Stone Ocean
I hope Swain never gets another skin so I never have to see his face again once he's butchered
So I haven't really been playing lately, but I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that you get mastery points in ARAM now. Did that happen in the last patch?
We should all post the top 5 things we love about Rengar's champion design.
They don't as long as they happen after the DC, so it prevents that kind of shit while not allowing people to just remake games because someone got killed legit.
Apparently first bloods don't prevent you from remaking~
They don't as long as they happen after the DC, so it prevents that kind of shit while not allowing people to just remake games because someone got killed legit.
Fucking ace.
Not really? If anything Yasuo got indirectly nerfed with the Trinity changes.Did Zac and Yas get indirectly buffed?
Catfights in the League/DOTA thread on Gaming side :^)
Stay away i got sucked in for a second but i'm free now don't do it those threads turn into graveyards its inevitable
Yeah. Generally these threads are started by a shit post and it devolves into misinformed & uninformed fans of both games having a pissing content that nobody cares about.
avoid like the plague
Now let's look at the list of things that LoL objectively has over Dota 2:
It came out first.
That thread has an easy answer: accessibility. They reached that in the first few posts and now it has devolved into everything from "waifu simulator" to "no replays in 2016" and garbage client.
Those threads suck because 95% of the people in them have only played one game or the other so all they know is the shit talk that goes on and all the misconceptions that they hear from their respective communities.
Yeah, it definitely is a shitpost
OP bailed after the first page when Mods called him out on it lol
I think I want to start playing support. How do I not suck at support?
Yeah. Generally these threads are started by a shit post and it devolves into misinformed & uninformed fans of both games having a pissing content that nobody cares about.
avoid like the plague
Arguing about meaningless shit is fun
I should probably stop before I get myself banned. Leagos and Dotos can never coexist
Now I'm in a Gamergate thread, its like I'm having a ban withdrawal and need a fix
Anyways, I'm feeling like playing Trist again. Hopefully she's less shit than when I stopped playing her
I find the need to ask that question insultingOcean
Make like water
and ride the wave
Is your name a JoJo reference
I feel like we need another "playmaking" support like thresh. The support pool looks kinda dull :-/
Zyra yoI feel like we need another "playmaking" support like thresh. The support pool looks kinda dull :-/
I find the need to ask that question insulting
I even had a Jolyne av when I registered
Hope the next new champ they release is a top laner (oooor female Ninja Yordle ... to round out the rpg trope line up of female Yordle's. Poppy-Melee tank with BIG hammer/ Trist- Ranged DPS with BIG gun/ Lulu- Mage or Sup with BIG staff/ Ninja with a big ass weapon please)
But I think the next new champ will be a support. Illaoi is the oldest "new" champ that I can think of that's too new to have a new skin (she can prob get a new one now that Kindred got a new one) but is older than the newest champs so I take it they don't plan to make another top anytime should.
That being said it seems like TK and Bard were released not to far apart so who knows. If the next new champ is a sup I do hope they go the Bard/ Thresh play maker route or the TK can-be-played-offmeta-top-or-sup route.
Anyway, I'm glad to see the earth bender's Win-rate is getting good. I still think her kit is a messy bag of clunky, disjointed things smashed together but I guess buffing the wave clear of a "roaming champ" who doesn't seem to have any GOOD match ups in mid lane is enuff to make the difference. Maybe I'll play her some day.
Hope the next new champ they release is a top laner
Ninja Yordle
I love Udyr on the enemy team because without Sated Devourer most Udyr players are too shite to actually jungle so that's a freebie.
Not a support? Players will find a way.
Nice tryhonestly might be the most popular champion in a long time
like... so excited for them.