The LCS Team and organizations are complaining because they can't properly monetize it the way they want to. That's why they're upset. I mean... I get it but at the same time like... lul?
we dont know the exact nature of the restriction that riot imposes on teams so it's hard to have an opinion on this outside of riot should probably keep restrictions to a minimum, specially since it's not like bjergsen is gonna start overnight streaming doto or whatever
but we don't know what these restrictions are so maybe teams are exaggerating or lying, that's not out of the question and i wouldn't be surprised if team owners are taking advantage of the community's lack of information
other sponsor restrictions that make sense like banning g2a because they're scum are not only fair but also very appreciated since g2a is scum
outside of that i think it's acceptable for teams to ask riot to let them have a cut of icons and shit. i still think this thing only benefits the teams that are already making good money (tsm, fnatic, c9), so i think the better solution would be for riot to raise subsidies so that all teams can offset costs like that i guess
riot proved at worlds that they can do both sponsors and shared profits in a way that's mostly unintrusive for spectators (which is the problem with iem's parade of ads), and also not totally scummy (which is the problem with doto and compendium), so i could see riot figuring that out in a way that benefits everyone
the 700k thing is hilarious and it just feels like teams overestimating their worth, league benefits them as much as they benefit league and demanding "compensation" to the game that gives them their livelihood sounds like insanity. i have no idea how they justify that lol
then again this is not a signed letter (yet, at least) so take it all with a grain of salt i guess
edit: oh and any talk about franchising is completely pathetic by any team. you're a fucking joke if u ask for that
Riot also stops LCS players from streaming other games that are similar to league tho
Before that I don't think they liked LCS players streaming anything BUT League
They deserve some heat for draconic practices like that
they deserved that heat but they already got it like 2 years ago and they stopped being shitty about it so i think it's time to move on?