lol wtf is Courage of the Colossus. Because the most braindead champs in the game needed a buff. Fucking Riot.
calm ur pants, it's preseason and it's already nerfed of pbe, probably coming to live this weeklol wtf is Courage of the Colossus. Because the most braindead champs in the game needed a buff. Fucking Riot.
Because his personality and voice are as flat as his sword
i really like ekko's design and he's fun, but something about him doesn't make me want to play him
yea that thread is really something
anyways apdo is cool but faker is best (and i'll never forget madlife...)
and flame
and watch
and peanut
Because his personality and voice are as flat as his sword
fuk u Apdo is God.
I thought Fervor nerfs dicked Ez overADC tier list patch 6.23
S+ Twitch, Vayne
S Jhin, Cait
A+ Sivir, Ez
A Jinx
Everyone else is garbage
F- (Might as well delete these champs, they don't do anything.)
Lucian, Kalista
He prob got hurt the least out of the ADCs tho. At least his Q counts as an auto attack.I thought Fervor nerfs dicked Ez over
A+ Sivir, Ez
A Jinx
Because he can't play Jinx properly.![]()
Winrate isn't everything, but why do you think they are better than Jinx?
-_-Because he can't play Jinx properly.
Jinx winrate is "special" because of how quickly she can end a game off a mistake. Her winrate will always be above 50% if she's good, doesn't necessarily mean she's super strong.![]()
Winrate isn't everything, but why do you think they are better than Jinx?
That usually applies to Ez, sure. He does have a reasonably high skill ceiling. Sivir still loses a lot more despite her being on par or easier to play than Jinx though.I think Ez does better against Twitch and Vayne than Jinx does. They're both garbage against Jhin though.
Ez just has a lower winrate because Jinx is really easy to play, Ez is tougher.
Jinx winrate is "special" because of how quickly she can end a game off a mistake. Her winrate will always be above 50% if she's good, doesn't necessarily mean she's super strong.
So I found that meteos thread on the league subreddit and someone linked to the russian vayne's voice acting. (make sure you're wearing headphones or something) Without context: holy shit what is this, who did this voice directing?. Seriously, if someone else is in the room you may want to make sure you're wearing headphones because it sounds more porn-y than Korean Ahri.
Team liquid is gonna be a bottom 4 team quote me on this
Just retire already, even Fabbbyyy played better than you did lol.
yeah i should probably do that
do u have like a quick runes/masteries setup + build?
i know i can it but lately i feel like i build nothing like
Best not to look to much into a normal game anyways. It's not an equal playing field like ranked is.
like when your team is gold and silver and then there's a diamond or two on the other team
based norms mm
If you're looking to improve the best way is solo q, and the second best is duo q.
I recommend playing a solo q game and posting back.
It doesn't matter much when you beat challenger or diamonds in a normal game as the player could be practicing that champ. Although it doesn't matter what happens in lane, some things do matter like his macro play. You could learn from them like map rotation and recall timings so it's not like it's not worth either. You just have to look for specific stuff to improve.
It doesn't matter much when you beat challenger or diamonds in a normal game as the player could be practicing that champ.
thanks for the tipsI've noticed some really bizarre trends with where their recommended item sets vary significantly from other websites. Nocturne is one off the top of my head. Most sites seem to indicate that warrior centric builds are stronger but has said bloodrazor for several months now (not that the difference is significant, and bloodrazor Noc is totally fine depending on the team comps).
For runes there's quite a bit that can work, but I found the best results with either AD or ArPen marks, armor or hp/lvl seals (either works, Sion is pretty healthy in the jungle), a mix of CDR/lvl and MR glyphs, and AD quints. I found better results with Ghost than Flash on jungle Sion, mostly due to the lower CD (I've actually been preferring in lots of junglers lately unless they have a flash-engage mechanic like Gragas).
Masteries are pretty evident. 12/0/18. Grab CotC in the defensive tree and get whatever you can that will help out your clear speeds on the offensive tree.
He's on the slower end of initial clear speeds, but he speeds up fine because everything is AoE and scales fairly well with points. Start W-Q-E and max Q (although data sites all indicate that W max has a slightly higher rate, I never tried it).
For builds Cinderhulk is an obvious must (bonus synergy with his W passive as well, which is easy to stack in the jungle). From there you have loads of options. Titanic Hydra, Black Cleaver, IBG, Deadman's, Visage vs. magic damage...Sion doesn't have significant power spike items the way Hecarim (Trinity Force) does for instance, but lots of stuff works on him too. My personal preference is Titanic Hydra for the extra clear speed and burst damage or BC for the helping out your physical damage dealers and some nice CDR.
Post 6 try to use you ult to do lane ganks. Using it to gank via the river like most champions is not a good idea because it's way easier to hit target moving parallel to your ult path than perpendicular. Added bonus, players in solo queue don't ward deep in the lane.