Told you Ivern would only be viable by overtuning
I told you
But nooo, breezy youre always wrong and blahblahblah
That is a pretty substantial boost to HP growth.
Told you Ivern would only be viable by overtuning
I told you
But nooo, breezy youre always wrong and blahblahblah
We're all dooooooooooomed.
Related note, Hecarim is a prime jungle ban right now. Insane win rate and very high play rate.
New client will black screen at the results every other game, effectively becoming useless unless i restart. Does anyone get that as well or is it because i'm playing on a shit ass laptop now?
God damn it Riot I need this alreadyFor real this time. Thisll be activated some time during the patch once pre-season is fully shipped and out in the world.
WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY Games drafted in New Champ Select will automatically order the scoreboard by role (top, jungle, mid, marksman, support).
Idk if this is right but I knew these buffs were way too much all he needed was daisy ai fixed and aa added to his Q dash so lame now theyre gonna have to nerf him but they won't just revert anything they'll do something dumb like make his already high passive costs even worse
no the AI just works now
Did anyone else's ping get lower recently? I used to get around 73/74 average, now it's around 60.
still not as good as the 30 before the server move but i'll take it
I thought the new jungle would make him weak. Gonna bust him out along with shyv then
Edit: Woah wtf is that win rate?!
Edit2: Look at that support win rate tho... 30%...
this is uncalled for, ppl at riot are human beings, they make mistakes, have feelings and care just like you, so don't be an assholeWhat kind of monkey is responsible for this?
i think the clone is fun but it's mostly uselessBjerg seems to think she's really strong and more fun now to boot is it possible you're overreacting? Like if you're trying to play her the same way she used to be played she's gonna be shit but the way she used to be played was horrible to play against
I haven't seen anyone react positively to the RR though lol
yeah i think they totally nailed the animations in talon and kat, those things look awesomeHer Q base is bad because the damage got moved to her new passive. It was turned into more of a wave clear tool than single target damage.
I can get behind LB feeling clunkier but I don't think she's bad at all. Talon and Kat - minus Rylai's - feel great.
Haven't played against Rengar yet but it sounds like nothing has changed lul
the thing is, that's fun with ryze cos ryze is machinegun spells, but on lb it just feels clunky and slow as hell and she was much cooler beforeBjerg was doing some cool stuff using W on the wave then using Q to pop his passive proc on the enemy from really far away kinda like what you see with ryze E. I think her playstyle is just different now in lane especially and people aren't used to it yet.
sadly it just scales the client instead of like fitting more stuff in it :Itoday I learned in the updated client that there's a window size option so you can make it bigger and I love it
New client will black screen at the results every other game, effectively becoming useless unless i restart. Does anyone get that as well or is it because i'm playing on a shit ass laptop now?
I disagree.
The previous changes to Ivern were to correct inconsistencies in the overall kit. Ivern's base stats were comparable to Sona, Nami, and other ranged pure supports. Considering he doesn't get to hide in bot lane like those ranged supports, protected by wards and having a partner, and must face the Lee Sins, Elises, etc. of the game by himself, those base stat buffs were necessary.
His health and mana costs on his passive were absolutely bonkers. At level 11, a stage when other strong junglers are clearing camps quickly while barely even getting a scratch, Ivern was losing upwards of20% of his health per camp. During that stretch, items like Warmogs had a 70% win rate on Ivern when built, not because it's actaully a good item on Ivern, but because it let him cope.
The final buff was improvements to AI which again were absolutely necessary. Unless you played Ivern, you don't know how absolutely stupid Daisy was. Way beyond "LoL's pets are stupid". If Daisy lost track of a target in the brush, it would just stand there. It never attacked Ivern's target, never attacked whatever was hitting Ivern, would randomly switch targets. It was awful.
Those three changes were necessary to remove the clunkiness from his kit. Now, the job of actually balancing Ivern can begin.
The only genuine buffs he got was a CD reduction on his Q and Daisy's base hp. Not necessary in hindsight, but they aren't WTF overkill either.
The biggest buff to Ivern was actually the jungle changes. Every. Single. Thing helped Ivern (smite heals, plants, he doesn't have any trouble clearing Raptors or Krugs, longer spawn times). It's evident now that when originally tuning Ivern they tuned him for the new jungle.
(Also, consider first that is the only one of the sites reporting a 56% win rate. The others,,,, and have him anywhere between 50-53 and puts him in low tier 1/high tier 2 range which seems more sensible from the high elo matches Iv'e spectated. Second, Ivern by the nature of his kit was bound to cope with the jungle changes more easily than any other jungler since his pathing hasn't changed what-so-ever. As players become more familiar with the new jungle paths, etc. other champions will catch up.)
But you can still do that? All Riot removed was instant W > returnyou used to be able to like jump at people and like try and stay as much time as possible close to them autoing and trying to connect the chain and going back only when u could dodge a skillshot with it. it felt like u were on the edge of the knife, fairly big risk and really big reward. it wasn't even but it felt GREAT
Yeah I'm saying Daisy AI was enough of a detriment that it was significantly affecting his win rate. I thought he felt really good outside of the random delay between dashing to someone and actually being able to auto them and daisy just straight derping about half of the time. I just think that Ivern is kinda like bard but to more of an extreme in that he's likely gonna have a slightly lower win rate than his actual power level because he plays so much different than every other jungler. I really don't feel like he needed as much love as they gave him for sure.
cdOn LB, does E not proc thunderlords by itself anymore? I thought i saw someone full E someone to get the passive and both ends of the chain damage but the thunderlords didn't pop until he autod afterwards. It may have been a cd thing but I know it procd thunderlords that way on PBE
you can but it's a lot harder and you eat a ton of dmg since you're spending a lot more time that you would like in their faceBut you can still do that? All Riot removed was instant W > return
Also I think are sleeping on her clone. Randomly making a gank show up somewhere in the map is gimmicky, but using it while you're flanking someone can force them right torwards you.
monte sucks
good riddance
u wot. He was easily one of the best caster/analysts for league content. Although that isn't really hard when you have people like Phreak and co.
at this point who caresSo according to Monte, Blizzard paid him more in 2 weeks compared 5 weeks from Riot. Wtf Riot don't lose Monte.
i feel both were pretty dumb about thisMonte is great at his job. Not only is his personality quite different from everyone else in the scene but he will actually take the opportunity to bring up opposite perspectives just to make the conversations interesting, as Dash pointed out a while back. That being said, I don't think Monte will leave League unless Overwatch takes a significant amount of time. He wants to build his skillsets so he ends up being a very highly desired personality in the e-sports scene. That being said, it is extremely disappointing and sad that we won't see Monte probably in a Riot hosted event ever. Riot sort of dropped the ball. At least we have Jatt tho.
They dropped the ball by not giving Viktor the Victorious skin. Or even a skin in general.
I like the thematic behind giving Lux a variety to pick from, sort of this "many beams of light from a prism" sort of thing. I kind of think they have too many colors, or could have combined differently (7 base colors of the rainbow, combine those to get the last 3) but that's another thing entirely.
I imagine the biggest divide is here though. I like the way using the skin is setup where you gradually unlock a new form. I think they wimped out a little and could have let it go through more stages or let you freely move through the options after a point but I think that's more a testament to how much I'd like to use all of them rather than some.
I can agree that at an individual level, each shard or element or whatever of Lux isn't an Ultimate skin. But you don't get just the one? The way I see it is the whole package fits her thematic as various refractions of light. They maybe could have embraced that idea a bit more / lampshaded it better maybe but I'd say it's a very fitting choice of champion to give this many shades to.
If I had to leverage any real "Seriously Riot, why?" is pretty much that it wasn't Prismatic Lux instead of Elementalist. I think you can still tie the Elementals to the colors but I think the options thematically fit best if it stuck to Light-related imagery to the naming and visuals to it.
But it's Elementalist. And the fire form isn't quite fire. Or the dark form is...dark isn't an element. It's just all over the place.
At the same time though the combination concept just does not seem all the way there.