Resonance deals and additional 20 damage vs. monsters."
There, done. Ekko can jungle again. Doesn't even have to scale, Ekko just needs help clearing pre-6. But Riot doesn't give a fuck that Ekko used to have a 30%+ play rate in the jungle.
Either way, if the original discussion was whether a champion could start Raptors, the answer is still there's no good reason to do so.
i think riot might be super skiddish about doing anything for jungle ekko since jungle ekko afaik has always been a tank
tank ekko is just really frustrating to play against and riot just wants him dead
fair enough. I wonder if some champs might want to start it though.
maybe i'm misremembering but in my head it was like cinderhulk ibg tank ekkoJungle Ekko when it was viable was more AP bruiser-ish. Runic->IBG->Abyssal. Last I checked that's still his best win rate build, but I haven't been following jungle Ekko for a while.
maybe i'm misremembering but in my head it was like cinderhulk ibg tank ekko
maybe i'm misremembering but in my head it was like cinderhulk ibg tank ekko
No it wasn't, at the height of jungle Ekko's popularity he was Cinderhulk into full tank.Jungle Ekko when it was viable was more AP bruiser-ish. Runic->IBG->Abyssal. Last I checked that's still his best win rate build, but I haven't been following jungle Ekko for a while.
No it wasn't, at the height of jungle Ekko's popularity he was 100% Cinderhulk into full tank.
You do realize jungle Ekko was a thing long before Runic Echoes was even added to the game rightAbsolutely not. At no point, ever, in the history of jungle Ekko was Cinderhulk picked over Runic Echoes both in frequency and effectiveness.
You do realize jungle Ekko was a thing long before Runic Echoes was even added to the game right
ty for bringing back tank meta rito, everyone really missed it so much
Yeah who cares about assassins I'm banning the already strong tanks that are now flat out broken thanks to the new masteryyea Jungle/top Mao is fucking disgusting hell I might even take him support.
won 3 games in a row with him by a landslide.
Yeah who cares about assassins I'm banning the already strong tanks that are now flat out broken thanks to the new mastery
On that subject I do like the new support items, they feel like you get a lot more power as a support and can actuallyv contribute beyond just preventing your dumbass ADC from killing themselvespretty much. I am banning a lot of tanky tops now. it is going to take low elo players a lil bit of time to realize that tanks are stronger now especially tanky supports. knights vow is crazier than redemption
On that subject I do like the new support items, they feel like you get a lot more power as a support and can actuallyv contribute beyond just preventing your dumbass ADC from killing themselves
For those at work:
Faker on new Talon
Man it looks smoother than expected. Love it when he tower dives then jumps over raptors.
This is all they had to dowhat the hell are those poses
why are they all looking over their shoulders as if trying to stare at their asses
completely horrible designs.
This is all they had to do
Look to the floor for no reason?
This is all they had to do
I learned a valuable lesson about playing a champ I only have 4 games with against a Fiora main top. She rekted me lane. I think it was the most embarrassing game I have ever had in all 4 years of playing.
Thought I was only one who noticed this.I learned I can not play champs no matter how easy they are without a few games under my belt
sorry for that horrific Maokai support loss, team
idk how to mao
Also I think I'm probably just going to Raka my way out of Bronze lol. Trying Sona and Lulu but they require good follow-ups to really work.
Or I could just wait until "Bronze" isn't Bronze-Gold with who's in it lol
For those at work:
ashe and kat look great, vi is ok but yeah the pose is lame and out of character, specially compared to the other two that represent their personalities a lot more accurately. like ashe looks so bitchy, look at em heels, LOVE it
honestly normal draft here was kind of a wasteland, so i don't mind so muchSo I saw a post on reddit about how LAS boards where full of people begging for Normal Draft to come back, so I was wondering how my fellow LAN players reacted to this: (reclutamiento normal = normal draft)
Only 1 thread is not about Normal Draft gone...
Pls Rito give me back normal draft ok? Thanks.
what i really don't get is what does it mean "katarina unlocked" or whatever
it is
it's very 'inside joke' style of branding.
They should make a Splash series where the characters are posed based on their splash art.
Or splash as in swimsuits :^)