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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Costy who do I need to fuck to get a HQ version of that Fire Lux art from the login screen?
top naut laning is so strong

take W at level 1 and just walk up, autoWauto and that's half their HP and they can't bust through your shield to even trade back
His passive procs the new mastery? Jesus christ



newt really wants an inhouse to happen


Costy who do I need to fuck to get a HQ version of that Fire Lux art from the login screen?

His passive procs the new mastery? Jesus christ

yep. so you get the full sustained timer of the W ability (bonus damage and all) because most tops cant break through it at levels 1-3
i think the times that i feel completely talentless are when our music team releases something

those folks are so grossly good at what they do it makes me feel inadequate.


i feel like talon is broken

somehow even less counterplay than before

rengar also feels really frustrating to play against
rengar doesn't feel op, they just didn't really address how unfun it is to play against him


they should

they should give Rengar perma invisibilty. Remove his burst. Remove his attack leap. Remove his Q and W. Change his Bolas into W. Q will be an aoe strike. E can be a jump that doesn't do damage and isn't targeted(To jump into or away from a group.) And his R should make his auto attacks slightly blink towards an enemy.

There, bam. No more burst that is a fundamental problem on him. He still has a slow, his jump is now changed to his E on a CD that does no damage, and his R is good for keeping attached to a target. Perma invisibilty is his passive or something.

There, bam. Balanced.


went to the hextech crafting page for the first time since the patch and all my materials (besides chests) are gone. :(
yea those are no longer usable so they're removed

no point on having them


they should

they should give Rengar perma invisibilty. Remove his burst. Remove his attack leap. Remove his Q and W. Change his Bolas into W. Q will be an aoe strike. E can be a jump that doesn't do damage and isn't targeted(To jump into or away from a group.) And his R should make his auto attacks slightly blink towards an enemy.

There, bam. No more burst that is a fundamental problem on him. He still has a slow, his jump is now changed to his E on a CD that does no damage, and his R is good for keeping attached to a target. Perma invisibilty is his passive or something.

There, bam. Balanced.
that kind of sounds like just another evelynn, not sure if that's too interesting for either rengar or eve

i just think it's dumb for an assassin to be able to turn invisible, him having "camouflage" is kind of a joke if by the time u can see him he's already murdering you with what sounds like even more dmg than before

he also feels (from playing against him at least) just as useless as before when his ult is down

i don't think his rework fixed anything

all the material we've been able to collect through events from the year. project skins, worlds. my lvl 6 mastery things were gone, but they're back now that i checked again. key fragments gone, though i only had two.
key fragments too?

that shouldn't happen, wait a bit and if you don't have them back then talk to rito support

Woo, Leblanc is absolute ass. This is so sad.

Sona is more of an assassin than her.
i really dislike how i'm supposed to unlearn 3 years of playing her and all i get in return is the clone gimmick thing

i like the clone but she feels so damn bad, i would definitely trade her new karma ult and her clone for her old ult back, that felt so much smoother

it also forced you to be smart in which order you did things which is way more interesting that having everything available to you at all times imo

also i hate the w lockdown thing

ughh i know rito is gonna fix her but i hate her so much
i don't think his rework fixed anything

You don't like Rengar, so until his attacks heal you to full HP, give 2,000 gold to spend on items, plus 500RP once the game is done, you'll never think he's fixed as long as you die to him.

He's fine. His damage might see some reducing, but overall his rework is good.

People expressed their anger with the fact that once the "!" was on your head, you were basically dead, so Riot extended the range to nearly half the map. If I press R at my Krug camp, people at the enemy blue will know I ulted. In addition, they cut off all of his vision, and he now only sees the closest person to him. That + the fact that he now has camouflage means that he can't just run through teams and dive carries with ease.

He's an assassin. Let him be able to kill people fast. I don't get how you can be so critical about a champion like Rengar when Lux, LeBlanc, and Syndra are some of your favorite champions to play.


You don't like Rengar, so until his attacks heal you to full HP, give 2,000 gold to spend on items, plus 500RP once the game is done, you'll never think he's fixed as long as you die to him.

He's fine. His damage might see some reducing, but overall his rework is good.

People expressed their anger with the fact that once the "!" was on your head, you were basically dead, so Riot extended the range to nearly half the map. If I press R at my Krug camp, people at the enemy blue will know I ulted. In addition, they cut off all of his vision, and he now only sees the closest person to him. That + the fact that he now has camouflage means that he can't just run through teams and dive carries with ease.

He's an assassin. Let him be able to kill people fast. I don't get how you can be so critical about a champion like Rengar when Lux, LeBlanc, and Syndra are some of your favorite champions to play.
camouflage is kind of meaningless since before you would just drop a pink where you were standing and he wouldn't be able to run through you either. the lack of vision is just reinforcing what his gameplay already was, if he's ulting you group up, nothing has changed

i dislike the idea of "you're alone so you're dead", idk what leblanc or syndra or lux have to do with rengar, none of them can just brute force kill you if you're just alone, not even overextended, just alone
camouflage is kind of meaningless since before you would just drop a pink where you were standing and he wouldn't be able to run through you either. the lack of vision is just reinforcing what his gameplay already was, if he's ulting you group up, nothing has changed

i dislike the idea of "you're alone so you're dead", idk what leblanc or syndra or lux have to do with rengar, none of them can just brute force kill you if you're just alone, not even overextended, just alone

Camouflage isn't meaningless because most people weren't smart enough to stock up on pinks to counter stuff like Rengar. As far as the whole being alone thing, that isn't something exclusive to Rengar. Most damage oriented champions are able to pick off people who venture on their own if they're fed enough. Rengar's kit is just able to capitalize on it better. The same thing can be said about Kha'Zix and his isolation mechanic.It's not the champion's fault that enemy players walk through vision with a big red X on their head saying "KILL ME, MY TEAMS NOT HERE!"

I only brought up Lux, LeBlanc, and Syndra because those mages are extremely busted and in addition to being able to 1v1, they can delete priority targets or entire squads even when they are grouped up, but because you play them, it seems like they get a pass.


I think Rengar's ult change is a step in the right direction, but his kit is overloaded now. He gets a mini Ekko ult and mini Olaf ult on his W, and he gets insane damage and scaling on his Q. He gained utility and didn't lose damage; if anything his damage is higher now. His passive grants way too much damage considering his Q.


Camouflage isn't meaningless because most people weren't smart enough to stock up on pinks to counter stuff like Rengar. As far as the whole being alone thing, that isn't something exclusive to Rengar. Most damage oriented champions are able to pick off people who venture on their own if they're fed enough. Rengar's kit is just able to capitalize on it better. The same thing can be said about Kha'Zix and his isolation mechanic.It's not the champions fault that enemy players walk through vision with a big red X on their head saying "KILL ME, MY TEAMS NOT HERE!"
i don't like khazix either, tho for different reasons

but no other assassin has that crazy movespeed and invisiblity

that combination is really unfun to play against

I only brought up Lux, LeBlanc, and Syndra because those mages are extremely busted and in addition to being able to 1v1, they can delete priority targets or entire squads even when they are grouped up, but because you play them, it seems like they get a pass.
no, i just don't talk about lux in the context of rengar cos they're nothing alike -___-

ryze is also super broken and i really like playing him so idk where u got the idea i don't criticize champions i like

i've talked a bunch about ahri not long ago, i think you're just being defensive here dood

I think Rengar's ult change is a step in the right direction, but his kit is overloaded now. He gets a mini Ekko ult and mini Olaf ult on his W, and he gets insane damage and scaling on his Q. He gained utility and didn't lose damage; if anything his damage is higher now. His passive grants way too much damage considering his Q.
i was thinking that when he seemed to get more like things to do than just oneshoot you

but he still does that

so i feel like it didn't do anything except get more ppl playing rengar which isn't something u really like to see
i really dislike how i'm supposed to unlearn 3 years of playing her and all i get in return is the clone gimmick thing

i like the clone but she feels so damn bad, i would definitely trade her new karma ult and her clone for her old ult back, that felt so much smoother

it also forced you to be smart in which order you did things which is way more interesting that having everything available to you at all times imo

also i hate the w lockdown thing

ughh i know rito is gonna fix her but i hate her so much

Yeah, the ult needs to be reverted completely. It feels less unique, less intuitive and thematically off that it doesn't just mimic your last ability.

Her numbers don't make fucking sense. RW at rank 2 does 225 dmg with 50% scaling. Regular W at that point in the game does 245 plus 60% AP. The ult version does LESS damage.


Regular Q is just unbelievably bad. What other mage has a 155 base and shitty scaling on their primary ability? 6 second c/d??? This is without question the absolute worst ability in the entire game. Despite this, her RQ is the strongest mimic spell, adding further to the confusion.

What kind of monkey is responsible for this?


Yeah, the ult needs to be reverted completely. It feels less unique, less intuitive and thematically off that it doesn't just mimic your last ability.

Her numbers don't make fucking sense. RW at rank 2 does 225 dmg with 50% scaling. Regular W at that point in the game does 245 plus 60% AP. The ult version does LESS damage.


Regular Q is just unbelievably bad. What other mage has a 155 base and shitty scaling on their primary ability? 6 second c/d??? This is without question the absolute worst ability in the entire game. Despite this, her RQ is the strongest mimic spell, adding further to the confusion.

What kind of monkey is responsible for this?

Bjerg seems to think she's really strong and more fun now to boot is it possible you're overreacting? Like if you're trying to play her the same way she used to be played she's gonna be shit but the way she used to be played was horrible to play against

I haven't seen anyone react positively to the RR though lol
Her Q base is bad because the damage got moved to her new passive. It was turned into more of a wave clear tool than single target damage.

I can get behind LB feeling clunkier but I don't think she's bad at all. Talon and Kat - minus Rylai's - feel great.

Haven't played against Rengar yet but it sounds like nothing has changed lul


New LB is fine. She needs a couple QoL changes but I think she's totally fine. She's actually really fun once you get her down.

But I love combo Mages like Vel and Ryze (the idea behind Ryze, anyway).


Her Q base is bad because the damage got moved to her new passive. It was turned into more of a wave clear tool than single target damage.

I can get behind LB feeling clunkier but I don't think she's bad at all. Talon and Kat - minus Rylai's - feel great.

Haven't played against Rengar yet but it sounds like nothing has changed lul

Bjerg was doing some cool stuff using W on the wave then using Q to pop his passive proc on the enemy from really far away kinda like what you see with ryze E. I think her playstyle is just different now in lane especially and people aren't used to it yet.
New Kat makes me want to mid again. This shit is FUN
Bjerg was doing some cool stuff using W on the wave then using Q to pop his passive proc on the enemy from really far away kinda like what you see with ryze E. I think her playstyle is just different now in lane especially and people aren't used to it yet.
What was Bjork building on her
BASE ATTACK SPEED: .625 ⇒ .644

Q - Rootcaller
16/15/14/13/12 seconds ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10 seconds

R - Daisy!
HEALTH 1250/2000/3500 ⇒ 1250/2500/3750
Such overtuning wow
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