What's the max rank you can get on flex queue?
Should be Plat 1, like usual ranked placements.
What's the max rank you can get on flex queue?
On that note... what the fuck is franchising?
I'm not american, and the only thing that comes to my mind when I hear "franchise" is McDonalds, Walmart, etc.
SS = Same Side. You finish at the same side that you start.
CM = Cross Map. You finish at the opposite side that you start.
Level 3:
SS: Raptors -> Red -> Scuttle = 2:35 - 2:40 in bot river
SS: Blue -> Wolves -> Gromp = 2:35 finish
CM: Buff -> Wolf -> Buff - 2:45 finish (3:00 appear in top brush)
Level 4:
CM: Blue -> Gromp -> Wolf -> Raptors -> Red = 3:25 finish
CM: Raptors -> Red -> Blue -> Gromp -> Scuttle = 3:20 in bot river (2:56 lv 3 @ blue)
CM (small): Raptors -> Krugs -> Wolf -> Gromp = 3:30 in river
Level 6:
CM: Raptors -> Krugs -> Wolf -> Gromp -> Scuttle (optional) -> back -> Raptors -> Red -> Krugs -> Wolf -> Blue -> Gromp (if you didn't do Scuttle) = 6:05 - 6:10 finish
Should be Plat 1, like usual ranked placements.
Someone on Reddit tested new jungle paths.
Turns out most of the best jungle paths start at Raptors!
Jungle camps start at level 2, so it is insanely good to start Raptors since you get 30 extra exp per minion since they are level 2 while you are level 1.
I meant after you get placements. Can you get Challenger on Flex?
Someone on Reddit tested new jungle paths.
Turns out most of the best jungle paths start at Raptors!
Jungle camps start at level 2, so it is insanely good to start Raptors since you get 30 extra exp per minion since they are level 2 while you are level 1.
Oh. You should be able to, yes.
I meant after you get placements. Can you get Challenger on Flex?
Does that factor leashing and damage taken after the raptors?
Oh, good to know.
I thought they would implement what was talked about a couple of months ago where you can only reach plat or diamond on flex and have to switch mmr to solo queue to get higher.
Oh, good to know.
I thought they would implement what was talked about a couple of months ago where you can only reach plat or diamond on flex and have to switch mmr to solo queue to get higher.
I wish there was a way to auto-hide breezy's game design ideas
Someone on Reddit tested new jungle paths.
Turns out most of the best jungle paths start at Raptors!
Jungle camps start at level 2, so it is insanely good to start Raptors since you get 30 extra exp per minion since they are level 2 while you are level 1.
Will placement matches all be done in Flex even after solo queue is enabled?
So soloq is not coming out today, Costy confirms. E-stalking intensifies.
Team Fire:
Top: Smeb (56.5%)
Jungle: Bengi (46.3%)
Mid: Faker (82.6%)
ADC: PraY (51.9%)
Support: Madlife (47.4%)
Top: Impact (41.7%)
Jungle: Reignover (36%)
Mid: Bjergsen (66%)
ADC: Doublelift (35%)
Support: Aphromoo (55.3%)
TBD(December 1-December 4)
Team Ice:
Top: sOAZ (23.3%)
Jungle: Jankos (38.3%)
Mid: xPeke (35.2%)
ADC: Rekkles (43.1%)
Support: Mithy (18.1%)
Top: Mouse (24.3%)
Jungle: Clearlove (49.6%)
Mid: We1less (27.4%)
ADC: Uzi (51%)
Support: Mata (34.5%)
Top: Ziv (66.1%)
Jungle: Karsa (49%)
Mid: Maple (48.6%)
ADC: Bebe (56.1%)
Support: Albis (43.4%)
For a second I thought that art was for an Infernal Syndra skin because it had flameballs circling around her lol
Team fire gonna win this hard again.
Riot should shake up the teams like LCK should go ice this year or else it'll be a fire skin every year.
ppl like it the least but light lux is cool
i think my favorites are:
dark lux - best outfit and hair and portrait, i like that she's evil and i like purply vfx
mystic lux - butterflies are cool as are generally pink stuffs, and i like that her voice turns super annoying
magma lux - cool vfx and cool portrait
light lux - i like the white color style, the portrait is bad but she does look kinda cool
thunder lux - outfit is really good but that's about it
Meddler's thoughts on support:
I'm in game so can't opinionate atm.
They should look towards DotA and HotS on how they do supports. Both those games I dont mind and enjoy supporting at times.
League tho? Always gonna go teemo support cause man its a bore and unfun otherwise.
League tho? Always gonna go teemo support cause man its a bore and unfun otherwise.
I honestly don't find Singed to be that bad of support early on its just that towards the late game your not really gonna do much in teamfights and people don't want to deal with that.
They should look towards DotA and HotS on how they do supports. Both those games I dont mind and enjoy supporting at times.
League tho? Always gonna go teemo support cause man its a bore and unfun otherwise.
Meddler's thoughts on support:
I'm in game so can't opinionate atm.
I have no idea how they do it, but I find it hard to believe there isn't a support champ basically aping every other role but ADC.They should look towards DotA and HotS on how they do supports. Both those games I dont mind and enjoy supporting at times.
League tho? Always gonna go teemo support cause man its a bore and unfun otherwise.
I think these would be preaching to the converted though rather than attracting new players. I think Riot just needs to accept not every one wants to play support.I really don't think adding more to the rotation would breed more support players.
It still boils down to support plays not being celebrated as well as killing sprees or chunking enemy health. They could add support related end of game stats like CC Duration Applied and make support actives more impactful and not just give bigger numbers. Puppeteer was a pretty cool item.
I think there's definitely some mileage in what you're saying here, the only problem is that a lot of support-like active items are already in the game via champ abilities (Kayle Ult, Zilean Ult etc) - these could be 'fun' active-items but they already exist.Item slots are still limited. You HAVE to get a Sightstone variant. You ESSENTIALLY need one slot for control wards and very rarely do I feel the need to replace control wards with an actual item even when I'm fully slotted and have a few thousand gold to spare. After boots, you really have only 2-3 items of your choice depending on your decision with your GP5 item. You have 2-3 items that makes you feel better, compared to others who have 4-5 chances to feel good about completing items.
Ghostblade rush is probable gone, Arpen nerfs and removal of AS makes it pointless for what ADCs bought it for. Duskblade I'm not sure, there's room for cheese with the new passive but I'm still not sold on it. Streamers were mostly going back to Reaver so maybe it won't be a thing either.
They should look towards DotA and HotS on how they do supports. Both those games I dont mind and enjoy supporting at times.
League tho? Always gonna go teemo support cause man its a bore and unfun otherwise.
Meddler's thoughts on support:
I'm in game so can't opinionate atm.
I really don't think adding more to the rotation would breed more support players.
It still boils down to support plays not being celebrated as well as killing sprees or chunking enemy health. They could add support related end of game stats like CC Duration Applied and make support actives more impactful and not just give bigger numbers. Puppeteer was a pretty cool item.
Alot of good points brought up by everyone but I want to focus on this.
HotS really does a good job of highlighting players achievements after game. After the match an MVP is picked(and many a time Ive seen supports get mvp. Brightwing is the most common) and a big voice over comes on whilst showing the champion, the players name is in bold, and it shows the best things they did ie healing done, part of kills, etc.
Then it highlights 4 other players and titles are given, ie Siege master for most damage to forts and what not. These can be from either team(win or lose), and the mvp tends to be from the winning team. Then both sides can vote on who they want to commend.
But its gratifying. In League, to play support feels bad. It doesnt feel fun. In dota or hots, usually the supports tend to have a strong toolset that lets them operate without having gold. In League, alot of supports need gold in order to operate or they fall behind. Supports cannot have strong CC either because that would be "unfun". So what ends up happening is support has some CC, but not enough to make them feel fun and strong. Thresh was an unique case where he had alltta CC and control in a lane, but theyve nerfed him hard over time and then came the surge of AP supports like zyra, they received changes that made them stronger, and Thresh fell behind.
I dunno. Support needs a complete rehaul. The goals should be that they need to make it fun, and they need to make it rewarding to play. The worst feeling in the game is being queued with randos, and feeling like you cant do anything because you are so dependent on your team in order to succeed.
Imagine supports with cheaps prices on support items or like having the same exp and gold as the adc or giving the adc exp by killing minions without using an specific item to use that skills but it would destroy LoL laning mechanics
Honestly if I were to make a fix for supports, itd be radical.
1-Remove items from supports.
2-drastically increase stat growth for supports.
3-offer a talent tree that lets you alter your base skills that you can pick every X levels
Basically, have a HotS style talent system for supports...not only would this make playing supports interesting, but it would push out non supports in the support lane. The talent system would allow supports to tailor their skills to who they are with and who they are against(imagine as a support, you can pick a talent that lets you target an ally and cleanse/make unstoppable).
Itd be interesting...playing support would be a unique thing to do in League, and a support wouldnt have the burden of worrying about gold...
...a complete retooling of support items, and only having these items available to support is another way to do it. Cheaper items, tailored to support, maybe alot of these items can be active so they can buffer their abilities...thats another way to do it.
Indeed, take the support role out of the scaling exp and gold of the other lanes but I am afraid we would see double adc or adcs with assassins and take the supports out the play so Riot have to reworks all the supports to be super aggresive on lane to keep up